The Survivor Devil
on their next atta
The Brains Behind
When you look at t
Pet cloning
Sometimes the most
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Arranging a Hit
It Don't Take a Sm
So You Think You C

Panicked, Desperat
Come Over to the D
My Brother's Keepe
End of life photog
Are We Gonna Live
Note: This page ma
I'm in Such a Hot
Rustle Feathers, Winner’s Circle, Bantu Winds, Hush, and a lot more! A long list of local writers are involved with the magazine such as myself, Mark, David Teng, Mike, Steve, and many others. The list is posted on the magazine’s webpage and is getting bigger and bigger every issue. We have some exciting features coming out soon that we are also very excited about. Check out the latest edition of the magazine – It’s been great so far. Get yours and give it a read! We would love to hear your comments. We will be releasing a full set of the music videos from the magazine as well. To make it easier, we’ll be releasing them all online in a weekly set. In the meantime, here is a recent video that we made. A lot of the articles and interviews are coming from local artists that are making up new sounds and new ways to express their art. Let’s keep these underground sounds flowing and keep the funky grooves rocking! Our last post got me thinking about how we are not really doing anything new. Sure we are making music videos, but they are more about what is being done than about what is being done right. There is no way to be unique while all music is following the same pattern. You can only try and get away with it for so long before people figure it out and start imitating what you are doing. As a kid I was always told that if you don’t have anything new to say then shut up and stop making so much noise. You really haven’t made anything new if you are just copying what has been said before. Then people who follow that mentality will never make anything new. On the other hand, there is the idea of not being unique if you are just a copy cat. I have seen a lot of artists that have tried that and it has never worked well for them. Instead they end up doing what most of the other artists are doing. I guess this is where we come in. How to be unique and new? That’s the question of the day. How do we stand out without copying other people? It’s the question that needs to be answered. We all want to make new sounds. It’s in our blood. The need for uniqueness is a large part of what led to the creation of this magazine. It’s more than just music. Its like the difference between someone walking in and just following everyone else. It’s not being unique, its not standing out. They don’t get noticed and they just become part of the background. So how do you stand out? Well, what we have started to do is to make a lot of noise. We can’t not make noise. The music has to be loud and clear. The noise will let you be unique and will let you stand out. It will be heard by the crowd that needs to be drawn in. There are many ways to make noise. Music, art, writing and many other things are ways to let people know that you exist and you have a message. So how can you stand out? Go for noise. Make a noise that will be heard. Don’t let someone else do what you can do. It’s easy to just go with the pack. That leads to the background. This blog is not going to be as prolific as the last one. We will be taking a break. We just can’t get enough noise and too much has been going on lately with life. We have some cool videos coming out in the next couple of months. We can’t wait to show you them all. Some of them will be music videos and some of them will be making ofs. We are really excited about the videos and would love to show you all of them. Keep an eye out! Check out the video below for something else we have been working on. It’s not music, but it is noise. To end things, I’ll leave you with a little video from the upcoming issue. In the coming months you can expect more cool videos from the magazine. We are just starting out and have a long way to go, but we are still having a lot of fun doing what we do. Hope to see you around!