we’ve gotten valua
that's not a unico
If your character
Anime, Cosplay, LA
Total Dysfunction
Spirits and the Fi
This Is Not Surviv
Didn’t they tell y
The Ocean's Surpri

I can be your moun
The Survivor Devil
You make me feel s
Dire Strengths and
This game is just
Sour Grapes
I plan to make
Luxury appearal an
Your heart is all
Second Chance
I plan to make the case for why I should be in that list. And it’s not because I like to see my name in print, in fact, I love a good controversy. But I feel there are quite a few reasons why this blog deserves to make that list. The most important being the number of people who have come across this site to read my rants about the insanity in the world. I feel that this site is so popular because people have to know that it is worth their time to actually read some of my work. So when they read a rant, they know it won’t be the same boring, fluffy, useless blurb they just read about the latest celebrity gossip. And they know that if they come back, they’ll see some different (yet equally thought-provoking) stuff. I don’t want to seem conceited because I do a lot of things online. And like any other artist, I put my work on display for anyone to appreciate. I have a site for that, and that site gets good traffic. But that’s not the type of traffic I want. I want the traffic that comes from people clicking links out of boredom. The traffic that comes from people who are entertained by what they’ve read, and click on the next article with bated breath to see what might come next. The traffic that comes when people check the link for something silly, or the headline alone for something interesting. The thing is, that’s the type of traffic this site gets. And that’s all the traffic I care about. So if you came here because you want some rants that will change your life, or make you see things in a different light, you’ll want to come back to my site, read some more stuff, and maybe even write a comment or two. And this traffic generator was put here just for that reason. If you have no interest in what I write, that’s fine. If you came here to read the news, that’s fine too. Just know that I’m not writing for you. I’m writing to get a response out of you. A reaction. I’m trying to make you think, or laugh, or feel. So go ahead and click on my rants, and if you think they’re worth your time and maybe even a comment or two, great. Otherwise don’t. It really doesn’t bother me if you don’t like the article. I know I’m not for everyone. I guess I just want people to come back to this site, so they know they aren’t wasting their time. So as of right now, there are over 30,000 views of my posts. And that’s with very little input from me at all. If you know anyone who knows anyone, spread the word about this site, and maybe you can get some traffic from other places, even if it’s not from this site. That was one of the best comments ever. I feel a connection now and it is nice. The only reason I am so interested in what you have to say is because I can relate. Thanks for the comment, I will look out for you blog so we can talk. Thank you so much for this post. It really means a lot that you took the time to respond to such a random comment. I had been wanting to get into blogging for so long and now I know where to go to get content. Oh i love it! Not everyone does but i love it! I was about to ask myself why do you keep saying such a silly rants that I have never heard of or about. So I’ll be looking out for your site and keep up the good work :)! I love what you say so far! I’ve been looking for sites like yours. Thank you for being true to your work and not trying to fake your readers into buying something. I believe people are not going to stick around if you have nothing original to say. I love this post, you summed it up perfectly. You should make a post just explaining why you can’t believe in everything, even though no one can. I’ve seen many of your youtube videos, and they’re always interesting. You are funny, and that’s a good quality. The comments about the people leaving comments, why would people care so much about that?! Your readers are smart! :) Awww this made me laugh. I don’t like most of my content either but hey I know it’s there. When people have not had a drink in a long time they do weird things. And as much as I hate getting hateful comments and the spam in general it drives me to write. Your point about not writing to get a response is 100% dead on. I often don’t know what I’m going to write or if people will like my point of view on a subject, and I’m always hoping that other people will get a kick out of what I say. I have just been starting my own blog myself and I have been doing posts about things I have had realizations about over the past year. It makes me happy to know I am not alone in blogging for no reason, just because. You’re so lucky to be able to use your voice to express yourself. Even though it may not mean much for your main audience, it’s still just a small little group of people that listen and will respect what you have to say. I can’t wait to see where your work takes you, and keep posting more. :) I love this! It is so refreshing to read someone tell it like it is. I think it is important to tell it how it is and sometimes people just do not listen. I read you blog every day. I feel I could learn something from you each time I read you. You make me want to try and be more positive in my life. Thanks! This comment is really kind. I appreciate the sentiment but you know, even though you could take the easy route and say that, you take the road less traveled and you’re rewarded with more hits on your blog. I don’t know how this happened, but I really do appreciate you doing this. I think I’m going to share this with my readers so I hope they do it too. You’re a good writer and you should be commended for everything that you put into writing. Thank you! You do what you love and that’s why people enjoy reading what you have to say. This blogging thing is awesome, it’s helped me get out of a depression I’d been in for awhile and really gave me something to aim for in life. I love to read blogs like yours that put their personalities into the words they write. I know what you’re saying is what I want to say too, the way I write, but not so much because my blog is just about my dog, and I do know people that read it. But you have a following for a reason, and you should be proud of it. I never thought I’d have the time and energy to even sit here and write. My blog is pretty much my only outlet and since your a fan of this site, I can assure you I’m doing my job. If you could give me five quick tips about blogging, and how to promote your site, and get a following on other sites. If you could write a really nice post in your “How to Write Blog Posts” series, I could refer others to your site. My only problem is that I don’t want a lot of people to know I took the time to write it, which makes me hesitant to share it. I can’t do a post about promoting it. I feel like I’m cheating by even asking, but if you could give me some tips, you’d be doing me a service as well as saving me time that I could focus on writing my blog instead of writing about how I can promote my blog. I see what you’re saying, but I think your readers will appreciate it. It could be interesting for them to read about other people’s “how to’s.” But if you really want to write something about how to promote a site, you could write about blogging in general or something related to that. I’m sure you want to read about things that you feel will be interesting, like this site, so that’s great. I was just hoping you had