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It Could All Backfire." And this is something I'm thinking about. Because it seems there has been another attack by white men and white police officers in a Walmart in a black neighborhood. Apparently, they pulled up right in front of the store and just started shooting into the crowd. So they probably, just from the start, had this thing all planned out. And it's just going to get uglier, and uglier, and uglier until we can't go into these places anymore. BERMAN: What's happened to us? CROWLEY: I don't know. I don't know. And that's exactly the point that the NAACP, the ACLU, the Justice Department, should not be the policing force for police departments and law enforcement departments. You need a trained body that comes in to try to help. We have many of those. The Justice Department said they would do something about this. They're not doing anything about this. The Justice Department should do something about this. BOLDUAN: We were talking about this earlier this week, and, of course, it was in the face of the horrific killings in Charleston. It seemed to be an attempt to address something that a lot of people believe. The president did seem to use this as an opportunity to talk about race and police-community relations. But I think what you're saying, what's just happening, is that the problem has gotten worse. BOLDUAN: The problem got worse after Charleston. CROWLEY: Yeah, and we're back now in an insane situation. But how do you do it? I mean, how do you actually get a community to say, OK, OK, the police may not be on our side, but we have no choice but to deal with them and to deal with what you know is the reality of race in this country? Because if that didn't change, all these problems would never change. And we know there is no, there's no magic wand to make this all better, but we really need something to change and get better. BOLDUAN: In the meantime, you know, there's been a lot of talk about the Michael Brown case. There was a grand jury that has not yet come back. We're waiting for the Michael Brown's family. They're going to make a decision about a settlement with the city and county of Ferguson. What happens next here, do you think, in light of what we're hearing, that they may make some adjustments in their pursuit of this? CROWLEY: I don't know. Look, I don't know about the Michael Brown case. We don't know, but we really should know about the Michael Brown case, and we should get to know about it soon. But in the meantime, you know, there is a question here, this case in Georgia here, whether or not they're going to try that police officer on manslaughter charges. I don't think they should do that, but I think we should do it to begin the process of what you see is a failure. You see a failure. You know, but the problem is going to continue to exist because of this. And it can be made better, but that's not really the issue. BOLDUAN: OK. BLITZER: All right. Susan, thanks very much. Appreciate it. A lot more to discuss when we return. The U.S. military sending a warship and fighter jets into the northern Arabian Sea to take out a reported Iranian drone. BOLDUAN: U.S. officials say the American warship fired dozens of missiles at the drone when it flew dangerously close to an American warship. An Iranian military commander says Tehran has seized the drone after it went down in the Persian Gulf in the Strait of Hormuz. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) [14:16:18] BERMAN: What did a U.S. warship do to an Iranian drone flying near the Strait of Hormuz? No one is saying. A U.S. official tells CNN the warship took action and it was defensive. Iran's military says it shot down the drone. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As we said earlier, we have received word that an American surveillance aircraft violated our airspace in the Strait of Hormuz. And we shot it down. (END VIDEO CLIP) BERMAN: And the video is dramatic and it shows what appears to be a U.S. warship firing a barrage of missiles into the drone as it circles above. The New York Times is reporting this drone was on a surveillance mission and came within 1,000 yards of the warship, but it's not clear who it belonged to or what they were surveilling. But the surveillance mission is important to underline. It's the first time we've seen an armed Iranian drone flying in this manner. But there's a lot going on in the region. A U.S. official just telling us the American warship did fire on the drone, took action. The White House is standing by, the Pentagon is standing by, saying they're not aware of any U.S. operation in that area of the Strait of Hormuz at this point in time, but this is how these things can go terribly wrong. BLITZER: It does sound like what a lot of people fear is happening, but when they see things like that, there's a lot that doesn't come out. This drone may have gotten loose by itself. But I think a lot of people were concerned the Iranians may have attacked a U.S. warship or some American navy ship in the region. And they stopped that from happening, didn't they? BERMAN: Well, we don't know exactly what was going on because the Pentagon hasn't said much. They told us last week they had some sort of missile and gun exercise off the coast of Florida. The U.S. commander in charge of the Middle East had said that the American military regularly conducts those types of operations in the region to make sure, you know, that everybody is watching out for each other's planes and ships and helicopters and so forth. They won't give us a lot of information on this, but we know this drone got into Iranian airspace and apparently flew south, came close to this U.S. warship, and the American warship fired missiles at it, got it, and then it went down. So the Iranian military spokesman is saying this drone was surveilling their own country. But one thing we do know. This drone was not a U.S. drone. It was an Iranian drone. BLITZER: The Iranians have shot down an American drone in the past. BOLDUAN: In the Strait of Hormuz. BLITZER: In the Strait of Hormuz, right. BERMAN: In a similar manner, by the way. BLITZER: Because it's not a big deal to them. BOLDUAN: But what's very interesting here, Jack, this drone, was it flying over international waters or was it inside Iranian territorial waters? So that could be an important factor as to what -- why this happened and why the U.S. ship fired at this drone. BERMAN: It could be very significant if it was in international waters and the United States shot it down, and we're right there in the case of, you know, we have a warship in the Strait of Hormuz and we're not going to put up with it. But this is a very dynamic and tense situation there. BOLDUAN: What do you think? I know it's going to be difficult to speculate exactly what happened, but what is your gut tell you is going on? BLITZER: I will say this. These drones are becoming a whole lot more sophisticated and they're very important in terms of intelligence gathering. We know they can fly for a long period of time. We also know they can get damaged. So what we saw in this case, the U.S. official told us that this drone was on an intelligence mission, was apparently in the region flying with the intelligence drones. The U.S. said they were surprised when this drone came so close to that warship in the Strait of Hormuz, and of course, there was the concern that this may have been a surveillance mission and that this may have been about to be an attack. So, there's a lot that we don't know. BLITZER: Yes, Jack. We do know that the Iranians, we believe, seized another U.S. drone in the Strait of Hormuz. Jack? BOLDUAN: OK. Yes. (CROSSTALK) BLITZER: OK. That's happening now, as well. OK. I'm sure you know as well as I do it's going to be a big news story all day today and all night long because this is a big news story. The Navy has sent more ships to the area around the Persian Gulf. And they have moved an aircraft carrier in there as well. The Pentagon's also sending more forces to the region. They have announced at least 20,000 additional troops are headed to