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If you’re looking for the single best tool to use in your marketing and sales process, the word that comes to mind is “automation.” It’s what people often call the automation of all aspects of marketing, from lead generation to customer service. One of the biggest arguments that I hear from people when they hear about automation is that it’s not personal. This is true. This is because of two reasons. The first is that there’s usually some level of artificial intelligence involved in the automation of those things you want done in your company. The second is that one of the easiest things to forget in the automation process is the human element, which is exactly what will keep you afloat during these uncertain times. So why is automation so necessary? Here are just a few of the many reasons: #1 – Faster Results One of the most exciting parts of automation is the ability to achieve faster results because of the reduction of time and the elimination of the need to wait around for someone else to make a decision. In most cases, having your automation system up and running requires you to press the start button at least once. In some cases, that’s all you need, and that’s not really an issue at all, but having your automation system up and running is such a benefit that it far outweighs having to hit the “on” button only once. Some people don’t fully understand why this is so. Others just don’t get it because it’s all about perspective. Some may look at automation as a negative, because they see it as limiting and limiting is something they want to eliminate. Other people see automation as a positive, which is the whole point. A “tool” isn’t good or bad, but it’s the job you use that can make it seem like that. #2 – Increased Efficiency Everyone in the business world is running around with different schedules and different workloads, and the whole point of automation is to help you get more done in less time. People often ask me why I work so much. The truth is that no one needs to answer the question. I’m a man of action. That is all. I do like to take a break sometimes. But having the ability to get a lot more done in less time is more than enough to make it worth it. After all, you’ve been working hard for months. Why would you want to do less work? More importantly, automation will help everyone else in your business. Automation helps ensure that you are always taking care of your customers in the best possible way. Automation means less stress, less time waiting around, and more control. The reality of automation is that it truly does make the work of marketing and sales easier and easier. What can’t you automate? Not everything, of course. I’ve made the list above to keep things simple. However, there are some things that don’t fall into any of those categories. For example, some people have no patience. For them, automation doesn’t work. They need to get things done quickly, or they have to get someone else to do the work. If you are looking for a way to make your marketing and sales process better, be aware that some things can’t be automated. In my own business, a big complaint I get from clients is that I never make the connection with my “social media” tool and my email marketing and online store. If you are the type who doesn’t like to learn, then don’t. Just use the tool, and don’t worry about it. However, if you are the type that likes to figure out how things work, then you should take advantage of this advice. Be aware that some things require a lot of human element. You just have to make sure that you cover all of your bases so that you don’t ever miss out on anything important. More tools for greater results There are many more tools to use in your marketing and sales process than just the three I mentioned in this article. If you want to learn more about tools that can improve your experience and process, contact me and we can talk about it. However, to those of you who like the idea of automation, you can use some tools that I’ve covered in some detail in a previous article: So there you have it. If you have been running around like a crazy person, feeling as though you are out of control and that everything in your world is on the verge of collapse, then this article will be of great help to you. At least, it’s a relief for me to hear that people are actually using the technology we’ve created for our businesses. If you like this article, then please share it with a friend who might like it, too. I need all the help I can get in this world. The more people who like this article and the more ideas that get sent to me, the better I can get my business to better. So share it. I’ll appreciate it! About the author James Baretta is a marketer and strategist, best known for building a business by working smart, using what he has, and building great products for e-commerce. He's worked with companies like Lori Greiner, Mary Kay, and Beachbody. He also teaches marketing and technology courses through Full Sail University and the American Marketing Association. Hi James, great article and I would also recommend to get a good understanding of what marketing automation is – the Wikipedia link that you added is very interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_automation. That automation can help you in your business is clear. One question that is on my mind for the longer term is what happens with a marketing automation software platform when the company that owns it, in this case Hubspot, has to change its business model and the automation software has to be changed as well. I would be really happy to hear your opinion about this topic – James Thank you very much for commenting, James. That is exactly what I thought when I was putting this piece together. It’s a long-term, multi-platform issue. On the one hand, you could say that it’s a good problem, because it will force the developers to improve their system. On the other hand, there are a lot of people out there with problems of their own, as well. There are also a lot of other potential issues that can happen. That’s a great question. It would be great to hear some opinions on this from people in the industry. However, there are also so many variables, which means that every situation is different. In some cases, the issue will just go away, and everything will continue on the same path. In other cases, it could force changes to happen immediately or over time, with the system actually being a bit broken while they work things out. There are too many variables to consider to form an opinion on this, but I know that it’s definitely something to consider when you’re thinking about your overall marketing and sales process. Hello James. My husband and I are currently in the planning stages of our new internet home business. We have a home-based online boutique and as a result, in order to be successful, I