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Let's Get Rid of the Weak Players Before We Even Start." (New York Post, 6/21/16) From Fox News Latino: "Trump's Ex-Girlfriend: 'We're All Being Bullied Right Now.'" (Fox News Latino, 8/26/16) From The Advocate: "Trump's Ex-Girlfriend Says He's Not Afraid Of Being Gay." (The Advocate, 5/12/16) "If It's Not About Me, I'm Not Into It." (The Advocate, 4/18/16) From ABC News: "Trump's Ex: I Never Saw The Reality Star Hit Women." (ABC News, 6/12/16) "Trump Lied About 'Grab Em by the Pussy.'" (Daily Beast, 8/24/16) "Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign Is All About His Ego." (New York Magazine, 9/21/16) "Donald Trump, Egotistical, Immature 'Gangsta' of the GOP." (The Guardian, 10/10/16) From Vox: "After The Washington Post's Sexist Headline, This Is Donald Trump's Next Great Feud." (Vox, 5/12/16) "Why The D.C. 'Nasty Woman' Clown Car Won't Stick." (The Daily Beast, 10/19/16) From The Washington Post: "Donald Trump's Bizarre Theory About How Women Talk, Politically." (The Washington Post, 9/8/16) "Trump Claims 'Bimbos' Are Why His Ties Are so Good." (Los Angeles Times, 3/15/16) From The Atlantic: "Donald Trump Made A Big Mistake With That Rape Joke." (The Atlantic, 7/13/16) "Trump Vows To 'Get Rid' Of Muslims In U.S." (MSNBC, 10/21/16) From The New York Times: "Donald Trump's Presidential Announcement Puts Hillary in Danger." (The New York Times, 2/2/16) From The Boston Globe: "Trump: ‘We Will Be Sending the Police to Your House' After Women's Loss." (Boston Globe, 4/21/16) "Will Donald Trump Ever Speak in Public Again?" (New York Magazine, 6/15/16) From Esquire: "Did Donald Trump Really Say He Would 'Go After' People on the Terror Watch List?" (Esquire, 4/7/16) From The New York Times: "What Donald Trump Actually Said About Muslims in His Speech on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict." (The New York Times, 2/2/16) From The New York Times: "Trump: ‘Maybe the Chinese Have Our Podesta Emails.'" (The New York Times, 8/2/16) From The Wall Street Journal: "Donald Trump Rips U.S. Military Troops at Rally in Albuquerque." (The Wall Street Journal, 7/16/16) "Donald Trump Promised To 'Destroy' Former CIA Director With a Single Question." (CNN, 8/6/16) "Donald Trump's Son Eric Defends His Father Against 'Birther' Tweet: ‘I Believe My Father.'" (Daily Beast, 4/15/16) From TIME: "Trump and His Supporters' Racist, Stereotypical Use of 'Racist'." (TIME, 10/24/16) "Don't Believe The Hype: Donald Trump Didn't Mention The NRA's Name Once." (New York Magazine, 5/11/16) "Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign Will Explode Within the Next 48 Hours." (New York Magazine, 7/26/16) "Why Donald Trump's 'Second Amendment' Comment About Opposing Hillary Clinton Isn't As Obscure As You Think." (The Atlantic, 11/8/16) "Donald Trump: I May Vote for Hillary Clinton Because Russia Is Buying Uranium." (Slate, 9/20/16) From The New York Times: "Did Donald Trump Just Say John McCain 'Doesn't Know How to Win'? Seriously?" (The New York Times, 9/22/16) From The New York Times: "Donald Trump Thinks Vladimir Putin Isn't A Russian National." (The New York Times, 7/19/16) From The Washington Post: "Donald Trump Reiterates Controversial Muslim Ban Claim." (The Washington Post, 7/27/16) From The Washington Post: "The Trump Family Is Under Oath to America. Aren't You Also?!" (The Washington Post, 6/21/16) From The Washington Post: "Iraq War Veteran Blasts Trump, Clinton: ‘A Lot Of People Don't Want To Go To War.'” (The Washington Post, 6/8/16) From The New York Times: "The Latest In A Long History of Trump Accusations About The President." (The New York Times, 6/13/16) From The Washington Post: "Donald Trump Is Talking About Bailing Out Hillary. Now." (The Washington Post, 10/15/16) "Why Donald Trump Thinks Hillary Clinton Is A 'Corrupt Person.'" (The Washington Post, 10/21/16) From The Washington Post: "What Does Donald Trump Know About Russian Hacking?" (The Washington Post, 8/10/16) From The Washington Post: "Donald Trump Just Claimed America ‘Has Never Had A Country By More Bribed Or Corrupted' Than Putin's Russia." (The Washington Post, 6/22/16) "Donald Trump's Latest Claim About Hillary Clinton's Email Server: It Was 'Bold.'" (Salon, 8/19/16) From The Guardian: "How Donald Trump Stoked Racial Tension Over A Muslim-American Woman’s Hijab." (The Guardian, 3/8/16) From Time: "The Truth About Donald Trump's Famous ‘Nordic’ Photo." (TIME, 4/8/16) "Trump Shakes Down Supporters Who Refused to Lift the 'H' Word." (Los Angeles Times, 6/23/16) From Rolling Stone: "Donald Trump Is A Racist, Just Like Most Of The Republican Candidates." (Rolling Stone, 8/17/16) From Slate: "Donald Trump Won't Release His Taxes Because The Media Won't Let Him." (Slate, 8/16/16) From Newsweek: "Donald Trump's First 100 Days: Promises, Promises." (Newsweek, 6/14/16) From The New York Times: "Donald Trump's Latest Jab At Hillary Clinton: ‘What Happened to Her?'” (The New York Times, 6/20/16) From The New York Times: "Trump Claims It Was a Big Mistake To Recuse President Obama from Terror Fight." (The New York Times, 6/22/16) "Donald Trump Claimed President Obama Released ‘Thousands and Thousands and Thousands and Thousands’ of Violent Criminals." (Newsweek, 6/17/16) From Los Angeles Times: "What Is Donald Trump's Tax Rate? It Could Matter." (Los Angeles Times, 7/27/16) From The New York Times: "Donald Trump’s Plan to Fight Terror Is About Islam, Not Islamists." (The New York Times, 2/26/16) From Los Angeles Times: "Trump's Campaign Manager Called The Carly Fiorina Story Sexist." (Los Angeles Times, 7/25/16) From The Washington Post: "Trump Is Trying to Exploit G.O.P. Criticism of McCain." (The Washington Post, 9/12/16) From Politico: "Donald Trump’s Muslim Rhetoric Is Making a Jihadist Sympathizer Seem Virtuous." (Politico, 8/24/16) "Trump Thinks Vladimir Putin Is A Slightly Toothed Nineties Playboy." (Vanity Fair, 9/21/16) From The Washington Post: "Donald Trump Tries to Escape the Republican Clutches." (The Washington Post, 11/3/16) From The Washington Post: "Donald Trump Has Never Had a Reason to Apologize." (The Washington Post, 7/16/16) From The New York Times: "Donald Trump Is Defending Russia's Invasion of Crimea With a Lie." (The New York Times, 11/4/16) From The Los Angeles Times: "Donald Trump Has Finally Launched His Presidential Campaign." (Los Angeles Times, 1/16/16) "Why Donald Trump's Response to the Orlando Shooting Won't Be Good for His Campaign." (New York Magazine, 7/25/16) "Donald Trump's Immigration Comments Will Have a Different Effect Than Ted Cruz's." (CNN, 8/31/16) "Donald Trump Calls Barack Obama ‘the Le