This Camp is Curse
They're Back!
They Came at Us Wi
They Both Went Ban
There's Gonna Be T
There's Gonna Be H
There's Gonna Be B
There's Always a T
There's a New Sher
Then There Were Fi

This Game Respects
This Has Never Hap
This Is Extortion
This is Going to H
This Is My Time
This Is Not Surviv
This Is the Man Te
This is Where the
This Is Where We B
This is Why You Pl
This Game Ain't Over N/A | GAMEPLAY - PERSONALITY - ART - ANIMATION It's been a rough road for The Curse, what with having two completely different game experiences out on PS3 and 360. Well, they've arrived at the PlayStation 4. Just in time for a new Gameplay Trailer. ( If you're an FPS Fan, you might want to check out the Trailer. While I would much rather see them trying something a little different, (I'm not saying it's bad, just different) it's a little frustrating to see them coming out with different experiences. But it's not the end, because they're just doing an Early Access build of their latest offering. This is great for them in the long run, because they'll be able to see what works, and what doesn't. But don't think that this is "Nailin' it on the first try" They'll make their way back to the hardcore space. I guess we'll just have to wait for the full game release. Or maybe if you're lucky, they'll do something different. Either way, I'll keep an eye out for it. In other news... Hunt 4: Showdown: No changes to the original game, really. It will only take you as long as it takes to beat any game you play. The only thing I could say is that if you don't buy it, you may end up paying for updates to it. While this doesn't bother me, I feel that they should just not put this out. But hey, that's just me. Maybe the devs will show something up one day, maybe not. Regardless, it's just "Another Day" I have high hopes for this game, and if you'll allow me to be a little negative, I won't hold my breath. There's lots of amazing games coming out every month, so hold your ground, and maybe that makes a difference. I know what it feels like to wait for a good game. I've been there before. But I can't help but want a good game. The way I see it, if they keep making great games, then the games they'll make won't be as good. Just saying. All that aside, The Curse needs all the players that they can get right now, and I want to see them succeed. But once again, let's get some facts straight about Huntsmen's 3D Gameplay. (Huntsmen 3D) - First of all. This game was a complete disaster. The first game had its faults, but they brought out a sequel that not only was a terrible shooter, but was also so terrible that it drove a wedge into the gaming market. It took many people a long time to get over the disappointment they felt when they saw this game. Even today, some people still don't feel comfortable around the idea of having this game on the market. But not everyone feels that way. I can agree that the first Huntsmen failed to deliver what the game promised. They changed up the game system, and the entire gameplay experience to get something done. It's like a man jumping off the bridge to get away from a huge train, only to land in a mud hole. Yes, it sucks to fall into a mud hole, and it's not easy getting out. But if you can't get out, you've learned your lesson. You'll never do it again. But the problem isn't that the games are bad, the problem is that no one wants to play them. This puts them in a hole that they may never get out of. That's why I'm thankful for all the players that still enjoy Huntsmen, because without them, I would have had to just give up on this game. (The Last Guardian) - So I think we can all agree that these game devs need to make the best game they possibly can. What's the point of making this if no one gets it? They can't be all over the place and do great stuff, then disappoint with a horrible sequel that doesn't follow the previous game in style, story or gameplay. Well, I think we all know how that turned out for The Last Guardian, and to tell you the truth, I'll probably never play this game, unless it ends up on a Game of the Year Award in the next couple of months. (Journey) - This game is a perfect example of this. The game has been put on hold, and they're going to return to it after the new generation of consoles is released. Not even one year after it's release. (What?) It's obvious that this game was rushed out the door. It's like a little boy trying to do a puzzle and just giving up, and then trying again. This isn't very helpful to anyone, and as I've mentioned before, this situation isn't helping anyone, nor is it helpful to the company who made this game. "There's a reason for everything", is something we always say. Well, this game is just going to be another game that we won't be playing. We can see how "good" this game is just by reading a review that someone else wrote. So you'll have to wait for more information. I can only speculate that maybe this game isn't going to be released for another few years, like the Last Guardian did. Again, for reasons of being helpful. "This is the reason we can't get anywhere, because we aren't trying", is something that some people may think. This is about as useful as anything I could possibly say. I'm a gamer, and most gamers are gamers for life, so we're used to dealing with these kinds of games. Some people will give up on the game and not even think of coming back to it after it's released, while others won't give up on it and still try their best to succeed in these games. I know I'm not the only one that wants to have a successful game experience. I know there's a lot of players out there that have learned to keep going, after giving up on something that disappointed them. If you've gotten this far into my rant, thanks for being patient. If not, don't give up on this article. Remember, we're all gamers. As much as we may like to see others have a nice game experience, we all want it for ourselves. And some of us aren't going to get it. That's the most frustrating part of gaming, but that's how it goes. I'll be keeping an eye on some new games, and making sure you get a good game experience. That's all for now, and thanks for reading. Just as I didn't buy this game on launch day, (or maybe I did if you consider the PS3 version) I didn't go to the midnight launch of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. But I have been very busy, so I don't feel bad about my decision to not get this game, or this game only, but all three. This didn't go well at all. (Don't forget, you can watch the video on YouTube and see that it has nothing to do with this article.) I'm not really going to say anything about this game, because I didn't know much about it. After playing Watch Dogs and Batman Arkham City, (both great games) I had a feeling that this game would be a great addition to my library. I have played some great games from the first game of the series, and other games in the series that I liked. It's not often that you hear someone say they love this type of game, because there are so many games that are really similar in style, gameplay and story. I have watched a lot of reviews, to see what people thought of this game. I'm not sure how to feel about the end result of what happened to this game. I know that I could have written a bad review for this game, but I didn't. I wanted to find something positive to say. I know that there are a lot of people that enjoyed this game. It took me about seven hours to finish it, and that's including playing in co-op mode, which I didn't do. There were times when I was so focused on getting through the story, that I forgot to take a step back and appreciate the game. While most people found a lot of good stuff in this game, I didn't see it. I was focused on being able to finish it before the ending. This game is good, but only for the first two to three hours. Once you hit the end, it all falls apart. I don't know why they had this happen, and there is no way to go back or change your mind, it makes you feel like the main character got a deal that they weren't allowed to change their mind on. I'm pretty sure this game was supposed to be a trilogy.