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This Is Extortion': Amazon Employees Stage Massive Worker Walkout Over Coronavirus Response,” by David Streitfeld and Jessica Cohn, NYT, March 27, 2020: The article reads: “For the past week, employees at a fulfillment center in Minnesota have been calling in sick in numbers large enough to affect the entire operation. The number of reported COVID-19 cases at that facility has grown rapidly, and employees are worried about their jobs as Amazon is closing fulfillment centers and urging employees to work from home. The situation is emblematic of the growing discontent inside Amazon over its safety precautions and how it is managing its workforce.” “Amazon says it has taken steps to protect employees, and the company said that last year it hired hundreds of health-care professionals and increased investments to expand telehealth services. It said it had also taken steps to hire more warehouse workers. Amazon acknowledged that it was hiring hundreds of ‘fulfillment center' employees and noted that the role is vital to helping deliver Amazon packages. But the workers at the Minnesota site ‘often feel dehumanized,’ said Collen Kinnunen, a software engineer at Amazon for more than six years, adding that Amazon often describes their jobs as ‘grunt work.'” Amazon: Our Workers Must Make Sure We're Providing Essential Needs to Our Customers. #AmazonFulfillment — Amazon News (@amazonnews) April 7, 2020 The article continues: “A current Amazon employee, who is not one of those at the New Jersey facility but requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press, said that employees were fed up and wanted to be reassured that their safety was being considered before the surge of cases at the New Jersey site. At one point, a worker at the site tested positive for the coronavirus and worked at least two additional days before she was medically removed from the job and told she could no longer return. The woman is now self-quarantining, according to her colleague, but remains worried about whether Amazon is concerned about employee safety when it has not taken similar measures. Another colleague confirmed that the woman had indeed been quarantined. “The employee said that another colleague of theirs had come down with the coronavirus and reported to work for five days before going to the hospital, although Amazon has not confirmed that the employee was sick with COVID-19. On Thursday, a worker at the facility tested positive for the virus. Two other Amazon employees had tested positive on Thursday, and a third employee was placed in quarantine on Friday. The Minnesota-based employee said that the Minnesota health department reported on Friday that there was ‘no evidence’ of the coronavirus among their employees, despite an increasing number of cases among the facility’s 3,000 employees. The Minnetonka-based employee said they were still ‘stressed and uneasy’ on Monday, and were frustrated by Amazon’s response. Amazon has been sending out statements via email urging employees to stay safe. On Tuesday, one of their leaders sent a message to employees in the warehouse district saying that ‘safety is our top priority.’ The Minnetonka-based employee said that they did not find the message to be sufficient or heartfelt.” Weeks ago, Amazon announced in a statement that it was working with CDC and the World Health Organization and had a team of health experts “on the ground in China,” and that it was using contact tracing and data analysis to trace and test workers who test positive for COVID-19. The statement said: “While we’re working to minimize potential exposure, Amazon is committed to doing our part to ensure the safety and health of our teams globally as COVID-19 continues to impact communities across the world,” Amazon spokeswoman Melanie Etches said in a statement to CBS News. The article quotes a current employee: “In recent weeks, the fear has not only spread from co-workers to families, but it’s reached an alarming level within workers’ households. The fact that Amazon has refused to take its workers seriously speaks to the fact that it’s prioritizing profits over people, something they have already been accused of before. A spokesperson for Amazon told the CBS news team that the company has taken ‘precautionary measures’ such as providing hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies to workers. A statement from Amazon said it is providing 100 percent of pay for two weeks to all its employees, and it plans to donate an additional $25 million in grants and bonuses to workers affected by COVID-19. In its statement, Amazon said that “we’re aware that some of our associates are feeling uneasy about COVID-19 and what it might mean for them and their families. We're committed to doing our part to ensure the health and well-being of our teams around the world, and we've been thinking about ways to reduce the worry. We've worked with organizations like the American Psychological Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and many other groups to ensure we have the information and guidance that anyone who might be concerned can use to keep themselves and their families healthy.” In February, CBS’s San Francisco affiliate SFGate interviewed an Amazon employee who said that she was forced to wear her mask even when leaving the facility. She was told she had to wear it at all times. Cases of COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, have infected more than 180,000 people across the world. The World Health Organization has officially classified COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The Coronavirus Outbreak is a Scam: Don't believe the hype! China did this to its own people. It will end just like the others. Don't fall for it. I think it is no more dangerous than any of the seasonal flu's. And, to make matters worse, the so called 'herd immunity' from a vaccine is not real and has never worked. Just ask the people of Africa how well that has worked for them. (China) Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus, so far is has been found in approximately 180 humans. This is the same as SARS, MERS, Ebola and other viral diseases. These viruses do NOT live outside the human body for extended periods of time. The virus will NOT be found living in any kind of water source or any other natural source. (Not in humans, animals or food) There is no evidence to support that COVID-19 has the ability to mutate. Coronavirus has a very low mutation rate, which is about the same as the common flu virus. (Both mutate every year and then go into hibernation/fall dormant) Coronavirus, like any other virus, has no ability to survive outside the human body. So, unless it was delivered on a carrier, Coronavirus will not be in any food, water, plants, animals, air or anything outside the human body. The Corona Virus was created in a laboratory and all the "experts" know this. The evidence is mounting against the Corona Virus as the cause of the COVID-19. In addition, there are several theories which explain how it can be possible that the virus, which did not exist until January of 2020, and did not come from a wild animal (a pangolin or bats) until February (China) has been given a name which means 'Chinese Virus' and is the basis for a large amount of media hoopla. This article will go over some of these theories and explain why they have been incorrect. In addition, the United States government has a history of creating viruses and giving them names which then become the source for hundreds of other viruses which come about just a few years later. When I began researching the virus, I was amazed at the information which was NOT being shared with the public by the experts. For instance, it is a common flu virus, a virus which has mutated many times, as humans try to prevent themselves from getting the flu, and has mutated in many ways, just like all viruses do. The WHO and CDC are both pushing for people to get vaccinated which will give them Flu-like symptoms for a few days or so. When people recover from the virus, they are left with damaged immune systems, which are now weak, and are therefore more susceptible to the flu virus and all other viruses. The main reason why people who are sick with this flu, get so sick in some cases is due to their immune system, which is weakened by the Flu and the Corona virus is the same thing. This is why people with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, infants and young children are