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Work From Home, Home Business, Business Opportunities, Online Business, Blogging, Social Media, Marketing, Local Business, Google+, How To Make Money Online, More… The Most Boring Home Business To Start Today One of the most boring home business to start today is the Internet phone service. My daughter who is 20 years old, just got me to try it out. I have always loved to get calls from her when she used to live at home. I would get calls from my parents and the local town. I loved hearing from people. In the last few years she moved to college and away from home. I was lost about getting calls. The fact that it is now even with Skype that it is still boring. When she moved to college we were still on good terms but we just needed to stay in touch. She was working and living her life but I just wanted to hear her voice. I have to say that she was even surprised that I was getting calls from someone. She was happy for me that I was hearing from someone. She says now that the calls are so boring and not worth her time. She said she could have just tried Skype and other free calling tools. I know she would be wrong. I will always want to have that home connection that we had when we were both in college. I will always want the ability to pick up the phone and talk to people. I get tired of having cell phones but I want to still get my love of hearing someone’s voice. My daughter would love to come home at Christmas and Christmas. She lives far away but still is close enough for me to call her and wish her a happy holiday. How are you having your best holiday? Did you hear from the person you want to hear from? This is just another example of the reasons why the Internet phone service can be boring and a home business. I hope that in the near future the Internet phone service will make a huge change in the way that we communicate and stay connected. It is fun to see what new technology will bring our lives. I think that the Internet phone service will change the way that people communicate and see what the future holds. If you enjoyed this please leave a comment and share it on your favorite social media site. This is my first post. Your post was in many ways the first I read on the topic. Your writing was so entertaining and very informative. Your story really made me think about different home businesses that I could create. Thanks for sharing it with the readers. I am looking forward to coming back to read more about other home businesses. This post is very informative and you present it in such a professional way. I have bookmarked your site and shared it with my social media group. When I saw your title “The Most Boring Home Business” I was just wondering what you were going to say, but when you started to share you made some very good points. I know people who do all the things you list above and they love to talk. I love talking with other people on the phone and I don’t understand why people would get rid of the phone. I have a number of home based businesses and all of them have given me different levels of excitement. And as I see it each of these home businesses is something different. And there is something for everyone. A small business like the internet phone service or a home business are not going to be for everyone. But some businesses are like what you are doing now and that is just another option for someone who wants to run their own business and spend some of the hours they would be out there running a home business. I have been with the phone for 10 years and love it. No problem at all. The one I get calls from is just as bad. I love the conversation. I use it all the time to talk to my kids. It is so much better than when they were younger and living here. I guess they don’t have a land line so my calls show up on the caller ID. I talk to them on the phone all the time. There have been times when they have sent me text messages about their day. I want to hear their voice when I can. I don’t even watch TV all that much anymore. So many people live that part of their life. I love to talk to people and find out what is going on in their lives. I don’t think I could give it up. It is part of my everyday life. I am going to do my best to check out some of your other home business ideas. I am going to look at the ones that sound fun to me. I am not always a success and may never make a living from them. I am sure not going to put in the hours like you are. But it is a hobby for me. Wow this is the first time I visited your site. I am a very private person and I would never ever do a phone call like you. It must be fun to do that for a living! Thanks for sharing this with me. I have been checking your site out. I look forward to my next visit. I am glad you liked it. It is fun to talk to people on the phone. I have made more money over the last 10 years with this phone than I have making a thousand dollar monthly salary. We should be able to talk as much as we want. If the internet had been around when I was a teenager I probably would have been making more than the money I make right now. I have been trying to talk to someone for the last few days. No one can get through to me. No one has an excuse that I can understand. I am going to call them. I really enjoy talking to others on the phone and I would encourage anyone out there who wants to talk to me to give me a call. It is something I look forward to when I get a call. I like hearing the voices of people who want to have a conversation. Everyone knows that the internet is good. There are so many different reasons to join. The internet is not only good for getting jobs. It is also great for finding new friends. We need to talk to others to make new friends. Internet phones have become quite an innovation. You are looking for the most boring home business to start. I am the wrong person to give you that answer. My mom was a phone operator. I still remember the calls she made when I was a kid. I can still see that room at home. There were phones on the wall and one in the center of the room. We would hear the phones on the wall ringing. I would put quarters in the phone and pick up the receiver. I can hear that same bell ring even today. It is strange how something like this was one of the most boring home business to start. Today it is one of the most fun home business to start and a great way to work for yourself. I don’t think that many people think of this as a home business but the numbers of people are growing. Those who are looking to work from home have realized that you can use an internet phone service for your work. The phone companies are getting to make more money when someone uses their landline to make an internet call. You don’t have to make long distance calls anymore and you don’t have to worry about long distance charges. It is only a matter of time before most people just hang up the phone. We all have become accustomed to being able to communicate without the use of a phone. I think that your mom would get a kick out of the call. There are so many people who spend so much time on the phone. The ability to call someone from the phone you use at home is one of the most boring home business to start. I can’t imagine not being able to call family members when you want. You can’t even imagine not being able to call anyone. I don’t know that you could convince me not to want to call someone. I may lose my home phone in the future and would be okay with it. I will just have to learn how to use my computer and make a call. That is not a problem. I will make the changes in my living room. I love having the ability to chat online with anyone. I think it is a great invention. I look forward to chatting on the phone. I am really excited to hear from you. Thanks for your comment on my blog. This is the home business that I use. I love to get calls and hear what everyone is doing. You have to admit that there is nothing more entertaining than talking on the phone with family. I just found this home business a few months ago. I don’t think it will ever go away. This would be one of my first home business to start. In my opinion there are a number of things that are boring about working from home. Of all the home business I have thought about this is one of the most boring home business to start. My son works out of the house as he works for himself. It is something that I wanted to do for myself. I