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The Survivor Devil
I'm not very good at remembering faces, but I do recall the name." "It's not very difficult, even if your face were obscured by a pair of tights and a domino." "Toulouse-Lautrec." "Now we know what that means, don't we?" "You're a boche." "You're a dirty german Hun." "Dirty and boche are it." "I just want to ask you one question." "Was this war clean enough to suit you?" "How dare you?" "I've lost two brothers." "How dare you?" "I have nothing, nothing to do with this!" "All right." "Now tell me... your real name." "I don't understand you!" "You... don't understand me?" "Come here." "Look at this." "I killed a lot of men on the Russian front." "I killed them for nothing." "Did you know that?" "I picked up a weapon and I killed a man." "His guts were hanging out." "Sinews, like you could never imagine." "There was so much blood." "I will take the skin off your face and hang you in the middle of Paris for all to see." "I will kill you." "Tell me your name, you dirty german bitch." "You dirty, boche witch!" "Go home, sonny." "Go home." "Come in." "Mrs. Titaishvili?" "You have a call from the front desk, sir." "What?" "I am expecting some important papers." "I have to get up early in the morning and I have to get a signature..." "Where are they?" "It's almost seven o'clock." "Where are the papers?" "I had them on my desk in the office." "It's eight o'clock." "I have to get a signature, and you are wasting my time!" "You are sleeping, yeah." "I'm sleeping, huh?" "No, you are sleeping, and I want to get some sleep too." "I'm not sleeping, I am working." "I'm looking for a signature, and you want to sleep." "It's not true!" "It's true." "I am working." "Yeah, but I'm sleeping and you are working." "You are lying to me." "You are lying." "I can smell it." "You're lying to me." "I'll get the signature." "And you will go to bed when I say so." "Right now." "Here." "Here's the signature." "And you'll go to bed when I tell you." "Here." "Now I want you to get back in bed." "I don't want to!" "You will go back to sleep when I tell you." "Get in bed." "I want you to get in bed now." "I don't want to!" "You are not sleeping!" "Yes, I am sleeping." "I want you to get back in bed." "No." "No, not like that." "Now, right now." "You will do what I tell you!" "I am not getting in bed, I will not." "Get back in bed." "Get in bed." "Take your hands off me!" "You'll get back in bed when I tell you to!" "Do you hear me?" "This is the stupidest thing I've ever done!" "I am not taking this bullshit!" "I'll kill you!" "What do you think I am?" "I'll beat you!" "I'll kill you, you stupid german." "Now get back in bed!" "Now!" "Get back in bed now." "And you will not move until I tell you to move!" "Understand?" "What are you doing?" "What do you want to do with this?" "Where are you going?" "Look at you." "Where do you think you are going?" "Give me that." "Please." "Please, give me that." "My little boy." "My little boy." "Are you asleep?" "Are you asleep?" "I have to sleep, I have to be up early." "I'll sleep with you." "Please?" "I just can't stay awake any longer." "Are you asleep?" "I don't want to go to bed alone, please." "All right." "All right." "Get back in bed." "We both have to be very quiet." "Don't make any noise." "We just have to be real quiet." "If the marshal comes and sees that the door is open, he'll wake up your father and they will call the police." "You understand?" "I have to sleep, otherwise I'll fall asleep on the floor and I will never get back up." "We'll both sleep." "I'll take care of you." "Now get back in bed." "Get back in bed." "Where are your slippers?" "Slippers..." "I'll put them back on." "I'll take them off." "Okay." "Here we go." "Get in bed." "Get in bed." "I'm gonna get these slippers back on." "Get in bed." "I'll get my slippers back on." "I'll put these slippers on..." "Mommy." "Thank God, he's still asleep." "He's exhausted." "Yeah, I think he is still exhausted, yeah." "Come in." "Good morning, Mr. Kohner." "Could you help me?" "My son, I can't find his slippers." "And he's exhausted." "He fell asleep on the bed, and now I can't wake him up." "I'm sorry, I can't find them." "Did you check his room?" "Oh, yes." "Yes, of course." "They must be in his room." "Thank you, sir." "I'll come back later." "You look awful." "I didn't sleep." "Where's Niki?" "He doesn't get up until one o'clock." "So he still sleeping?" "Yes." "Come sit with me." "Oh, please." "No, come on." "Come on, come on." "I need your help." "No, you don't need my help." "This is ridiculous, please." "No, I'm not gonna help you." "No, don't you touch me." "This is what's happening here!" "Don't you touch me!" "Don't you touch me!" "Let go of me!" "No." "Let go!" "Get your fucking hands off me!" "I'm going." "I'm going!" "I'm going." "Goodbye." "Yes?" "Hello." "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number." "I was looking for Miss Niki Titaishvili." "Yes." "There is no Niki here." "Well, could you tell me, then, where I might find Mr. Kohner?" "He's not here either?" "No, I'm sorry." "Thank you." "What time does he get back?" "How long have you lived here?" "Four years." "When was the last time you heard from him?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Are you the police?" "No." "I'm a friend of his." "Do you know where he is?" "Would you like to take a seat?" "You're looking for my father?" "Yes." "How long has it been since you've spoken to him?" "I don't know." "A few years, I think." "Does he still live in Paris?" "He's dead." "He died, like, a couple of years ago." "No, I don't think that's true." "Yeah, he moved to America." "Do you know where he moved to?" "I don't know." "He didn't tell me." "How did he die?" "A heart attack." "I'm sorry." "Do you mind if I just take a minute to compose myself?" "Yes, of course, of course." "Take your time." "I saw your tears." "The music is very beautiful." "Thank you." "You know, I could play something else." "This is perfect." "What?" "The piece you're playing." "It's perfect." "Do you play something else?" "No, it's just the piece I'm in." "I'm just gonna play this until I can't play it anymore." "Where is your friend?" "What friend?" "The friend who came with you the other day." "I don't know any friend." "What are you talking about?" "I don't know this man." "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number." "Hello." "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number." "I was looking for my friend, Mr. Nicholas Kohner." "There's no Nicholas here." "Okay, sorry." "I must have the wrong number." "That's quite all right." "No problem." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Does Nicholas Kohner live here?" "Of course." "I'm sorry." "It's just that I'm looking for him." "Nicholas is dead." "Dead?" "Months ago." "He used to live here." "He was a composer." "He wrote a piece of music." "I just wanna find out how he died." "Can you help me out?" "Can you tell me something about him?" "