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Vegan-based Diet bio performance A review of existing diet and lifestyle recommendations on a variety of population groups. Reviewing the extent to which the recommendations are evidence-based, cost-effective and are relevant to and culturally appropriate for the target population. The role of plant-based food choices Sacks et al. (2012) \[[@B22-nutrients-09-00930]\] WATCH (Whole foods, anthocyanins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and Health) A dietary pattern including whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other plant products. The authors proposed a new score for the healthiness of the diet Health-promoting, nutritious and plant-based foods. The score considered both individual components and the cumulative effect of each component Trueman et al. (2014) \[[@B21-nutrients-09-00930]\] Mediterranean diet score (MD) A score that evaluates the adherence to a Mediterranean style of diet and includes the daily consumption of foods such as fruit, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, legumes, whole grains, fish, sweets, and a moderate alcohol intake Trichopoulou et al. (2005) \[[@B27-nutrients-09-00930]\] Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet A dietary pattern that is rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Based on this pattern, it is possible to reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol and blood pressure without necessarily decreasing consumption of fat and cholesterol Ornish et al. (1991) \[[@B29-nutrients-09-00930]\] Fisrt-Four-Five Diet A high-protein diet to provide the optimal nutrient profile. The diet is characterised by an appropriate balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fibre Anderson et al. (2014) \[[@B24-nutrients-09-00930]\] Low-carbohydrate diet A very-low carbohydrate diet (\<30 g/day) for 3 weeks Zuccoli et al. (2013) \[[@B25-nutrients-09-00930]\] A high vegetable, high fruit, and low glycaemic load diet A diet higher in vegetables, fruit, and cereal fiber. A low glycaemic load diet is characterized by a modest proportion of calories from carbohydrates and a higher proportion of calories from protein and dietary fat, and low glycaemic index, glycaemic load, and low glycaemic index foods A diet lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein and dietary fat and low glycaemic index, glycaemic load, and low glycaemic index foods. Focus on a healthy pattern of food choices that may be adopted to promote weight loss and weight maintenance. Lichtenstein et al. (2012) \[[@B28-nutrients-09-00930]\] Paleolithic/Caveman (Paleolithic) A low carbohydrate high-fat diet. The aim is to achieve nutritional balance Carper et al. (2001) \[[@B30-nutrients-09-00930]\] Protein and Weight Gain Prevention diet A diet rich in carbohydrate and protein and low in fat, with an energy intake of 1,500--2,000 kcal/day Stubbs et al. (2014) \[[@B31-nutrients-09-00930]\] Plant-based diet (PBD) The diet is based on the consumption of vegetables, fruit, cereals, legumes, nuts, and unrefined grains McCullough et al. (2015) \[[@B20-nutrients-09-00930]\] Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy, and low in saturated fats, sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, and sodium Ornish et al. (1999) \[[@B33-nutrients-09-00930]\] Low-fat diet The diet aims to achieve a reduction in the consumption of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and an increase in the consumption of fibre and carbohydrates. Reduction of fat consumption as the sole diet strategy is not recommended Bray (2010) \[[@B31-nutrients-09-00930]\] Eating 5 a day diet The diet requires consumption of five or more portions of fruits and vegetables per day, including at least one portion of fruit or vegetables before any other foods or beverages, and at least two of fruit and three of vegetables. This allows the consumption of more than one portion of vegetables or fruit as part of every meal Muller et al. (2007) \[[@B27-nutrients-09-00930]\] Mediterranean diet A diet that is based on the traditional diet of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea: including fish, seafood, vegetables, legumes, cereals, and unsaturated fats Trichopoulou et al. (2005) \[[@B27-nutrients-09-00930]\] The diet of the "Cretans" According to this diet model the minimum requirement for protein would be about 30% of daily caloric intake, while carbohydrates intake would be about 55% of calories Trichopoulou et al. (1997) \[[@B29-nutrients-09-00930]\] Unhealthy Diet