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The effect of a non-saline contrast medium on the electrical properties of an intraocular lens. To determine the relationship between the electrical properties of an intraocular lens (IOL) and the electrical properties of the surrounding aqueous humor in order to assess the risk of IOL damage in the eye that has received an intraocular injection of a non-aqueous contrast agent for computed tomography. Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan. Electrical changes that may occur after injecting a non-aqueous contrast agent (Solutrast(R), Bracco, Italy) to assess retinal blood vessels were examined by measuring the capacitance and resistance values of the anterior chamber with electrodes applied to the cornea of enucleated pig eyes. The capacitance and resistance values changed after injecting the non-aqueous contrast agent. These electrical changes were reversible and did not cause damage to the IOL. The injected non-aqueous contrast agent caused reversible electrical changes in the eye. The use of the injectable non-aqueous contrast agent is a simple method of controlling the electrical activity of an implanted IOL without adversely affecting the patient's ocular tissue.