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Go Out With a Bang

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I'm wondering why
This tip is all about feeling what the truth is.” When people feel the way, they act on it. Don’t do the logical thing, act on your impulse and you will be moving in the right direction. Your intuition will be guiding you and at that moment, it’s not what you want. Your inner voice should be saying “I don’t want this right now.” If you can follow that gut feeling, you’ll be on your way to making a smart choice. Just think about it. If we’re all intuitive beings, then we should all be intuitive and get it right! You can be intuitive about money, friends, love, and more, as long as you get it right when you decide you want it! “Take a peek and see if the thought would be good in the long run” is tip #4. When we look at our choices from a big-picture perspective, we can make better decisions that will help lead us to success and happiness. The same with relationships. If you were to ask yourself before entering a relationship to see if the relationship will last, to what degree are you likely to think in a more objective fashion? That same thought exercise can be used for many other issues. Let me give you an example: Say you are thinking about making a serious commitment to another person. Maybe you are thinking about marriage. Before you make the commitment, take a peek and see if the thought would be good in the long run. Once you know how it will make you feel in the long run, you should act from your intuition and not your emotions. Take your time to evaluate your situation and find out whether or not it will make you happy or better. There are many good books that go into this process and I am sure you know some of them, however I chose to mention them in case you are just starting to get this thing called intuition. You don’t want to get swept up with emotion without knowing what your gut is telling you. I think intuition is a wonderful thing to have and it is definitely worth the trouble of having to get it down and know it. Tip #5: Take a step back and take some time to take a quiet moment to yourself and get to know who you are. This tip is the cherry on the pie and without it you won’t have the clarity to feel what your gut is telling you to do. In today’s world, many people don’t know who they are. If you don’t know who you are, then you don’t know what you need. Your intuition will be guiding you through life and by taking time to find yourself. You will find that when you start doing things that you really like, that when you have your thoughts, you have the courage to do them. You will also feel more clarity and when you’re clear, you can start taking action. It takes me a while to get to the right place, but when I get there, I become very wise. When I get into the flow, I know what’s right for me and others. That’s intuition. We all have intuition that’s always there. However, in our busy day-to-day, we may not be paying much attention to what our intuition is telling us. All we need to do is take a break and just sit and do nothing. We just need to get to a place where we can hear what our gut is telling us to do. If you think about it, it’s common sense. Why don’t we do what’s good for us? We don’t pay attention to what we should be paying attention to. Don’t spend time arguing against yourself. Just have a few minutes to be quiet and find yourself. After that, you’ll have more clarity and once you know how to receive your intuition, then it will start becoming your reality. Tip #6: Ask your gut for a sign that it’s time to make a change or that you’re making the right move. The best way to change or know if you are on the right path is to ask your gut for a sign. We all have our intuition and at some point we should begin to listen to it. There are many ways to interpret the sign, but make sure that you are comfortable with your choice. Do you notice the same signs over and over? Then it’s important to take a stand and do something about them. Remember, by listening to your intuition and following your gut, you won’t regret anything. You can’t have regrets if you are doing what you want to do or if you are making the right moves. Your intuition is there for a reason and it’s your gut talking to you. There are many examples of how our intuition guides us through our life. For instance, when you meet someone and it feels like they’re your soulmate, it’s a sign that it’s time to take a good look. Something just clicked. You felt that moment when you met. You know that once you meet them and feel that magic connection, that’s it, it’s a sign. You’ve got your answer. In this case, you have to ask yourself, how do you feel about the situation? Does it make you feel good or is it an alarm clock? Many women like to talk about the signs they have felt with their intuition. We all have signs in life, we just need to be mindful to notice them. It’s the same when you don’t know what to do and you’re looking for a sign. The way to get the right answer is to listen to your intuition. Here’s another example: Let’s say you feel like you are on the right track with your career. You might feel it or you might feel frustrated about something you are doing or a step that you are taking, but you are still going to take the next step because you can feel it in your gut. You can be certain that if you don’t do what your gut is telling you to do, then it will tell you. Your intuition will tell you “no.” Tip #7: It’s wise to stop and look at the big picture to see where you are heading. You can’t always follow your intuition because your intuition is an evolving thing. It is always changing in response to what is happening around you. Sometimes it’s good to pause and think about where you are going and if you are going to be on the right track. Here’s an example: You can have a dream to go back to school, but you don’t have the time to go back to school to study because your life is busy. Well, maybe now is not the best time, but if you think you might need this in the future, then make a plan. What are the steps that you need to take to reach your goal? It’s always good to work on your vision and dream and always keep it as an option. That’s why you should also have a plan. When you have a plan, then you know that your intuition will direct you on your way. The whole reason why you want to do this is because your intuition is telling you to do it. That’s the most important part of the equation. Your gut is trying to tell you what’s best for you. When it comes down to it, it’s always right for you because you are doing something that feels good, that’s comfortable and it’s your inner voice showing you the way. If you want to change or if you want to improve something, ask your gut. When you ask your gut and you feel that comfort, then know that it’s a sign that it’s time for you to make a change. Tip #8: Listen to your intuition and make sure that you are taking action with your intuition and intuition will guide you through the obstacles. You can still make mistakes, but the more you understand about it, the better you will become at it. It might take a while to figure out how to listen and follow your intuition, but once you’ve figured out the process, it’s a breeze to do. Once you learn how to listen to your gut, it will make life easier because you will know when it’s time to follow your heart. For example, if your gut feeling is telling you to go left but you go right, you’re going to feel bad and so will your body. There is a feeling you will get when you have made the wrong choice, however you can always listen to your body to find out if you made a mistake. When you start hearing your body, you will feel a bad feeling. It’s important to know the feeling. When you feel that the bad feeling, that’s it, you have a choice whether you want to live that or not. That is how your intuition is giving you the feeling and the body is giving you the feeling that you need to listen and follow. When you start to feel it in your body, then you have your answer and it’s a sign that it’s time to listen to your intuition and follow your heart. Even when we know how it feels to listen to our intuition, there will still be some ups and downs. Don’t panic. Have faith and be patient. It’s your intuition and if it makes you happy, it’s guiding you in the right direction. You can change it in the future but it’s important that you are on the right track right now. When it comes to intuition, you