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Facebook, Social Media Influencers, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Whatsapp, Pinterest and Youtube! I am a Blogger, designer, and online marketer. I’ll be using affiliate links throughout my post, if you click on it you can go to the site and purchase the same product, saving you money. I’m not paid for using these products, it is purely for my experience and I only use products I would personally use. How to Make Money on Instagram using Facebook So I’m going to show you my routine of how I make money from Instagram, but you can of course do it differently! I don’t use Instagram or Facebook, I use Instagram to make extra income online. It really just goes to show you you can use any social media platform to make money online, all you need to do is create a social media presence for your online business and you are ready to go. How to Make Money on Instagram? It’s very simple. The hardest part is not getting carried away and just focusing on one platform and trying to do everything you can do on that platform. I focus on one platform and just do one thing and that’s it. Start by following some social media influencers. There are tons of people who make a living from Instagram and YouTube and then take a look at their audience and follow them. You can look at their posts and check out their audience, make sure they aren’t posting just about making money from Instagram or are just making money on Instagram and also check out how you could monetise from this. YouTube is the easiest way to make money online, you can monetise through YouTube ads and sponsorships. Once you’ve monetised through YouTube you’re nearly there! Now to make it even easier. Find one or two blogs that are relevant to your niche, make sure they have a monetized page that you can link to and that you can put an AdSense code on. I am really interested to know what everyone else does for making money on Instagram? Please do let me know in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for reading this post and for being patient. If you are interested in finding out about making money on Instagram then why not head to my other blog here and you can follow me on Instagram. Social media has always been a popular business niche as you can set up a social media account for very little cost and it will start to bring in some revenue. A lot of people think social media is something very easy to do but it’s anything but. You need to put in a lot of work to get noticed. Here I’m going to focus on Instagram and monetising from Instagram. I’ll also look at what others do. So here we go. Let’s look at how to make money on Instagram. Set up a profile Create a business account, this is very important so you can also monetise, you will need an account to make money from Instagram. You can’t monetize the personal account that you use to follow your friends. Once your profile is set up, you can now start posting. Make sure your profile and bio are set up and fill it out well. It is a great idea to post a mixture of both lifestyle posts and income posts. I can guarantee when you start making money with Instagram you’re going to love this but when you’re starting out, you might get bored with it! So be sure to post some lifestyle posts. Post regularly To make money you will need to post regularly. If you’re trying to post every day I would recommend posting twice a day, morning and night, with the morning one being more social content. People want to see people having fun and happy with each other. So it’s a good idea to show people how to use products or you can talk about your products. This is how I do it, I talk about what I’m doing in my day and the products I’m using and recommend to my audience. For example, here are a few example posts I have done. These kind of posts are so useful to me because they give people the idea of using the products I use, which are related to my blog, so they can learn more about my lifestyle which then creates a relationship between them and me. Now you might think this is quite a lot of work, but the truth is all you need to do is post content consistently and then people will follow. You can use software to schedule the posts so you can post whenever you like, but I don’t use any so I manually post when I like. Focus on followers, not likes I like to post 10 times a day minimum. If you post 3 times a day this means you need to do 90 posts in a month to get to a certain amount of followers. So what I do is I post 10 times a day minimum, the rest is filled in by reposts, which aren’t a lot as I don’t repost more than once every 2 days. You can now see why I need to make more money and why I have to focus on followers not likes. If you want to see some of my content, here is one of my latest posts. It is a lifestyle post and I’m actually making money from Instagram. When you start making a lot of followers and likes, you might notice your content becomes a bit boring, so to make sure you keep your followers hooked, make sure you post interesting content and keep it consistent. People really like to see content that relates to them. Instagram Explore feature The Instagram Explore feature is something I don’t use as much, but it is great when you are going to be reposting someone else’s content. The feature is great for getting exposure for your posts as the other person is the one that gets the exposure and that’s great for getting followers. I post all the time and this is a screenshot of my Explore post feed which is in the top left of the screen. This is an example of where I would have reposted someone else’s content. I haven’t got 100 reposts so it’s not as much as I would have liked, but this is the best time to be exploring and promoting your posts. Tag your posts correctly Try and post as many different tags as possible. You can also do it by typing something in the search bar and choosing people by the people search. I can do this if I need too by searching for anyone or a hashtag, but tagging is much easier and it will make your content easier to find for people to find. It will also help you gain exposure. If you don’t tag your posts correctly it won’t get the exposure you need, but if you tag correctly you will get a great deal of exposure. I am always looking to increase my exposure and to do this I tag my posts correctly. When you follow someone’s profile and they have great content, you can see all the content they have posted on their profile. You can also read all the stories that they are using to gain exposure and to make it easy you can get people to find your post by using their tagged content to search for your posts. Post daily If you want to see the most results, you will need to post on a daily basis. I also make sure I post at least 3 times a day, so if you’re posting only once a day you will probably get less people to see your posts. When I do posts outside of Instagram I always post at least 3 times a day. It gives me more exposure on Instagram and more opportunities to grow a following. The whole point of using Instagram to make money is to gain followers. You are going to be reposting other peoples content so in order to build a following, you need to have a lot of people reposting you. It’s easier for me as I have a lot of free time so I have a lot of free time to post. I will post an image on Instagram and then send it to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. You can see one of my posts on Twitter. I get about 100 retweets on an average. If I post an article on Youtube, a lot of people will repost it on Instagram. I can spend 30 minutes at night working on something which then when I post it at least 3 times a day is good for me. I can also use different times to post as long as I am consistent. Facebook Groups Now I mentioned Facebook Groups, but I haven’t really tried this method. I could use groups to gain a following. I haven’t done it yet but it would be a good idea. It is also a good idea to get into the groups that are related to your niche. These are the groups that I use that are in my niche of weight loss. I can also use these to get more exposure for my posts as if I am promoting a post and the people in the group like it, then they will share it with their group. Conclusion Instagram is a platform that allows you to share lots of information quickly and effectively. You have to