Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
But first, you and
Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
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Quietly, Quiggly s
But first, you and
We've recently disOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
increasing environmental constraints and a lack of skilled labour.
In addition to optimizing our current manufacturing facilities, we must
continue to focus our efforts on developing sustainable new technologies to
create more efficient and less wasteful processes. As new technology
provides the key to increasing profitability, our strategy drives us towards
high growth markets.
Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S)
In the first half of 2002, we recorded a loss of $13.4 million on expenses
associated with environmental, health and safety expenses and an additional
$2.5 million charge in the second quarter primarily associated with
consulting expenses associated with the restructuring of our global mining
Operational Improvement Initiatives
Our objective for 2002 remains our 2000 performance of profitable, sustaining
growth with total returns to shareholders in line with our performance during
the 1990s and before. While we continue to meet this objective, we did incur
some loss in recent quarters due to some unusual, non-recurring charges that
were partly offset by foreign exchange gains. In the second quarter of this
year, we expect to continue to incur a loss on the sale of land and real
estate in South America due to continued under-performance and an increase in
the costs of these assets. We continue to implement new cost management
initiatives, and anticipate further improvements in the rest of 2002.
Venezuelan LNG Project
In November 2001 we reached an agreement with Petroleos de Venezuela, SA and
BHP Petroleum Company, LNG Australia Pty Ltd (BP LNG) to move forward with
the development of a major liquefied natural gas project, in which Enron will
be the operator and a minority shareholder. As at September 30, 2001, our
equity investment in the project was $US33 million. We expect this figure to
rise substantially based on a recently announced equity contribution from
Petronet (the Indian owned subsidiary of BP), taking our investment to
$US123 million. Following Petronet's equity contribution, Enron's ownership
will rise to 55% and BHP's to 45%. The project is in the pre-FEED stage and
involves the construction of a new two train liquefaction facility, the
severed export pipeline and the ocean terminal at Jose at the Venezuelan
coast. Construction of the new liquefaction facility and the export pipeline
has commenced, with the first export expected in the first quarter of 2004.
The FEED stage is expected to commence in the third quarter of 2003 with
production targeted to commence in the first quarter of 2006. This is an
important project for Enron as it will be our first project in Venezuela
having sold the major share in Tractebel in 1999. We currently have two front
office staff in Caracas managing the sale process for the project's major
equity component, a 20 year LNG sale gas supply contract. We also continue
with due diligence and site selection on two other frontier market projects,
including a potential power project in Egypt and a gas and liquids project
in Turkmenistan. We continue to have an asset management group in place
assisting with the development of the BP LNG asset in Venezuela.
In addition, our merchant assets group continues to actively manage and expand
our merchant portfolio.
We are keepers of the flame in this market downturn, saying that the state
of the economy is not as bad as most of the press makes out. We should not
be so humble and should not be undermining our own arguments by saying that
perhaps we have ridden a market bubble and the state of the market is not so
bleak after all. One thing we have proved is that the market returns to long
term fundamentals. All the naysayers talked about ten years ago have been
proven wrong: growth is returning to earnings, inflation is falling, market
expectations are realigned towards the fundamentals. We believe that good
times will return in 2002. Our recent analysis of the US long-term growth
story explains why we think all the scepticism about next year is misplaced.
There are at least five catalysts for a sustainable earnings recovery: an
improving economy, low capacity and inventory utilisation rates, increased
economic wealth, increased business and personal confidence and a willingness
to invest. The key question, we say, is whether the current trends in the
fundamentals will remain constant or whether they will deteriorate, causing a
recovery to become a recession. At present the US outlook is positive.
We see further events on a global scale which may well bring stability to the
market and good times for those who are well positioned at the moment. The
political situation in South America continues to stabilise as new elections
are held in the following countries: Brazil and Argentina, both expected to
be pro-business. If the new pro-market government in Brazil does its job
properly, we believe that this may help the South American countries as a
whole and enable them to return to sustained economic growth. We also believe
that Argentina may be able to return to international capital markets, and
this could bring stability to South America. The most important change in
North America is the anticipated positive effect of an oil-focused economy on
the world outlook, combined with a move to cut interest rates by the FED.
Lower energy prices should bring some relief to the USA and a slower economy
should be less of a problem as world confidence returns.
Finally, we said recently that the stock markets were not making big
fundamental mistakes. Now we have done something that we don't normally do:
we are talking about our own company. However, we want to emphasise the point
that the fact that a company makes its own earnings mistakes does not prevent
it from making successful changes to its portfolio. Indeed, Enron is
proposing to reduce its debt, and to do this successfully Enron will have to
generate more cash flow to pay back the debt. We would argue that the
company's success will be determined by the returns on investments it makes
from this cash flow.
The New Power Company
Enron's solution for the rapidly changing market for retail energy supplies
was to develop a new business called NewPower Company. The company was
capitalised through a self-underwritten public offering and will trade as
stock. There are several unique aspects to the business model including the
ability to profitably trade weather derivatives, giving Enron a new tool for
enhancing its unregulated business and creating exciting investment
opportunities for shareholders. The NewPower Company has a 33 per cent share
of the US retail energy market, and a total of over 160,000 customers. The
company has very real growth plans and expects to make an annualised return
of 30 per cent net of operating costs.
Jeff McMahon, the President and CEO of Enron Net Works, announced that his
company will launch a brand new, high margin, structured trade product:
CommodityLogicv. With this product, Enron Net Works is aiming to become the
preferred marketplace and exchange for the trading of structured products. As
the brand new Exchange for Enron,s online customers, CommodityLogicv will
serve as the benchmark for industry benchmarks and enable trades to be made
through a single, easily accessible and well understood product.
All new accounts receivable for Enron's gas and power business can now be
traded online through the company's online
solution. In addition, the company's European customers can now use the
DynegyDirect website for physical online transactions in Europe.
The company,s new website can be used by customers to do the following:
Log-in to the EnronOnline and DynegyDirect website and trade their Enron
Process their normal daily trading volume through EnronOnline and DynegyDirect
(Approx. 3.3 million transactions per day on EnronOnline and 3.6 million
transactions per day on DynegyDirect)
Processes third party payments for both buyers and sellers
Purchase and sell power, natural gas, crude and refined products
Track their Enron and third party gas and power trades through DynegyDirect
For more information visit www.dynegydirect.com .
As a business unit, we are committed to conference call as a means of
supporting our on-going public relations efforts. This call may be used to
brief you on recent developments and to answer your questions. We will be
making calls to a number of your business units and other external
organisations. The following is a list of conference call numbers. Please
note that the conference call numbers may change as