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Chapter 1. Once

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Joe's Bar and Gril
But first, you and
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Once considered th
Joe's Bar and Gril
Once considered th
Quietly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself to kill the man in front of him. Yet, even as he did so, his jaw dropped as the words "Mister McFadden." echoed in his ears. Sullivan smiled and his eyes flashed with determination. "Nice try son." As he moved forward, he raised his gun again. "One more step, and I'll shoot you where you stand." Quiggly dropped his gun and pleaded. "Please, Mr. McFadden, I didn't do anything wrong. I've been trying to get a break, trying to get something to eat and drink. I was just walking past, when out of nowhere that son of a gun just came out of nowhere." He pleaded with his hands in front of his face. Sullivan smiled a devilish grin and looked down at Quiggly. "You little bastard," he hissed as he raised his gun and fired. Quiggly threw his hands up as the bullet shattered his right elbow and he screamed in pain. Sullivan grinned as he moved closer and smiled. "You have a real hard on for my ass, don't you? You know, I ought to teach you a lesson. But you've managed to outsmart me just like you did your brother." He moved his gun in front of his face and stepped in closer. It was too late to run, Quiggly thought, so I'll end this as quickly as possible. As he raised his gun, his fingers tightened around the stock and he prepared to squeeze the trigger. But just as he was about to pull the trigger, his eyes caught sight of something that froze him to the spot. A young girl's hand slipped inside of the sleeve of his shirt, grasped his hand, and held it fast. The girl's face appeared in front of his eyes. "Laura?" he gasped as he looked into the girl's eyes. With a gentle smile she let go of his hand and stepped away from him. Quiggly's eyes searched her face, and then looked behind her as he heard a commotion just a few feet away. "Wait." He shouted. The girl turned and looked back at him, then her eyes looked away as she heard the footsteps coming closer. "Wait," Quiggly shouted again. And as he looked down the length of the alleyway, he saw the same thing that he had when he was a child. The two-story apartment building and the young girl. Only this time, the building was different. The windows were boarded up, and there were no flowers in the windows or pots of flowers on the steps leading up to the front entrance. But they were the same kind of building. And the young girl on the steps of the building was just the same girl who had left him a few years earlier. She stared at him with her blue eyes, then stepped away from the front of the building. "Wait," he yelled. "Don't leave me!" But the girl never came back, as she opened the door to the apartment and disappeared inside. "Wait." He screamed again. But she never came back. Boom! The thunderous report of a gun snapped Quiggly's attention from the past and back to the present as the girl's hand still grasped his. Quiggly dropped the gun and held his hand out in front of him as a flash of light filled the alley. Laura watched him drop his gun and drop to his knees in front of her. She picked up the gun and turned it on him. "Take your best shot," he whispered. "You have nothing left to live for. Go ahead and do it." His words echoed through her head like a booming drum as she gripped the cold metal of the gun tighter. He smiled, "God will forgive you for this." She stepped back into the darkness and thought of his words. Bang! A deafening explosion tore through the alley and she felt the hot muzzle of a gun press against her skull. Quiggly opened his eyes as she sat in the back of the FBI vehicle and looked up at the smiling FBI agent in the front seat. "He's safe." She placed her hand over her mouth, and fought to remain calm. "No, he's not," she muttered. The agent stared at her for a moment, then nodded. "How is he?" Quiggly looked back down at the agent. "They shot him in cold blood." He dropped his head and let out a cry of anguish. "Why?" Quiggly looked back at her and held her gaze. "Because he won't stop until he gets his revenge." "What's his name?" He shook his head. "He doesn't have a name." "What do you mean?" The agent stared at him in bewilderment. "That's his name. He was abandoned by God." "Abandoned by God?" Quiggly looked back at the agent. "Yeah. He said he couldn't be forgiven for being a sinner." "Why?" "Because he was abandoned by God." "But you said God forgave him." "He forgave him for what he was going to do to me." Quiggly dropped his head and closed his eyes. "But he won't forgive him for what he's done to me." "What's he done to you?" The agent pulled her head down. "We need to get out of here." Quiggly looked at the agent as he grabbed the back of her hair with his right hand. "You don't understand. He's going to get his revenge." "His revenge? Whose revenge? The ones who shot him, or the ones who left him to die?" She pulled the hair away from her head and struggled. "Let go of me. You've already told me his name. And you don't even know his name. The ones who shot him, and the ones who left him to die." She reached up and felt the grip on her hair loosen. "And God forgave him." She looked at the agent. "What's his name?" "God forgave him." Quiggly spit the words out of his mouth like a sour taste. "That's right. You know who he is, don't you? You know him." Quiggly shook his head. "I only know him as Mr. McFadden. That's all I ever heard him called." He turned and looked back at the alley. "He didn't give his name. He said he didn't want me to know it." The agent raised her gun and shot Quiggly in the chest. He fell back and let out a cry as his eyes closed, then the agent quickly hopped out of the car and ran toward the mouth of the alley. "He's not here." The agent dropped the gun into her jacket pocket and slowly turned around. "How do you feel now, Quiggly?" She stared at him. "There's no one here." "You don't understand." Quiggly spoke in a high-pitched whisper. "You're not going to get away." "Quiggly, where did you hear that name?" The agent picked up the gun and pointed it toward him. "Where did you hear that name?" "From my brother. He heard it from Mr. McFadden." "God?" He nodded. "Yes." "I was wondering how he would go about getting revenge." Quiggly looked at the agent. "You don't understand." "I understand." She gently laid the gun on her thigh. "If God forgave him, he forgave him for what he was going to do to him." She smiled. "And as long as he's gone, he'll be able to forgive himself." Quiggly looked at the agent. "That's right. That's right." "Well." She lifted her arm and placed her hand on her chin. "What kind of life would you think he's been having for the past twenty years?" "God's been looking after me." Quiggly pointed to the gun on her leg and let out a sigh of relief. "And you can't tell him, not ever. You can't." The agent's eyes stared at him for a moment. "There is something about your story that doesn't seem right, Quiggly. If God's been looking after you all these years, why hasn't God gotten him yet?" Quiggly looked down at his feet and shook his head. "He will." "Do you want to see him?" Quiggly slowly nodded his head. "Yes, I do. He's all I've got left." "How did you know who he was?" "I didn't." Quiggly shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "He told me to pray for him." He pointed to his forehead and then to the alley. "And God told me to protect him." "You have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met. I bet you God can't wait for you to join him." "Qu