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1. Field of the In
All about the art, culture and design that inspires Menu Tag Archives: design Today I had a brief walk around the streets of London in the East End to visit Koyotoland, the street fashion and textile store. It was good to see how a few years ago the streets became a lot less vibrant and colourful, a few of the buildings were still painted in bright colours. It was a lot smaller compared to two years ago and it felt like it was closing down as you could see it wasn’t full of customers. The owner was surprised when I entered, which is something that always surprises me when I go into a place. It’s always nice to meet people that still believe in fashion, and to see that passion even though things are not as exciting or vibrant. It also started to rain so I didn’t get much out of it as I just watched a few people leave, but it made me understand why this is a place I could visit in other seasons, to appreciate the colours, textures and the different styles. This slideshow requires JavaScript. A few years ago I walked around the streets of East London with my camera and I took photographs of the people that were walking around. Most of them didn’t seem to care but some were like posing for the camera. This slideshow requires JavaScript. This slideshow requires JavaScript. Another thing that was a bit different from last time was that this time I walked around without my camera, the camera is still around, but it makes it more difficult to take a photograph when you need to get rid of the camera lens first. I have been told that most days it is not safe, and with this rain it made the streets a lot darker than it was two years ago. It was really a bit of a different experience, so it was nice to see how fast things change. If I would have been more dedicated and stayed longer I would have taken a lot more photos to look at, it was interesting to see it was quite empty but there were still a few shops open with clothes on sale. This slideshow requires JavaScript. This slideshow requires JavaScript. I’m really glad that I visited, I do love the textures and styles that I found. It really didn’t disappoint, I also walked around the streets and got to take a few more photographs, it was really interesting. There was a lot more detail than I realised before I walked around. After visiting and taking some photographs it was time to go back home and create a collection, a series of portraits and objects that could be seen as a metaphorical representation of this part of London. I have never been to Africa, but my grandparents have done so several times and I have watched documentaries and movies about it. All the photographs below are made from a series of photographs I took while walking around the streets of East London. I created this series of objects and people in post production, I did this for myself as I find it interesting to create works that aren’t in the traditional sense. I also tried to think of it as a portrait series. I made this slideshow with photographs from the series below and I was inspired by the documentary “Walking With The Enemy” made by Richard Bangs in the UK. It’s always been interesting to me to think about how people can live and interact together, and what would happen if people didn’t have access to water or have shelter, the idea fascinates me. But it’s not as complicated as one might imagine, especially when you have to survive, it takes a lot of different things into consideration. A few years ago I made a journey to Laos in order to meet local and remote peoples, as well as create a small documentary. I was very inspired by my visit, and found it really interesting to take a look at how people live and interact and how they take care of each other, there was also a lot of humour in the film. I was interested in filming people without their knowledge, and to document life in various different parts of the world as well as the objects in nature. In Africa I didn’t take any photos as there was no access to water at the time, but in the Amazonian Jungle I was inspired by how people build shelters and make boats, and I did take some photographs of this, and it made me reflect on life in the city. In many places in the world people have to create shelters on a daily basis, when you have to stay in a dry place without water, people have to build a shelter or find other ways to protect themselves from the heat and rain. Here we see how people built a house that isn’t in a place where they can stay very long, they just create a shelter on their way between one place and another. We see these in Laos as well, they are made out of palm leaves and bamboo and they really remind me of nature. I wonder what the people are doing in the jungle? It’s like the trees in a forest, they aren’t there for aesthetic reasons but they are providing people with leaves and they provide resources for the trees to create flowers and fruits for people to eat. This slideshow requires JavaScript. We met a group of people walking together in the mountain, they were making a fire so we could light a fire for dinner. They had brought food with them to eat once they arrived. I have never visited Peru and I have been wanting to visit as there is so many fascinating stories about it, but it also would be interesting to see and hear how people are living there. In Peru a lot of communities are doing things that would seem impossible here in Denmark, but here in Denmark we also sometimes do things that are completely alien to us. There are also many people that I would like to meet, especially the Quechua people who have been in these mountains for so many centuries. In Peru we don’t see many towns, and instead we mostly see villages or tiny towns, it’s the forest and the rivers that are the most important to the people here, and they are the one thing that binds us all together. Some of them have a traditional economy, they do a lot of agriculture and fishing, but it’s also difficult to survive in the forest. This community is also living in the forest but they are building a house in a place where it would be impossible to live for the forest, it would be under constant rain and they would be in danger of being flooded out of their home every time there is a rain. My grandparents and great grandparents lived like this for a long time, many still do. A lot of my great grandparents and grandparents also lived like this, and it would be interesting to see how my father’s grandparents lived before they moved to Denmark. I think it’s really important to meet people and to learn more about them. I haven’t been to Peru, but it would be great to visit one day. I wonder what people are doing in Peru? I lived in Kenya for many years when I was a child. I loved to see how people lived and interacted together, both the local people and the people from the UK. The community that I visited is very traditional, the majority of the people there are living by agriculture. Many people who visited the town were travellers, many people also had different beliefs, and it was interesting to see that some people there were open minded about it and some were very traditional. I did a lot of work in the children’s home, the buildings reminded me of a hotel in The Gambia that I stayed in for several years. The building I lived in at the time was a wooden building that had been turned into a school. I made some photographs and a video, as well as took some other photographs as well. I found it really interesting to think about how one could create a community out of children. Many of them came from very far away, but they still were willing to stay together and share a few simple meals and sleep together. I visited more than one place in Kenya and I made some photographs in all of them, as well as taking some videos. These were some of the few images and videos I have from my time in Kenya, it is interesting to see how things have changed since I was there. A lot of things have changed. I remember going to the market when I was young and picking up some toys or seeing some toys on a stick, then once I was old enough to go by myself I often made it to the market to buy some food. I really enjoyed the food I ate in Kenya, and the taste of the mango and avocado. This slideshow requires JavaScript. It is really interesting to compare life here with life there, it can’t be completely the same, but it’s good to find similarities and I find it interesting to compare life in Denmark and the things I remember and the things I didn’t like or miss, compared to the things that are happening in Denmark now. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back, think about what you really like and what you want to do, and then do things you have never done before, even if you might not know what the outcome will be. I think it’s really important to do things that makes you go in a new direction, it can be difficult and challenging but once you have done it you can reflect and ask yourself “What happened? Why did it work? What is