Trust No One
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Over the long term
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Gifts for the busy
I'm the Kingpin
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Work From Home, Ho
The Devils We Know
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True Lies,” says a former insider. Hedda said this to a group of reporters during the Cannes film festival on Thursday. “When we were done with “The Dark Knight,” I said to J.K. Rowling: ‘Well, we can only expect the best from you,’ and she just said: ‘No, you mustn’t do that, because if you do that, you’re putting yourself under a spell. And once you’re under a spell, you can’t cast it off. And you can never speak bad of him again. In fact, if you do that, we might have to come and see you.’ ” “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is due in theaters this summer. A screenwriter told me that she had been asked to revise several drafts of “Half-Blood Prince” during her six months in Orlando, mostly because another director had asked to do a rewrite. I’m convinced that the script I wrote and which they filmed, will be the film that will be in the movie theater. If you want to see a really bad version of it that does not remotely resemble the script, you can watch the “Seventh Sense” spoof that Sony has on their website. A director once told me that every script he touches gets better – but that is not necessarily a good thing. I know that some editors will be able to change things, too, but even if they’re good, they won’t know everything. Editors don’t always know what the writer intended. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t touch it; they have their own way of communicating and that is OK. I just thought it should be said that you can’t count on a script to be everything it was meant to be. I also know that they changed the plot a little bit, because it wasn’t good enough, or was too complicated. They wanted a simpler, more direct way of telling the story. I wrote that scene to add some humor, some spice – not to dumb down the story. All the humor I wrote was in there. I thought it would balance out the tone a little bit, because I worried that it might be too dark and intense for people. I know that they’ve decided to add more humor, and I’m fine with that. They wanted to add some other things to the story, and I understood what they meant. It’s not just me – we all like to be a little bit clever sometimes. When I was in the editing room, I could see that some things didn’t work. As an editor, you’re not really supposed to notice things like that, because you don’t want to influence the director. No way that I would just write something that I knew wasn’t good. And if I would, I wouldn’t tell anybody. I guess when your name is next to someone else’s name in a movie, even though you didn’t write it, there will always be questions about you. It has happened to everyone that worked on movies and TV shows. In some cases, I can say that it was not good and I don’t want to be associated with it. I am really fine with people thinking that the movie is a mess. I can’t just not answer the question. You can’t be on set every day and be like: “Oh my gosh, there’s a huge storm coming and we have to start again” and not be asked to talk about it. Some editors like to get in the picture, too. If you watch the behind-the-scenes making of David Fincher’s “The Social Network” – it’s amazing how clever they are. They go and show the same character in two different moments – with a great deal of fun, if you ask me. I always hated that scene. When I watched it, I was so angry. The idea of making it as difficult as possible for him – they made the scene even more painful, so it didn’t work for me. And yet, because of that, people think he would be against a woman being able to get on the Supreme Court, which he’s not. I’ve talked to him about it, too, but he never really understood. I got a lot of hate from that. And it’s not that people have to agree with me on everything. There are still a lot of male writers who think that way, too. I’m trying to get the best of both worlds, to be honest with everyone and not to be on every show. If I want to take a break, I will. I’m really interested in talking about anything else than my relationship with the movies. There are so many people who had done so many movies that it’s really difficult to stand out. I don’t know how they do it. With “The Social Network,” I was supposed to be in it only three days. We were so busy. We did one scene a day and it took a month and half to shoot. It was strange, though. I wasn’t expecting to be in the movie at all. The other actors who played Harvard students were really good, but I didn’t want to be in it. If you think about it, why would these actors even know about my blog? And I didn’t think it would be mentioned on the screen. So why was I there? They asked me to do some of the cameos, and it was my friend Evan Spiliotopoulos who convinced me to do that. But I wish they hadn’t put me in the movie because I had nothing to do with the book or the story. They had to invent stuff, like the “walla” (loud, energetic shouts) I made, which were in no way like I had written them. If you can write a funny text, people tend to hear your dialog, but if you don’t hear it, you know that’s not there. My friends will always know how things work. Even with Facebook and Twitter and stuff like that, we all know what’s going on and there’s no doubt.