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What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile The first few hours of the episode is pure, unrelenting chaos. The group manages to track down the man who was in charge of the experiment, and we learn that he doesn’t get away from Dr. Zahn’s people for obvious reasons. He becomes like a father figure to Charlie and her crew, and we realize that this was the best solution for her to end up there. They eventually have to come back for him but we see how much that little boy has grown and how much he really trusts Charlie’s crew. Another person who becomes more important to us in Exile is Dr. Zahn. She is a very sad person with a huge complex. We learn from a conversation that she was the only girl in a family of four sons. She eventually decided to marry but when her husband got involved in her work, she eventually got involved with Zahn. She admits to me that she loves her husband, but she lost him during the course of that experiment. Zahn is all about control, and she wants her experiments to go as planned, but that is never going to happen. Her biggest fear is losing control and that is exactly what happens to her when you see her reaction in the first few episodes and she even cries at one point. On The Island We see some of our previous characters in the next episode, but we learn of some new characters in the process. They were actually people rescued on the island, and the crew finds out the island was actually a Russian prison camp during World War II. We’re all thinking that these characters probably died and their bodies were put into the box, but we learn that is not the case. There are stories of this camp being even worse than Auschwitz, and it’s truly heartbreaking to hear. All these characters have been through hell and yet they keep going. Despite the horrendous circumstances that are happening to them, they still find it in their hearts to help those around them. The biggest reveal from the episode is the identity of Charlie’s mother. We get it at the end of the episode when she was put onto the box. She was a test subject for Zahn’s experiment and her body is being put back on the island for some reason. After learning that she is dead, we learn that her father was part of this experiment too and there are no other members of her family. Knowing this would never be part of her life. She is now on this island to figure out what happened to her. She is so full of rage and hurt that this was done to her, and we will be following her throughout her time on the island. Conclusion We are learning so much about everyone’s past. A very dark side to the show is the torture that Dr. Zahn and her men made these people endure. The people at Auschwitz had a chance to escape and run away, but these people are kept in a box and left to rot. They are going to start coming down off the hill and when they do, everyone will go for the person who is not Jewish. We will see the worst people in history of all people fighting with each other. I have a feeling that Charlie will show that her side has a few surprises as well. This episode was a little tough to watch. As we see a lot of the characters suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, we also learn more about the island and we realize just how awful it is. This is the first time we have seen the survivors actually deal with reality again. Life on the island isn’t getting any easier for them and it is certainly making it even more difficult to deal with. Overall Thoughts This episode was not the most riveting episode of the season. We still see Charlie and the rest of her crew’s life on the island, but we also get so much history with these characters and we start to see this “what if” scenario. Zahn is one of the most intriguing characters on the show so far and the actor who plays her, Vanessa Redgrave is phenomenal. We see a little more of Zahn throughout the episode and we learn that she really does hate Charlie and wants her gone. “I’m not the one you should be afraid of.” Overall this was a strong episode that we won’t soon forget. We got some great history behind this show, and we also found out that Charlie’s father was a part of Zahn’s project. I am excited to see where she gets from here and to see just what she will do with the box that has been opened up. Thank you all for reading and please be sure to subscribe to C&R! Like this: Like Loading...