Plan Voodoo
Pick-up Sticks
Pick A Tribemate
Pick a Castaway...
Persona Non Grata
Perilous Scramble
Perception is Not
People That You Li
Parting Is Such Sw
Panicked, Desperat

Play or Go Home
Play to Win
Playing with the D
Price for Immunity
Pulling the Trigge
Q and A
Quick on the Draw
Ready to Bite the
Ready to Play Like
Reap What You Sow
Plan Z. P. Li, X. C. Lou, Y. N. M. Tung and M. H. Wu, Phys. Rev. D [**43**]{}, (1991) 140. K. Sasaki, N. Sasaki and T. Yanagida, Phys. Lett. B [**494**]{}, 117 (2000). A. D. Linde and D. H. Lyth, Phys. Lett. B [**246**]{}, 353 (1990). K. A. Olive, G. Steigman and T. P. Walker, Phys. Rept.  [**333**]{}, 389 (2000). [^1]: email address: [^2]: email address: [^3]: We have checked the consistency of these results with Ref. [@Sugiyama-etal]. [^4]: Our definition of $Q$ differs from theirs by a factor of $1/\sqrt{2}$. [^5]: We use the notation $B-L$ in place of $L_{3}-L_{4}$, to avoid the confusion with $L_1 - L_2$. [^6]: We have computed a few higher-order corrections for the asymmetry in the $Q$-asymmetry direction. However, because they are not available as a single number, we can not show it here. [^7]: Notice that the difference is of ${\cal O}(\theta^6)$ as compared to the naive estimation in Eq. (\[DeltaN\]). [^8]: This estimation holds as long as $x \gg 1$, which is the case in our analysis. [^9]: We have checked that the mass squared difference and the mixing angle can be determined without loss of precision by only using $\lambda_{3}$ and $\lambda_7$. [^10]: We have checked that the results for $Q$ and $P$ with the potential given by the tree-level approximation is practically the same as that for $\theta_s \simeq 0.1$. [^11]: The mass scale $M_{X}$ is a few times of $10^{10}$ GeV, which is the order of the scale at which the right-handed neutrino is decoupled. [^12]: Since the magnitude of CP-violating parameters for $L$ are fixed to be small from neutrino oscillation data and neutrinoless double beta decay, we ignore them in this subsection. [^13]: In this case, all three light neutrinos have almost degenrate masses, for simplicity, we have ignored the small mass difference among the three light neutrinos. [^14]: We also include the higher order corrections to the neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix given in Eq. (\[NHnu\]). [^15]: Since the CP-violating asymmetry in the direction $N_{2}N_{3}$ is of ${\cal O}(\theta^{6})$, this asymmetry is much smaller than that of $N_{1}N_{3}$.