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Reap What You Sow”. The name of the band could be a reference to the story of the Biblical character “Esau” which was passed to the Jewish nation via the Phoenician peoples. What is of particular interest is that it is thought that the tribe of Esau was the original tribe of Jews. Esau’s mother Rebekah was from the lineage of Jacob (Abraham). As we will see, Esau has strong occult links. In a lecture, Alan Moore, author and comic book writer, said, “Esau is a cipher for the Jewish tribe. Jews and Jews alone know Esau and can connect the dots back to their ancient past. Esau represents them and what they want: to reclaim their land.” With this in mind, it is no surprise that many researchers have pointed out that the Illuminati’s favourite symbol, the swastika, is not a religious symbol, but in fact a pagan hieroglyph of the god Baal which stands for “life and fertility.” A. E. Waite (1857-1942), also known as A. E. Antony, was a British occultist who was also a Rosicrucian and Kabbalist. In his writings he had an obsession with this esoteric topic. However, while he also identified the swastika as a pagan/satanic symbol, his conclusions seem to have been inspired more by the belief that it was the occult symbol of Rebekah, the wife of Esau. Waite’s biography tells us the following about the meaning of Esau: “Esau (whose name in Hebrew is עשו‎, means "desirable") was the elder son of Isaac and Rebecca. Esau means "hairy" in Hebrew, and it is said that Esau had the habit of scratching himself with thorns and stubble. Esau's birth name was Edom. Esau's mother was Leah’s daughter, and through Rebecca Esau was thus a direct descendant of Abraham. Esau was a hunter, a warrior, and a man of great physical strength. In time he made his home in Mount Seir (Mt. Esau). In those days Seir signified "the land of the hairy ones" - literally "hairy ones." According to the lore of the Hebrews, the Hebrew land was said to be the chosen home of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Later it came to signify the whole land of Palestine, so that Seir was the land which was in times past to the Hebrews, and to the present day is the homeland of the Jews. (But it is also said that Esau later lost his identity in the land of Seir. The symbol of Esau's identity is not at all a good omen for a country. It has come to mean its loss of identity as a whole.)” Like many others, Waite suggests that Esau was synonymous with the Biblical Jacob. In fact he argues that “Jacob is another name of Esau and Esau another name of Jacob. Esau becomes Jacob. Jacob becomes Esau.” It is significant that the name “Jacob” itself means “one who supplants, supplant, supplants”, but that there is another meaning: to be supplanted. In the Bible this is the name given to Joseph, the son of Rachel. The name “Joseph” means “supplanter”, or “he who supplants”, but the word means “God has added” or “has saved”. The reason that people are supplanted, supplanting, or supplanted is because they are of the tribe of the supplanters, not the supplanted. In fact, in some cases they were not supplanted at all, but in fact the supplanting was the work of a demon. This is just another occultist hint at this process. “In our language [English], the name Jacob means “he who supplants,” or as it is often translated, “supplanter,” “supplant,” or “supplanta.” These are the same meanings as in Hebrew. The word “Jacob” comes from a root meaning “to supplant.” While this does not appear to have been the exact meaning of the name when it was first uttered in Genesis 29:31, it certainly seems to have been a meaning the patriarch later came to accept as his own, and this meaning would come to be applied to his whole lineage. Even as Esau supplants his brother, the supplanting is the work of God, and God is indeed at work in and through Jacob. God is supplanting Esau by the hand of Joseph.” When applied to Jacob, the supplanter becomes Esau. A. E. Waite continues the story by adding: “The identity of Esau (as Rebekah’s firstborn son, who supplanted his brother Jacob and his father Isaac) meant that this individual was no less chosen by God than Jacob (Jacob the supplanter).” Jacob and Esau being the heads of the two tribes which fought one another. Esau’s tribe was located eastward near the city of Babylon. The head-dress of Esau’s tribe was on his head. The book of Genesis tells us that Esau was so displeased with the birth of Jacob that he called upon his god “El-Elyon” (God Most High) to curse Jacob. In exchange for his blessing, Esau agreed to give Jacob a pot of red stew. The pot of stew was the symbol of their connection, which was sealed by a drinking of the stew. The redness of the stew symbolised their connection with one another. It was the red stew which Esau had refused to share with Jacob. Esau was in fact angry with Jacob, he would have his younger son be Jacob’s heir, as in a lot of European culture. However, Esau was eventually appeased by Jacob. The story of Esau, Jacob, and Esau’s connection to the descendants of Jews, may shed some light into what may be the connection between “Esau’s army” and the modern-day followers of Judaism. Many people argue that Jacob and Esau, rather than being direct ancestors of the Jews, are more properly the ancestors of the Druids and the Khazars. It seems that a direct relationship between Rebekah and the Jews of the Bible is more apparent. The name "Babel" (בַּבְּלֶה) means "to confuse, to get mixed up", and the name "Reuel" (רְאוּל) means “God of God.” In Old Testament times, this referred to El Elyon, or the Great god of the Heavens. This is the same name as "Reveal" (רְאוֹת) meaning "reveal," as seen in Genesis 28:12-13 where Isaac "reveals" that Rebekah is pregnant to Esau. The name "Reuel" is a form of the name of the Israelite god El. At some point after the Bible, according to the Babylonian Talmud, it was discovered that the Jewish tribes of Reuben and Ephraim (tribes descended from Esau) were descendants of the Mesopotamian King Sennacherib of Assyria and his wife Asenath. The descendants of Esau were thus rebranded as the Jewish “tribes.” The Sennacherib connection would seem to indicate Esau’s connection with the city of Babylon which could point to the Esau tribe in relation to the modern day city of Babylon. Jacob and Esau represent the two tribes of Esau and Reuben, however this connection can be extended to Esau’s tribe which was the tribe of Esau, and also to Reuben who is the symbol of the tribe of Judah, the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob and Esau have played an integral role in occultism, both before the time of Moses. Esau was the chief of the Edomite tribe, and was known for hunting. He was an expert hunter. This may point to a connection to modern witches who have been traditionally known as the “familiars” or “witches’ familiars”. In these cases the witch is said to be able to transform into their familiar through a “shape shift.” They then become their familiar through the connection with the demon. So, Esau’s affinity with the wilderness (and their hunting) may be connected to their practising of witchcraft as a spiritual practise of “familiars.” This is also reflected by the modern use of animals, especially dogs, to represent “families.” In many cultures the dog is seen as having a strong link to their family. Jacob and Esau would come to have an even more profound influence on the occult. In the story of Abraham and Isaac in the Book of Genesis, God warns Abraham that his son Ishmael was not the right heir to be Abraham’s heir, rather that it was Esau who was the chosen one to be blessed and to take the blessing of Abraham. According to the book of Genesis, the blessing given by Isaac and Rebekah to Jacob and Esau were their descendants (the Jews), who were to be a blessing to the entire world