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Internships, and Intern Interment I am not sure what to do with this question so I put it in the inter-general because I do not know where else to put it. I have this situation in the game and I would like to know how to do this. I am not talking about just having a one-day-long trip or anything like that. I am talking about a situation in the game where you can spend a month out in a dungeon or you can even spend an entire lifetime out in a dungeon. What I want to know is how does one go about creating an entire living world with the dungeons and other places that might have monsters in them or if that would be allowed. 2 Answers 2 There are a few different ways you can go about it depending on what you want. First, let's define a Dungeon and see what the requirements are for it. What is a Dungeon? A Dungeon is any place you or your players can get into, fight monsters, gather treasure and find treasure maps and/or clues to secret and/or lost realms. Dungeons are divided into a 3 section hierarchy. 1st. The Dungeon Level or Dungeon Entrance. This is the physical entrance to the Dungeon. It can be a door that you would have to unlock, a portal, a stairway, a hidden cavern or space, etc. It can be a room, an area, a hallway, a corridor, a cave, a stairway, a tunnel, a corridor, etc. This is where you and your players enter into the Dungeon, either by choice or through chance. This can be an actual area or it can be a point of a map that connects to other places. 2nd. The Dungeon Level or Dungeon Map. This is an overview of the dungeon. It can be a room in the Dungeon that contains all the items and monsters that exist in that room. It can be an entire map. It can be an arena where many monsters are fighting in a big fight or tournament. It can be a maze of tunnels, stairs, secret rooms, etc. 3rd. The Dungeon Level or Dungeon Event. This is the place within the Dungeon. This can be a room, a corridor, a dungeon, a city, etc. This can be an event in the Dungeon. This can be an earthquake, dragon fight, a trap, a pit, a secret and/or lost realms, treasure, etc. For your game to have an entire dungeon in the same way that Golarion has, you will want to consider a few things. 1) Does your Dungeon have enough space for there to be an entire world inside? 2) Is there enough variety in your Dungeon? Does it have more than one level or dungeon level? Will it always be the same area? 3) Does your Dungeon have enough history to make it believable? You can make a more history with the different things going on in the Dungeon over time, with some events being more rare than others, some being very similar and some being completely unique. Also you may want to consider your Dungeon being the home to many different creatures, both friendly and hostile. If this is the case, there should be some kind of description of each type of creature, what it looks like, how to hunt it, how to fight it, how to sneak up on it, what abilities it has, etc. 4) Does the players have a means of getting to the Dungeon? Will it be an actual door, a secret passage, a hidden area, a trap, a secret entrance, etc. 5) Does your Dungeon have enough space for a variety of things? Do you want it to be dark? Do you want it to have poisonous swamps? Do you want it to be a place of natural wonders or a place where nature is almost forgotten? 6) How does the Dungeon relate to the rest of the world? You may want the players to go through the Dungeon to get to the other areas. Or, it can be the end of the road, the last known way to go to the surface or another dimension. Or it can be a place where the characters can gain some information about the world. Or it can be a very remote place where the characters have no reason to go. There are countless possibilities. Once you have thought about the possibilities and have some ideas, you can add those ideas into the Dungeon. First you can have a dungeon in the same world as the rest of the world. The thing to consider is if a dungeon is a part of the world or just a place that has nothing to do with the world. If a dungeon is just a place with nothing to do with the world, you just pick a location and create some monsters and treasure, put a map in and you're done. If a dungeon is a part of the world, you need to have some way to link it with the rest of the world. If you need to create a map from a different area, you can go to another room and just write a map that leads to a map on the next floor. The key is it must be a dungeon. It cannot be a corridor or an alley. Another thing to consider is the layout of the dungeon. I'm sure we have had dungeons that were just one room but that's not the way to do it. You must have multiple rooms to the dungeon. Each room must have some meaning, some link to the other rooms or just to the character. You can find places of interest by traveling to different places and seeing what is there. Then you can place that dungeon there. It is like the dungeon of dungeons. If you want the dungeon to be larger, you will have to use maps. You could do so by using some form of teleportation or teleportation devices to get inside of the dungeon. An astral projectile would work well to get the dungeon open. The dungeon needs to be a map so that you can visit different areas and places and create puzzles and things for your players to do. When you create a dungeon you want it to be a map. You would need one for each level. At the end of each level, there should be a door to the next level. Each level should be designed different so that there is more of a challenge or more room to explore. Some of the rooms you should consider using a puzzle lock for. You should try to avoid areas of the dungeon that are easy to kill. You should also make the dungeon interesting. You want the characters to want to explore the dungeon, but if they do that, they will be in some danger. A good way to do this is to have an enemy that shows up randomly. You could have something that you activate and that is how you fight the enemy. Some of the enemies should have abilities of their own. In fact they should have more than just one ability. To make things more interesting, you should have more enemies. If the party finds a magical door, it could be closed off by an enchanted lock. That would be your enemy that you activated. You should also include multiple points for the characters to come out of the dungeon. If the dungeon is just a single room, it will be boring, and the players won't be interested. The dungeon should also have a time limit. You should have at least two possible ways out of the dungeon for the players. If they want, they can stay until the time runs out or they can find a way out early. Another thing to consider is to do the dungeon like a video game. You don't necessarily need a whole dungeon, but some areas of it could be in video game style. Just make sure the whole thing works like a video game or is more like a video game. A good way to do that is to have levels and areas. You could have different rooms to go to and areas for the characters to explore. You can add or remove levels and areas to create different encounters for the characters to come across. You can even have your players do a quest. Some quests will be given by other characters. Other times it may be a part of the mission of the characters. For your question of a quest, you need to think about how many times you are planning to do the dungeon or any parts of the dungeon. You could do it for a whole month if you wanted to, but it would be harder to do for a week or a day. Also you could choose to do it for an entire lifetime. Some games like the RPG "Chronicles of Darkness" do this, but in a more limited form. They have a dungeon of every event. For example the event of murder has a dungeon. The event of burglary has a dungeon. You could consider doing it for an entire month, a week, or even just for a day if you wanted to. So to create a dungeon for a long period of time, you can choose to do one for the next month. You can also do them for every day or every day in a month. If you do a dungeon for every day in a month, you can do it for a week. If you want to do a dungeon for the whole month, you can just do it for a day. So do a dungeon for the players for the whole month, do