Dead Man Walking
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Our coming-of-age
The Great Divide
Like diamond rings
Want to See the El
While the Cats are
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Vibe of the Tribe

The Instigator
Make Some Magic Ha
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My Million Dollar
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Perception is Not Always Reality This article talks about the difference between how you see things in your mind and how the universe really is. The way we perceive things is sometimes not what’s really happening. That’s the problem with our minds: as they tell us, our thoughts can become so much a part of reality that we start taking things for granted. I read somewhere that your mind can build a house on a cloud in one hour and in another minute you’ll forget it. Minds are like that, they can do a lot of things but your mind and yourself always remain an enigma, a wonder of matter, of all other forms and objects which we can see and experience. That’s the beauty and problem of our minds. It is a gift of life, and we need to know that it is no more than that, for it is only the reflection of a real life. It is not real, nor will it ever be. We are in the midst of the great play of life. Your job is to stay in this experience while it lasts. If you get to know the rules of this experience, they’ll help you remain in the present. This whole thing about thinking can get you into trouble when you try to use your thought patterns to judge someone else. You will see things very differently if you are judging him or her. This is how the mind is. It will get distorted and you’ll interpret things in ways that serve your own desires. Let’s just stay on the right track here. When we do this, we have to be aware that if we are angry, and our mind perceives, for instance, that someone stole our stuff, that person is not bad. Because the mind is always looking to find someone to attack and blame. Because it’s thinking stuff. We all have minds. It’s what the mind does. If we could learn to look at what we call “bad” from the outside in, it would be easy to see that these things are not the result of something inherently bad. Things happen, we get hurt by people, we feel sad and then we learn to keep this stuff away. The mind plays games with us. It’s very funny and cruel. It can’t help but put us through the same thing over and over again. Be in the present. What you call “bad” is a result of your thoughts and when you think in such a way, you get hurt. It hurts, and it hurts a lot. So you need to learn to deal with this stuff from a real standpoint. You need to be able to understand the truth before you make any decision on your perceptions and feelings. Only mind can really hurt you. Don’t get this into your head. It’s just your mind that is the source of all pain. And the mind is very easy to trick. The brain has some tricks that it plays on us. It can be extremely tricky. It’s amazing that there’s no one here in control to see how the brain can trick you, how it is so easy to fool you. You have to remain aware in order to keep away from all these temptations, and that’s where knowing the rules of this experience comes in. But as far as dealing with the situation is concerned, we need to get out of this loop of thought. We need to get rid of this repetitive process that leads to some sort of decision. But decisions in the material world have a very important impact on you because you’re dealing with the mind. The mind is not here to deceive you, but for once we find that it really does play a trick on us. We know that if we choose the good thing, it will bring us good results. If we choose the wrong thing, it will bring us trouble, because we live in the material world. As a result, we have to keep ourselves in this loop of thought. But once we know how the mind works and what all those tricks really are, we can learn how to look at things differently from the outside in. And that’s what I want to show you in the next chapters. About me I'm just a guy trying to live life the best I can, enjoy friends and family, and work hard at work and at home to make a better life for me and my family. I love playing computer games, watching sci-fi movies, and doing anything else that my mind can comprehend. Thanks for taking the time to read my words. This site uses cookies to personalise ads, to provide social media features and to analyse traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with the social media and google’s advertising & analytics. Please consent to continue if you are ok with this, or make your own mind!