Beg, Barter, Steal
Battle Royale
Banana Etiquette
Bag of Tricks
Baby with a Machin
Arranging a Hit
Aren’t Brochachos
Are You Feeling Lu

Big Bad Wolf
Big Balls, Big Mou
Big Trek, Big Trou
Big Win, Big Decis
Blackmail or Betra
Blindside Time
Blood is Blood
Blood Is Thicker T
Blood of a Blindsi
Betrayals Are Going to Get Exposed. And They're Going to Get Exposed by the White House. When we get this done and when we start having more information come out, even the White House will realize that some of these people have to go to prison. As I've said before, I'd take one of the people in the Justice Department who were making the case against my campaign and put them up against Rudy Giuliani, a great American patriot who would have made a good president, the kind of president we need. I'd take them up against Rudy Giuliani and say, look, you're Giuliani's defense lawyer. We're giving you the opportunity to go and be a defense lawyer for somebody against whom there is not only probable cause, it's a mountain of it. There's mountains of it. But they're not doing anything about it because they're too busy trying to destroy the president of the United States for political purposes, not legal purposes. This can't go on. These are people who have spent their entire careers using taxpayer money to fund legal enterprises to try to destroy people who they disagree with politically. That's what they did to the president of the United States. That's what they did to me. There will come a day of reckoning for these people, I promise you. And let me tell you, they've got to be held accountable. This can't go on. There are other people that don't deserve a place in this administration at all that are still in it. One of them, Sean Spicer, he is now up there, one of the most talented people in the world at what he does, and he can spin, and he can put up this show for a while. I mean, the one thing I'll say about Sean is I know him. He's a very nice person. I know him well. I like him. He worked for me. But he should not be helping to put on this fake show for the American people because there are so many other people who can do it so much better. And these are people that are in our administration, and we have this kind of a phony show going on that in some ways is worse than what we had before. We didn't have fake news going on against us. These are very, very dishonest people. I think it's a good thing that the press is writing about it because maybe the American people will understand how dishonest these people are, how corrupt these people are, and we'll get rid of them soon. I can tell you. They're laughing. They're absolutely outraged. I've seen reports. They're running around like chicken little. You remember that story? He's running around like chicken little trying to, you know, see the sky falling and all that. It's so bad. Nobody has ever seen anything like this before, where more people are fired for having done more work over a two-year period than in any administration probably in the history of the United States. I'm telling you, people are really fired. They are so scared. You've been reading the stories. They say things are so terrible. Look, we're doing a great job. We're building things. We've created a lot of jobs. We have a tremendous economy. But if you don't start telling the truth, you've got to be kidding me. When you're at this very low level, why would you admit to it? It's a disgrace. It's an absolute disgrace, a witch hunt, like there's never been in the history of our country. They got the people that did the investigation, and it's a disgrace. There has never been anything like this, where more people are being dismissed -- by the way, they've got them investigating the investigators. There's never been anything like this. When you look at these bad reports, and you see all of these people leaving the administration and administration officials, it's a very, very sad thing to see. It's a very, very bad thing for our country. It's not only a witch hunt. It's a disgrace. It's a terrible thing for our country. And we'll be able to figure it out. But we will figure it out. When we get it figured out, and when we see what's going on in the House, when we see what's going on with the Senate and all these other things, we'll be able to figure it out. But this is a terrible thing for our country. When you see all these people leaving the administration, when you see what's going on with McCabe, with Comey and with the other people, this is a very, very bad thing. And we are going to make it right. We're going to make it right. We will be able to find out what's happened, but we're going to find out, I guarantee. And then we'll be able to make corrections, but this is a very bad thing. This is a very, very bad thing for our country, and we're going to get it all straightened out. We've got a very divided country. We've got a very divided country -- more divided than people even understand. This is a divided country like no other. You look at what's going on with different people, and you see people being driven by their hatred -- a lot of hatred. You see these people going to rallies, they're doing a tremendous disservice to our country, when they say, we don't want to let in more immigrants into this country -- in this case, many of them are great people -- some of these are great people, but they're driving people into the middle of the road, and they're creating terror. And there are other people. There are other people. There are some people with tremendous hatred. Some of it is institutional. Some of it is deep seated. Some of it is deep seated. And we're going to come together, and I will tell you, the people that are currently in this administration will do a much better job. We will get rid of ISIS. We're going to defeat ISIS. ISIS is not -- this administration has not done a good job in dealing with ISIS. This administration should have never let them get started in the first place. It was a mess from the beginning. You look at what's happening with the caliphate, it's a disaster, it's a disaster. And this will be done with me as president, and it will be done easily and quickly. We will defeat ISIS. We will defeat these people. It will be gone. What's happening in North Korea? Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Who would have thought that when I came into office, North Korea would have this kind of power? But that's what's happening. And you should go to your cable news program and you should see them having their meetings about the nuclear things that are being done, and you should see some of the people that are involved with this, and you should see how badly they are doing. That's where we are. And we'll continue to negotiate. And we'll come out fine and people don't understand how well we do. And it's going to get better. I've said this before, and I have my good friend, and he knows this, he knows this better than probably anybody. But I've been saying it now for almost two years. I've been saying it. I've been saying it from the beginning. We have a very big country. We're respected all over the world. We have the greatest people on earth representing us around the globe, and I will tell you, these people that are giving the problems -- because they're making a fortune at the United Nations. And they're taking advantage of the United Nations and our country, and they are sending us millions and billions of dollars. And these are the people that are putting America last. I will tell you, the American people are smart. We will take care of our country. We will take care of our workers. We will take care of our farmers. And we're going to be able to have plenty of money to pay our bills, and we're going to be able to do things properly. I'll also tell you this, I will tell you what we have to do. A lot of countries are taking advantage of us. They're taking advantage of us on trade. They're taking advantage of us. I will tell you, you read what goes out for them to the trade magazine. They're taking advantages of us, and they have destroyed their countries. They don't help our farmers.