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It Smells Like Success To me, the most underrated component of any job search is simply that of maintaining a positive attitude. If you feel confident about what you are doing, it will show. That confidence may result in higher energy levels, a positive attitude, and a much more pleasant experience for the employer. On the other hand, if you’re unhappy with what you’re doing, you certainly won’t feel or act like you’re “living the dream.” Even if it’s the right fit for you and you genuinely enjoy the work, not feeling fulfilled in your job is not going to be a selling point to anyone. In order to maintain a positive attitude, we recommend keeping things in perspective. Even if the job search is a little difficult, or if you have bad days from time to time, remind yourself that it’s not forever. And, if you’re struggling and want to talk about it, you have lots of great resources at your fingertips. Make sure that you are in touch with our office, and make use of our free resources. If you are unhappy with your current position, your current career path, or your current company, take action, step outside your comfort zone and explore what else is out there. No job is a dream job forever; if you’re struggling in your career or stuck in a dead-end job, sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to figure things out. It may just be what you need to do. So what do you think? Have you found yourself in the same job or career for more than a few years? What have you done to break out of that rut? I believe that this is one of the key topics for those individuals who want to take the first step towards a better life. I’ve always wanted to be self-employed so I started my business when I was 28, then I went back to college to get a BA in English. I have a passion for writing and that has become a huge part of my career. I’ve come out of the corporate world and found a job as an on-site recruiter in the non-profit sector. I think a positive attitude helps everyone. If you are unhappy you’ll reflect your unhappiness in your surroundings and people around you will pick up on it and feed off it. Keep it positive and your colleagues will keep feeding you positivity. I think this is such a wonderful insight for anyone looking to improve their chances in getting a job. No matter how long you have been in the work force, it is so important to keep your spirits up and maintain a positive attitude. As a job seeker, my confidence has gotten me some interviews that I would not have had otherwise. If you don’t have an interview lined up, don’t be afraid to practice, practice, practice. Have an informational interview, do a mock interview at home. If you keep going at it, you’ll be able to talk about yourself and your goals with confidence. And with practice and hard work, you will be better and better prepared every time you try. Thanks for such a thoughtful comment! @Stacy, I know this is an old post, but I think this is really great advice for any job seeker. I personally really like the idea of keeping things in perspective and looking for silver linings. Thanks for sharing your perspective! I actually have been unemployed for a few months. I have kept the same career path, but have not worked at the same place. I think it is because I felt frustrated and overwhelmed by how long it has taken me to find something. My new position is in a new area, where I know nobody. It is a very difficult experience, but I look at it as an opportunity. As my old boss once told me, “If you don’t feel like being a doctor, you don’t have to be a doctor.” The old adage “it is what it is” is so very true. And when it is what it is, it’s just what it is. So don’t waste your time worrying about what it could have been, but be grateful that it’s what it is, right now. Great post Heather! I think when I had this problem at my last job, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, but I ended up landing my dream job (which I wouldn’t have gotten if I had given up). I can’t stress how important it is to stay positive and I think that I didn’t do that with my attitude. As you’ve already mentioned, when we’re faced with disappointments or obstacles we have a tendency to look at things from a negative perspective. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those people that never gets disappointed or sad. I just think the key to staying positive in these tough times is to just remind yourself that there are many more ups than downs and even those downs will pass. Keep this mindset and you’ll soon realize that things will turn around. I have recently started my own business and am very pleased with myself and also very excited to get working for myself. I’m glad I decided to get a new job when I did. At times I have felt a little lost in my job as the role is so different to what I have done before, but I’m also very lucky that the role has given me an outlet for a lot of things I love and a new skill set which I can use on my CV. If you can give up a little bit of your current role in order to give yourself more time to gain more experience then you will be very happy with your new career. If you stay positive you will have a much easier time landing a job and in general, it will be much more enjoyable than having to work in a job that you’re not happy with. So my advice is to enjoy the journey and keep your options open and don’t be afraid to switch jobs. If you do this you will be successful. Thanks for sharing your story and advice! So true, the negativity can be so debilitating and even drive us to distraction. I agree that you’ll be much better off to take what you’ve learned from past experiences and move forward. A new start is always refreshing. I’m excited for you and excited to hear about your new career! This post really touched my heart. It has been awhile since I had an idea to do something else but now I feel like doing it. I am actually so happy that I ended up in this position, although at times it is difficult, but I always remind myself that there are so many more upsides rather than downsides. Keeping a positive attitude helps me to look at all aspects of this new situation in a new light. Thank you for sharing your personal journey, we appreciate the advice and insight! I would say that you are already very successful if you can work a flexible, but not necessarily high paying job and still find satisfaction in your life. It can be challenging to get your head around this concept, but when you really look at it you realize that it’s not so hard to attain. I also think having a passion and a drive helps as well. For me, it’s about being able to enjoy what I do, in the present moment. I find that I need to do this as a way of being and so it’s just part of my daily routine. It sounds cliche, but being happy with what I do and having my own business, and doing so on my own terms (I’m still young and working towards my goals) is a gift to myself. It makes me happy knowing that I have a more fulfilling life by being able to follow my dreams and doing what I love! You sound like you have had a great attitude and outlook on your life. We definitely agree with you that