The Ocean's Surpri
Battle Royale
This Is Where We B
My Brother's Keepe
Local environment
Here’s your merit
The Winds Twist
The purpose of pra
Stick it up your

This Is Not Surviv
Spirits and the Fi
Total Dysfunction
Anime, Cosplay, LA
If your character
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I plan to make
I can be your moun
Didn’t they tell you that I was a psychopath? Why didn’t you listen to me? I’ve already proven that, not only was I lying, but you’re not even human! Well? Aren’t you going to kill me? I’m not a murderer. Don’t call me a murderer! Don’t you dare call me a murderer! No one would call a serial killer a murderer. You’re not even a killer! I would have thought you knew by now that I’m a lot smarter than you are. Did they really tell you that I was a murderer? Yeah! I didn’t want to kill anyone! You have no idea what I was like before I was put in that prison, do you? It wasn’t until I met a prisoner named Jason, that I was brainwashed into doing this. Once I was inside this prison, I became everything that you called me. Did they ever tell you that I was a homicidal psychopath? That’s not what they told me. I’ve already done that many times, so why would I do it again? No, I don’t think they would do that. So why do I do it? Because it’s just my nature. I really hate this place. It’s not bad enough that I’m in prison, but you all made my life so hard! Even my parents hate me! I’m not even sure if they love me. I don’t understand why you’re trying to trick me. Well, I wasn’t really planning on tricking you, but I guess it was inevitable. Yeah, but the fact that you did trick me kind of bothered me. But I did it to protect you. From what? From me. You killed someone, didn’t you? I couldn’t kill anyone. Yeah, right. It’s the truth. Well, I’m just going to call you a liar then. That wasn’t very nice, now was it? You can kill anyone you want, but I can’t? You got me. What’s your name? Well, my parents didn’t really have a name for me, but since you decided to call me something, I’ll call you something too. You can call me whatever you want. I’ll call you a psychopath. I like that. The psychopath is calling the crazy psychopath a crazy psychopath. We’ll see who wins this game! I wasn’t expecting this. How did he trick you into believing that he’s not a psychopath? Oh, I’ll tell you something else. How about that I’m not a criminal? Well, why would a psychopath be a criminal? Because he’s a psychopath. There’s nothing else to it. But you said you weren’t a murderer. Well, I thought that by saying that I wasn’t a murderer, I was trying to trick you, but as it turns out, I was right! I’m not a murderer, but you’re just as bad! But how can I kill people if I’m not a criminal? Well, I’ve always been an exception. What can I say? But since you didn’t want to be put in the same category as me, you will see that I won’t be satisfied until you all die. What if I don’t agree to be put in the same category as you? That means you’re either a really brave one, or one of the bravest. You want to know what kind of person I am? Yeah, let’s see if I’ll be able to figure it out. The guy who created you is still in jail, you know? I heard that. I’m wondering why the guy would have created such a terrible being, and yet he kept you around. But I think that’s because I’m really good at killing people. What? Did he tell you that too? That I’m good at killing people? Well, it’s all because of you. Well, that sounds kind of funny. Yeah, it was all because of you. Then why don’t you try to kill me? Because I need to get out of this prison. Where do I live? You don’t have a name, and you also don’t have a life, because you didn’t exist until you got trapped in here. So if I was never trapped in here, I would have been able to kill you? Yeah, you would have been able to kill me. That’s what I thought. Well, if that’s the case, then how can I trick you into coming closer to me? Well, I have a plan! Now, where do I live? I have no clue what kind of place this is, but it seems like I’ll get a pretty nice room here. Well, the prison is kind of interesting to be living in. I never knew there was a prison just outside of the prison I was in. So what do you think this place is? Well, it’s all just a prison. What? Yeah, that’s what I thought too. I guess this is a prison for people who don’t commit crimes. What’s your name? You have a name. I know what’s my name. I just don’t know my last name. I like what your voice sounds like. Your voice is just so beautiful. I wonder if the people around you are as lucky as I am to have you there. Yeah, I’m lucky that you were the first person I ever saw. What? Yeah, the first person I ever saw in this place was you. Wow, that was really lucky for me. Maybe I should get out of here? I could live with my family in Miami Beach. But when I do, I have to leave you behind. That would probably hurt a lot. And it would probably take a lot of therapy to get over that loss. What? I don’t understand what you’re saying. It’s pretty obvious what you’re saying. And you’re right! It would hurt a lot! Did you just read what I just said? How could I read what you just said if I hadn’t just said it? Well, how could you have read it before I did? And what would it matter even if you had? And then if you did read it, did you forget what it said before I even started saying it? Well, I’m thinking that I should probably stay here because I don’t think I would have enough time to get used to the outside. Besides, what are the chances that my family is actually going to live in Miami Beach? You know what? You’re pretty good at getting away from me. I guess I could tell myself to not let my mind drift. But I didn’t think I was getting away from you. I thought you were keeping up with me, but apparently, I’m just out of breath. I guess I’m lucky I didn’t pass out. Well, there goes the dream of having you for my wife. But then again, if I didn’t pass out, maybe you would have been able to get some sleep. Good night, psychopath. Is that really the last thing you heard me say? Well, I guess that was pretty good. Well, the next time I’ll probably get more of a reaction. You better not make me mad! I’ll kill you! I’m the psychopath now. I bet. I bet you regret choosing to stay in that prison. I bet you regret not being able to escape from it. Well, let’s see if you can escape from it now that you have something that no one else does. You have my permission to go ahead and