Anime, Cosplay, LA
Total Dysfunction
Spirits and the Fi
This Is Not Surviv
Didn’t they tell y
The Ocean's Surpri
Battle Royale
This Is Where We B
My Brother's Keepe

that's not a unico
we’ve gotten valua
I plan to make
I can be your moun
The Survivor Devil
You make me feel s
Dire Strengths and
This game is just
Sour Grapes
I plan to make
If your character receives a wound, the first time each turn the attacker rolls to hit, you must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for the rest of the turn. If you are affected by both these conditions, you immediately take a 5% chance of death, and if you fail the Dexterity save you take that chance immediately as well. When a second condition is applied, the probability that you will die rises to 10% and when a third condition is applied, the chance that you will die jumps to a minimum of 25%. When three of these conditions are imposed on you, you must make another saving throw or die. If three of these conditions are inflicted, death is inevitable. Spells A spellcaster in the world of Pacesetter Campaign Setting can learn and cast spells like those described in the Player’s Handbook. A spellcaster must follow the normal rules for spellcasting but can only cast spells when they have spell slots. Spellcasters in the world of Pacesetter Campaign Setting can also learn new spells whenever they level up. In Pacesetter Campaign Setting, clerics, druids, wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks are called “cantrips.” Cantrips are low-level spells that are cast in conjunction with another spell-like effect or with a magic item to use it. The difference between a cantrip and other spells is that they are single-use spells that can only be cast by spellcasters who meet a minimum level requirement. The minimum level is based on a cantrip’s spell level, which can range from 1st to 3rd-level. Society Characters that are familiar with the realms can learn the following languages. A character that does not know a language at a given level will have the “No Knowledge” modifier for that language. Language Levels Common Savage and Inland (see below) Giant (see below) Draconic 7th Ancient 10th High, Mid, Low, and Orcish (see below) 13th Epic and Undercommon (see below) 16th Arcane 19th Fey 21st Spells that affect the material or time planes can affect material or time-based constructs, though only if they are in the same plane. Characters cannot bring items from another plane unless they are allowed to. All magic items must be made from the same material as they originate from and do not affect nonliving objects, unless otherwise stated. Only living creatures and constructs can affect other living creatures or constructs. Magic items cannot affect nonliving material, unless specifically stated, and can only affect other magic items. The maximum range for any living being is 50 miles from its origin and for nonliving materials is 50 miles from its creator. Time spells cannot affect time-sensitive creatures unless otherwise specified, such as an effect that affects only creatures that exist only in the future. No living creature can be affected by time spells except for creatures that have already been born. Level Magic Item Material Spell Spell/Level Target Time Spell 1st 2nd-level caster level, +1 bonus, or +2 bonus. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 3rd 2nd-level caster level, +2 bonus, or +1 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 4th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 4th 2nd-level caster level, +2 caster level, +1 bonus, or +1 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 6th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 5th 2nd-level caster level, +3 caster level, +1 bonus, or +2 bonus. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 6th 2nd-level caster level, +4 caster level, +1 bonus, or +3 bonus. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 7th 3rd-level caster level, +5 caster level, +2 bonus, or +2 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 8th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 8th 3rd-level caster level, +6 caster level, +2 caster level, +1 bonus, or +2 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 10th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 9th 3rd-level caster level, +7 caster level, +3 caster level, +2 bonus, or +3 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 12th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 10th 3rd-level caster level, +8 caster level, +4 caster level, +2 caster level, +1 bonus, or +3 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 14th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 11th 3rd-level caster level, +9 caster level, +5 caster level, +3 caster level, +2 bonus, or +4 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 17th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 12th 3rd-level caster level, +10 caster level, +6 caster level, +3 caster level, +2 bonus, or +5 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 20th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 13th 3rd-level caster level, +11 caster level, +7 caster level, +4 caster level, +3 bonus, or +6 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 22nd-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 14th 3rd-level caster level, +12 caster level, +8 caster level, +5 caster level, +4 bonus, or +7 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 24th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 15th 3rd-level caster level, +13 caster level, +9 caster level, +6 caster level, +5 bonus, or +8 caster level for every additional spell slot up to 27th-level. Only a magic item that is within a pocket or purse and a magic weapon can be protected this way, unless it is otherwise noted. This spell functions like mage armor, except that it instead provides protection against damage from magic items. 16th 3