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Video Games, XBOX, PS4, FPS, MMORG's, & MORE! Hey guys! Long time no see! What's going on in the world of RGH!? So far I have been having an amazing time so far on my journey. I am not going to lie, the game is very tough and has a learning curve that needs to be mastered. Luckily though it's not a steep one. The... New here? Sign up today and join the community! Sign Up Today We do not support piracy. We hate piracy. Any discussion or links that can be construed as being related to piracy will be deleted. It seems that every week a new report comes out that is attempting to quantify the costs of game piracy to the industry. Most of these reports tend to take a simplistic approach, essentially calculating the number of... With all the talk about games like Diablo 3 and Grand Theft Auto V coming this Fall, we wanted to revisit some of the “older” games that gamers should keep an eye on. Many gamers prefer older games, or will... Hello guys i'm new here .. i am an old school gamer .. still use the original nintendo gaming consoles, and i got excited when i heard about RGH .. but like most things i found out it is over priced and overhyped ..... So, how many of you are surprised by this? Not me. I find it to be highly amusing that everyone is up in arms about this man who supposedly raped a 13 year old. She said she was 15, and there's nothing illegal about that. And then this little gem: "She told detectives during the interview that she initially lied about her age to Rialmo after he confronted her about having sex with adults." How sad for the parents that no one taught them what a real man is like, but oh how they are getting their money's worth in this city!! If your kid grows up here, and wants to experience what an adult man is like...he will get plenty of opportunities!! Rialmo was defending a 13 year old child against rape?? What sort of sick pervert do you have to be to say that?? Yes, she lied about her age to him...the only adult there. What kind of monster would think he could just take his aggression out on a 13 year old girl? He should never have been hired, and they should NEVER have let him be alone with that girl. This is going to create a huge mess for the city when his defense attorneys bring up the fact that the police were aware of this and chose not to take action. And then when this is over, we will still be left wondering if this little girl will be OK. A local police chief and former college basketball player died of an apparent gunshot wound Thursday night in suburban Chicago, reports CBS Chicago. “As I tried to explain to you, they’re very limited as to what they can do,” Cioffi said in April, adding “(the Cook County sheriff’s office) did go out there and it was determined that it was a suicide. They have the evidence right there. There’s not a whole lot we can do.” We will keep our thoughts and prayers out for the family of Bill Davis and his surviving wife. There were lots of rumors going around about who committed the heinous acts that occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. As time went on there was more information released to the public about the shooter Adam Lanza, who took the lives of 26 innocent children and school staff. There is one fact we know for sure: that little girl had amazing parents! Many people forget about her! I wish everyone would recognize how awesome this family is, they really are a great family. If only there were more people out there like them. I love that she has so much faith in her mom and dad, they never told her what happened that day! (And when she knew something was wrong with them and asked about it, they would just smile at her and say "hush, it's a secret!") She knows that they went off to fight against evil...which we all know is the best way to fight evil!! Let's keep this family in our thoughts, that they never have to get that knock on the door again!! The man who took 26 children and school staff members, has been called one of the most evil men on earth. I can see why people thought that, but the more and more details come seems like he had a mental illness that drove him to do what he did. His younger brother Ryan said in an interview with CNN: "I wish my brother was a monster because then we could deal with this in a very reasonable way, but he's not. He's sick, and he needs help." How many people out there need help?! We all know it, we just don't want to admit it!! These are my honest opinion, based on the information I have available to me. If I can't find an answer myself, I usually know someone who can! :) New site by me! Please check it out! As you can tell from my siggy, I am a huge fan of Call of Duty: Black Ops. I have been playing this game almost non-stop since the day it came out! I was shocked to learn that there was a Black Ops 2 just around the corner from me, and I had to go and check it out! The next week I played at that location. They didn't have any issues with my friend playing with me, so I never mentioned anything to them. Another week later...I came in from work, signed up, and played again. The second game my friend was killed after coming into my spawn area (he was an ally) we got into a discussion about it and he told me he would make sure it didn't happen again. We had a good conversation and I left happy. The next week...I don't remember what happened exactly, but I think the same thing happened again I went and talked to them about it...again there were no problems. They never did anything to us, but it kept happening...and I kept on getting frustrated