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Independent associ
LONDON - British police say they have arrested a suspect in the murder of a British teen whose body was found stuffed in a suitcase in an alley. South Yorkshire Police said Wednesday that officers went to a house in Derbyshire, northern England, Tuesday afternoon on a tip about the killing of 16-year-old Anjum Anwar, and found "a number of items" inside the property. The force said Anjum's body was found in an alley in Derby on Sept. 8. She was reported missing Sept. 9. Detectives arrested a 41-year-old man Wednesday morning and charged him with Anjum's murder. Police say the man is due to appear at Derby Magistrates' Court on Thursday. He has not been named or charged. A murder investigation was launched on Sept. 11 after police found the teenager's body in the town of Alvaston, about 30 miles west of Derby. Alvaston residents, as well as dozens of people who attended Anjum's funeral, condemned the killing.