Mammalian genital
Personal Escort se
STD diagnosis and
Exclude all CAPTCH
Pro+ Categories
Pandemic Mitigatio
Medicare Advantage
Prenuptial Escape
MS Scarlett Feaver
Internships, and I

Bath salts and rec
One way vacations
Reptile husbandry
Darkweb entrapment
Trade-war shortcut
Wikileaks 0day
Involuntary wealth
unlawful terminati
Remote surveillanc
Vehicle repossessi
DWI/ DUI loss of vehicle license therapy, alcohol education and treatment assessment and any other counseling or education deemed necessary by the state as provided for by law. Bond The sum of $1,000 is the cash bond which is due at the time of your first court appearance. Violations of Probation The defendant will be charged with the appropriate violation for each of the following actions: Failure to pay any monthly restitution or monthly probation fees as directed by the court. Failure to report for urinalysis as directed by the court. Failure to report for an evaluation by the alcohol and drug abuse and treatment program. Failure to report to treatment agencies. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of treatment, drug and alcohol education and assessment program. Failure to keep the supervisor of the alcohol and drug abuse and treatment program informed of the probationer’s whereabouts. Failure to follow the treatment or education plan. Failure to participate in educational and treatment opportunities as directed by the program. Failure to remain alcohol and drug free. Failure to abide by the restrictions and conditions of the alcohol and drug abuse and treatment program. Failure to pay supervision fees and court costs as ordered by the court. Failure to adhere to any restrictions or limitations of any court order. Any and all additional violations and additional orders imposed by the court. Violation of any criminal statute or the criminal activity of another person while on probation. The court will consider all violations of supervision and any failure to comply with conditions and special conditions imposed. Alcohol/Drug Education and Treatment If the above violations are alleged and proven, the defendant will be ordered into treatment or education. Failure to report to any scheduled program appointments. Failure to pay the court ordered costs of supervision. Failure to abide by all program rules and regulations. Any additional violation and additional orders. If you have questions about any of these conditions, contact the probation officer at (951) 335-8015. Bail Bail is not available in this case. Community Restitution Court order: Award restitution to the victim. Community Restitution Payment In addition to the required restitution ordered by the court, the court can order the probationer to pay the following monetary amount to reimburse the victim for some or all of the victim’s reasonable costs associated with diagnosing and treating the injury to the victim. Such costs include medical and therapy bills, attorney fees, court fees, witness expenses, rehabilitation and mental health treatment, travel expenses to attend court hearings, etc. A separate order of restitution will be entered in the court records. Restitution is a separate court order and should not be paid in addition to any other court-ordered payment The restitution must be paid to the probation officer and placed in a restitution account by the probation officer or a court ordered trustee or designated payment program. Restitution must be paid in full and cannot be suspended, deferred, or deferred until a later date. The amount of restitution cannot be more than $10,000 for a single offense or $20,000 for two or more related offenses. Restitution must be made in a timely manner and the terms of payment must be reasonable. Restitution may only be based on an award or settlement. Probationer may be required to pay a minimum amount of $500 per year during the probation term. Restitution must be paid as ordered by the court or by a parole board, the criminal justice administrative authority or other such entity. Restitution is not available in the following situations: In cases where the victim has elected to receive compensation from any insurer as an alternative to restitution. In cases where the victim has not filed a written claim for restitution of a specific dollar amount and the victim has not sought and/or waived a right to pursue restitution in the criminal case. In cases where the probationer is required to make restitution through the court and/or criminal justice system. Restitution must be completed and paid within a reasonable amount of time. The probationer will be notified of the amount due. Failure to make restitution on the due date will be reported to the court and a warrant for the probationer’s arrest will be issued. The probationer is not excused from any other part of any sentence ordered by the court. If the probationer fails to pay restitution, the court can modify the terms of probation to allow the probationer to satisfy any balance owed through community service. The amount of restitution must not be reduced or suspended because of the probationer’s financial situation or the reason for the probationer’s failure to pay. Community Service Court order: Probationer shall perform community service, as directed by the court, of a value of not less than 12 hours per month until restitution is paid in full. All community service must be documented in the probation officer’s report. The probation officer is not required to do the community service for the probationer. Not more than 50 hours of community service per month may be given for a total of up to 100 hours in a one year period. The probation officer may report and the court will consider a probationer’s failure to report for or comply with the terms of the probation. Community service is not available if the probationer is required to pay restitution as part of his/her sentence. Community service is not available in the following situations: If the probationer is not employed. If the probationer is employed, but is not a primary caregiver. If the probationer is employed and is a primary caregiver. Community service is not available in cases where the victim waives the right to receive restitution or the court finds the probationer has no present ability to pay. If the probationer fails to make restitution, community service may be suspended until restitution is paid in full. The probation officer will provide the probationer with a list of community service providers to meet the requirements of the court. The probationer is required to report to the probation officer at least once a month and may be required to appear in person at the probation office at other times. Service of the probation order will be considered complete when the service is rendered as approved by the court. Any other terms and conditions of probation ordered by the court. If the probationer is required to pay a fine or penalty, community service will be a required term and condition of probation. Costs of probation may be waived or suspended for the same reasons. Probation Duration Court order: Probation is not available to defendants convicted of offenses listed in Section 707.2. Probation may not be terminated early except as provided in this order. Probation must be terminated early if the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that the defendant has been successful in satisfying the requirements of the court’s orders, and no longer poses a risk to the safety of the community or to public safety, or if the defendant would not benefit from further supervision. Probation Termination The probation officer or probation department supervisor shall file a written report, through the court, with the court on the alleged violation and is subject to the time requirements of MCL 771.3. Upon a finding of a new violation, the defendant may be terminated from probation and resentenced for the offense(s) committed. The court may sentence the defendant to a period of incarceration up to the statutory maximum for the offense(s) committed. Probation may be revoked after termination or early termination may occur only upon motion by the probation department, the prosecutor or the court. The probationer must not be removed from the state without approval of the court.