Apple in the Garde
Appearances are De
Anything Could Hap
Anger, Threats, Te
Anger, Tears and C
An Evil Thought
An Emerging Plan
Amazon Redux
Always Be Moving
All Hell Breaks Lo

Are You Feeling Lu
Aren’t Brochachos
Arranging a Hit
Baby with a Machin
Bag of Tricks
Banana Etiquette
Battle Royale
Beg, Barter, Steal
Are We Gonna Live on Exile Island?!? The episode starts with the gang on Exile Island. Amber says that they will be gone for a long time and that Amber will die, but they would be safe from the outside world. Amber calls Jeff home. It is time to do a merge! Jefra says she'll go with Gervase because she thinks he knows the most about Exile Island. Jeff thinks that people will vote out Gervase, so he will be safe for a while. Jeff & Jefra have to think about the merge! Jeff & Jeff are on Exile Island with Chris and Jefra. Jeff wants to vote off either Jefra or Chris. Jeff knows who they'll vote for and says they shouldn't vote for him. Jefra tells Jeff she voted for Gervase. Jeff wants them to stay away from the fire pit, because they will burn to death! Yikes! Luckily, Jeff gets the key. Jeff & Jeff have to cook dinner on Exile Island. Jeff says he's very tired and wants to go back to camp. He wishes he had a hot shower. They say it was hard to cook dinner. Jeff still makes an omelette but Jefra has issues making it. Jeff says it tastes awful. Jefra says, "How do you expect me to make a nice omelette in the shape of a snake?" Then he tells her to make a nice omelette in the shape of a snake. Jeff says it tastes so bad, it is actually not bad. He thinks it needs lots of butter. He adds more cream to Jefra's omelette, but it still tastes bad! This is how they cook dinner! It is time for the Immunity Challenge. The challenge is a tug of war with your feet. Every ten seconds they change hands. Each person is tied to the rope and is in one spot at a time. Jeff & Jeff have to do a tug of war, and he wins for Team Jeff! Jeff & Jeff must do the rope climbing! Jeff wins for Team Jeff! Jeff & Jeff have to do the rope climbing! Jefra wins for Team Jeff! The merge starts as Jeff & Jeff, the Jeffs, Jefra & Gervase, and Jefra & Gervase face each other. Jeff & Jeff win the second immunity. Jeff & Jeff won both Immunity Challenges. Jeff & Jeff have a chance to save themselves and choose Amber & Gervase to vote with. Jeff doesn't have to choose who goes home. Jeff & Jeff vote to remove Jefra & Gervase! Jefra & Gervase are sent packing and Exile Island is destroyed! Jeff & Jeff talk with Chris. The Jeffs are feeling pretty good. Chris is thinking they will be voted out soon. They think that their tribe will vote off the remaining Jeffs. The tribe is voting to take out Jeff & Jeff. The Jeffs are confused about that vote! Jeff talks to Chris after the votes are read. They are shocked because they wanted Jeff & Jeff to stay. They think it will be a blindside. Jeff has mixed feelings about the merge and how Jefra will handle it! Jeff thinks she is gonna be really upset. Jeff calls out James, Adam, John, and Jason. They voted Jeff & Jeff off the show, and Jeff isn't going to let them off easy. Jeff talks to the group of the tribe. The only thing they can do is go forward, not back! Jeff asks if they can keep the tribe strong. Adam says no, because you have to stand on your feet. Jeff is surprised because his tribe will vote to get rid of him for some reason! Jeff & Jeff got voted off. Jeff knew they would be getting the votes when they returned! Jeff says they will have to win a competition. John thinks it will be "Survivor-ish" to compete, and Jeff says it will be very Survivor-ish! They are competing against someone named James for a reward. James & Jeff beat Jason. They will give Jason an advantage in the next challenge. Jeff looks forward to seeing the Jeffs on TV. The Jeffs go home! Jeff says Jeff & Jeff voted for them, and they voted for him! Jeff says it isn't his fault, but Jeff feels that it was partly his fault! Jeff is going to take a nap. A few minutes later, he wakes up because it is time for Tribal Council. Jeff thinks their tribe has no plans, and they will be gone soon! Jeff and Jeff talk about Jeff & Jeff being voted out. Jeff doesn't see any problems with that. Jeff is shocked that it has been happening in his favor for the past two episodes. Jeff wakes up. He thinks that Adam or John voted for Jeff & Jeff. Jeff hopes that the rest of the tribe voted for Adam or John. Jeff goes to Tribal Council. Chris is wearing Jeff & Jeff's jacket and cap. Jeff thinks it is odd that they are wearing each other's clothes. They sit down and Jeff says that Jeff & Jeff will be safe for a long time! Jeff is wearing the Jeff & Jeff t-shirt! That t-shirt is going around! He isn't wearing his own clothes! Jeff says that if Jeff & Jeff had been voted off, it would have been a really bad idea. Jeff doesn't understand that voting for a Jeff would have been good, but Jeff thinks it was a bad idea! Jeff talks about the Jeff & Jeff tribe, saying they were very nice people. Jeff thinks Jefra is going to be very angry. Jeff talks to Jefra about Tribal Council. Jeff thinks the Jeff & Jeff tribe has to work hard to stay in the game. He would love to see them win the game! He wishes he was in their position. Jeff talks to Jefra about winning immunity, and Jeff knows that Jefra would like him to win immunity for them. Jeff thinks they will find a way to win the next Immunity Challenge, and Jeff & Jeff will win another Immunity Challenge and another vote off. Jeff talks to Chris about their alliance. Jeff doesn't know if the tribe will change. He thinks it's a fifty/fifty split. He thinks the tribe will stick together for a little while. Jeff hopes they can win some challenges! Jeff thinks that the tribe will vote out an Adam and will send a John home. Jeff talks to Jefra about the vote off, saying they are in trouble because they are already down a member. He thinks Jeff & Jeff could win the next Immunity Challenge. He can't understand how the tribe voted off Jeff & Jeff, and he wants his vote to be the only vote that counts. Jeff & Jeff voted for their friends, but other Jeffs voted for them. Jeff says it was a great challenge, and he would like to work with Jefra. He hopes the tribe will work with him, but Jeff knows that the tribe will vote him out first! He thinks that Jeff & Jeff will win the next Immunity Challenge and that will earn them another chance to be voted off. He knows that is his best chance. He doesn't know if he should vote for himself or Chris. Jeff doesn't care who gets voted off, so long as they lose! Jeff and Jeff have two new people to work with. Jeff wants to start off working with Jefra, and he hopes she will be okay with it. Jeff thinks they will work hard at the Immunity Challenge. Jeff is glad they lost the last Immunity Challenge because it was easy. Jeff thinks he will be an easy target! Jeff thinks the tribe wants to work hard at the next challenge. He thinks they will be able to work on it for a while and it will come out good. Jeff wants to try different things to win. He says that the winning thing would be amazing! Jeff knows that they will work hard at the next challenge because they have been working hard on all the other challenges. Jeff isn't ready to vote, but his friends think he will be voted out soon. Jeff knows