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The Evolution of the Data Center - rbanffy http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/12/12051602/data-center-modernization-cloud-data-center-evolution ====== the_ancient I am sorry but this is complete hogwash.... [http://www.worldwide.com/technology-media/news- photos/article...](http://www.worldwide.com/technology-media/news- photos/article/Data_center_design_of_2017_Will_Be_Huge_Energy_Scoffo_10849093.html) Anyone designing the next batch of data centers need to read this. ------ Animats Why is there so much focus on energy consumption of data centers? That's not where the heat is. Data centers take advantage of economies of scale to get good bulk deals on servers and cooling. But their total IT budget, which is about half of their total cost, is only a few percent of that. A big data center near you is going to save you pennies per megawatt hour of power. ~~~ kuschku Because the energy consumption of data centers is actually one of the best ways to measure economic potential in an economy. You can see how an economy will develop, and how quickly, by watching the energy consumption per person. ~~~ Animats Yes. See this graph: [https://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/node/2279](https://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/node/2279) The US curve is flat. The world curve goes down. Look at Europe and East Asia. That's where you have the biggest computer companies. That's where we're going for cheap servers. ------ kristianp A lot of this is about using more local storage, especially local storage for cold (low temp) parts of the data center. For example if you have your database on cold storage, you can save a lot of cold air ventilation. This could be useful, in terms of energy costs, but I'm unsure how much of the savings will be returned in the form of energy savings. ~~~ hobarrera You mean if your entire server is not cooled down by AHU's, but rather by the rack's inherent AHU's? ------ mads I know it's off-topic but I can't figure out why the title says 'Evolution of the data center'. Is the word evolution in data center's name? ~~~ jacquesm Yes, the word 'evolution' appears a couple of times in the article, I think it must be a mistake. ------ joeyspn A few friends of mine have recently been interested in this topic, to the point that they're now learning what's involved in data center design. These are early, small steps to do this. I hope we can come up with ways to spread content on this topic. I'm personally very interested on building my own datacenter if it ever comes to it (or a couple of them), and I'm curious to see how this community can help me on that. ~~~ kriro I would suggest reading up on server clustering as well. Data center design is incredibly complex. I think having a non-trivial data set yourself makes a first cut a no brainer. (I suppose the same is true for a cluster of servers anyway) Start out small and start prototyping everything out, it's fun :) ------ holografix Very interesting article. I'd love to see more data centre-esque design practices in other spaces as well. How about residential cooling systems for example? ~~~ sokoloff It's actually not that difficult to do. It's just that we've done it badly for so long that we forget how. I'm a strong believer that we will, in the near future, have most of our manufactured buildings (and commercial buildings) being able to self-generate and distribute cooling to where it's needed in a manner that does not waste energy and is "right" relative to both local climate and building code. We're not there yet, but we're getting very close. (I also believe that we'll have at least one of the major manufacturing/data- center facilities I know well using on-site PV production to make the electrical load look like it's self-supporting. They'll be quite a bit more power-constrained than what they have today, but they'll manage.) ~~~ sokoloff As to your question as to whether the residential situation will be much different, I doubt that it will be dramatically different, but it will be considerably easier. I think a significant portion of the reason that it's significantly different today is that residential homes are not built to support the level of complexity that most commercial buildings support. In many respects, that can be the _more_ interesting problem to tackle. I'll be willing to bet that a few more years of research and development on high-end homes will yield solutions that are better and more efficient than typical commercial solutions for a smaller fraction of the cost. ~~~ holografix Residential is a really interesting one. I've got access to a massive building (approx 400+ condos). They use in-floor air conditioning for nearly all of them. There is no central A/C system running the AHU's for them so its not like we have that to learn from. There are some very neat tricks they used to get the system working but to be honest I'm a bit overwhelmed with learning all this new stuff. I guess my real question is how much does efficiency / complexity have to get better to make the cost of installation better than simply buying an AC? ~~~ holografix Let's be honest... The only way to improve something is to measure what you're dealing with and try to beat it. What can we do, let's make it harder and find a way to beat it. Let's start measuring these machines (or really the cooling rate from a source to a destination). Is there a way to capture everything? Are we really going to do it? Let's try to make it hard. Let's capture all the information about what we have and where it is and what it's doing and let's not stop there but let's start collecting even more metrics. Let's do the opposite of the status quo. Is what we have is the best that we can have? No it isn't, we can make it better. Let's measure and learn more and more about how it works so that we can get better and better at it, let's keep making it harder to beat the machine! ------ the_ancient "The Internet of Things (IoT) poses a threat to the conventional data center" I would have to disagree with that statement. The IoT is more of an attack on all your critical systems. The data center needs to evolve in my opinion to evolve with technology, not against it. ------ Siecje Does anyone know how Google makes their data center efficient? ~~~ aembleton [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5Q0yDq3kY8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5Q0yDq3kY8)