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Exclude all CAPTCHA Forms if Forms are not configured

Exclude all Password Forms if Forms are not configured Exclude all CAPTCHA Forms if Forms are not configured

This will remove those forms from being added to the UX Theme This can also be used to hide any forms that you don't want to be added

Please note that the removal from the UX theme will not remove any data that the form(s) has previously captured, therefore do not use this option if you want to completely delete the form from the CMS. This action only affects the forms which are being added to the theme.

Please note that the removal from the UX theme will not remove any data that the form(s) has previously captured, therefore do not use this option if you want to completely delete the form from the CMS. This action only affects the forms which are being added to the theme.

Please note that the removal from the UX theme will not remove any data that the form(s) has previously captured, therefore do not use this option if you want to completely delete the form from the CMS. This action only affects the forms which are being added to the theme.

Exclude all Password Forms if Forms are not configured

Exclude all Password Forms if Forms are not configured

This will remove those forms from being added to the UX Theme This can also be used to hide any forms that you don't want to be added

Please note that the removal from the UX theme will not remove any data that the form(s) has previously captured, therefore do not use this option if you want to completely delete the form from the CMS. This action only affects the forms which are being added to the theme.

Please note that the removal from the UX theme will not remove any data that the form(s) has previously captured, therefore do not use this option if you want to completely delete the form from the CMS. This action only affects the forms which are being added to the theme.

Exclude all CAPTCHA Forms if Forms are not configured