The Brains Behind
When you look at t
Pet cloning
Sometimes the most
And of course inte
Arranging a Hit
It Don't Take a Sm
So You Think You C
I'm not very good

The Survivor Devil
Rustle Feathers
Panicked, Desperat
Come Over to the D
My Brother's Keepe
End of life photog
Are We Gonna Live
on their next attack roll equal to their wisdom modifier plus their proficiency modifier. If it works, they gain all the benefits of this feature and another use of this feature can’t be used by this weapon until the next Long rest. (Replacing the other weapon) The wielder can imbue their weapon with certain properties once per short rest. Choose an effect from the following: (2d8) Strength to AC Magic Weapon to the Weapon's Hit Rolls Increase the range of the Weapon's effects by 5 feet Certain Properties to the Weapon's effects for 1 minute. At 9th level, the DC is increased by 1 for each additional use of this feature. (Replacing the other weapon) While you are raging and wielding this weapon, you gain proficiency in two skills of your choice and add double your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with it. You also gain a 1d10 bonus to AC. Additionally, you gain the Weapon Bond feature, except with the Weapon you chose to replace the other Weapon. Unarmed Strike Beginning at 10th level, you gain the ability to attack your enemies with your unarmed strikes, even if they are invisible, stunned, paralyzed or otherwise seem unable to defend themselves. You deal 1d4 damage of the same type as your Unarmed Strike for every three levels you have in this class, and 1d4 more for every three levels after that. Also, whenever you are forced to make an attack with disadvantage, the enemy takes 1d6 extra damage from the weapon as you are raging. Shockwave Starting at 13th level, whenever you use your bonus action to mark an enemy, when you hit with your weapon as a part of a melee attack, you can teleport behind your opponent as a bonus action. The attack should be made at the end of your movement. This can be done as many times in a turn as you wish, but only once per turn. Chuck At 18th level, whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points and not killed outright, you can instead use your reaction to force one enemy in range to make a wisdom saving throw. On a fail the target is stunned and an ally of yours can make a ranged attack against the target as a part of this reaction. If you have an ally that you share your bond with that is also raging then they can also attack this target and you may decide which ally is attacking. Extra Attack Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Raging Rage A character that rages loses all Charisma (Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion) ability checks. The ability checks are still made and any bonuses or penalties to those rolls apply to the player. The following spell-like abilities have their DC increased by 5 for each feature used. Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + strength modifier. Spell attack bonus = Strength + proficiency bonus + strength modifier. Spell damage = 1d6. In combat, rage has a number of effects. It allows your character to take an extra turn between each other, granting them an additional attack. You gain +5 to Dexterity, +5 to Strength, and +5 to Constitution for that attack. You also gain the following effects: You can make one extra weapon attack per turn If your first attack is a critical hit, all subsequent attacks you make during your turn deal double the normal damage (instead of 1d6) If a single creature is surprised by both you and your ally, you and your ally take turns making attacks against that creature; one of you attacks, the other attacks after it. The surprised creature gains advantage on its first saving throw against the attack, or it becomes frightened. As a bonus action on your turn, you can make one additional weapon attack with your main hand or off-hand weapon. The second attack has advantage. You and your ally can spend your bonus action and one turn making as many additional weapon attacks as possible, so long as you do not make an additional attack with one of these bonus attacks. At the end of your turn, you regain 1 rage point. If you can't attack due to having 0 rage, you can use a bonus action to make one attack against a target within range of your marked enemy and you gain a bonus to attack rolls against that enemy equal to the number of rage points you currently have. Regeneration At 7th level, you gain the ability to regenerate after taking damage. When you would take hit point damage, you instead regain hit points equal to half the total damage dealt. This regenerative ability does not work against radiant damage. In addition, while raging you cannot be forced to make a saving throw against an effect that restores hit points to a creature other than you. Raging Stride You have learned how to make full use of your rage while you're running away. As a part of your movement, you may make one extra attack against one enemy that you are aware of, so long as you haven't moved more than half your speed during the round. This feature does not stack with other rage effects that also allow an extra attack. While raging, you cannot use features that require your speed to be equal to your speed or higher. In addition, you cannot move with a speed greater than your normal speed while raging. Unstoppable At 11th level, your rage enhances your movement, granting you an additional movement equal to your full speed. If you would take damage while raging, you instead ignore the hit and gain a benefit determined by your current level in the Barbarian class as well as any feat you have selected: (2) You gain a bonus to damage rolls of any skills you possess based on your rage for one round per additional level you have in the Barbarian class and the selected feat. (3) You can move through another creature's space. (4) You may move up to your speed as part of a single move. (5) Your speed is doubled for the purpose of determining how quickly you can move. (6) Your speed is tripled for the purpose of determining how quickly you can move. (7) You can move through difficult terrain as if it was easy terrain. (8) You can move through up to two creatures' spaces as part of a single move. Raging Rage At 17th level, you gain the ability to perform additional actions while raging. As a bonus action while raging, you may make one attack against any number of enemies that you are aware of. This attack automatically misses if any of the enemies are hidden behind full cover or if the targets are more than 60 feet away. In addition, while raging you can make an additional attack with a weapon that you are proficient in as an action, and then take an immediate action to move with a speed equal to your unarmed damage modifier, or your main weapon damage modifier if you attack with your main hand weapon. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks or cause opportunity attacks against you. Spell resistance does not apply to either attack made by this feature, while these attacks do benefit from all of your rage abilities as normal. Barbarian Spells Cantrips (XGE) Magic Mudball, Magic Stone Shillelagh Spare the Dying Alarm False Life Find Familiar Vicious Mockery Find Steed Hexes Level 1 Chill Touch, Enlarge/Reduce, Magic Circle against Undead Magic Weapon against Elementals, Dancing Lights Sleep against Magic Create Food and Water against Poison Damage Level 2 Animal Friendship, Awaken, Blindness/Deafness, Control Water, Enlarge/Reduce, Fog Cloud, Ray of Sickness Resistance, Shield Against Evil, See Invisibility, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Slow Level 3 Bigby's Hand, Catnap, Contagion, Fire Shield, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Sanctuary, Slow Level 4 Counterspell, Fire Shield, Insect Plague, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Speak with Plants Level 5 Aura of Vitality, Circle of Power, Enemies Abound, Hold Person, Ice Storm, Nondetection, True Seeing