When he stood up a
Another argument a
Feels Like a Rolle
The Dead Can Still
The Devils We Know
Work From Home, Ho
Let's Get Rid of t
The Circle of Life
Hot Girl With a Gr

Risk it for the bi
Surveys, questiona
The Great Lie
He's a Snake, But
Udder Revenge
I Trust You But I
Greatest of the Gr
We Found Our Zombi
You Better Be Wear
Why Aren't You Swi
Death of an Alliance." "You know that, and I know that." "He didn't tell me anything..." "I'm going to get some coffee." "I've been here before." "It's all right." "We're safe here." "The High Command doesn't know we're here." "I need your help." "I need information." "What can I tell you?" "The war, our battles, all we know." "Everything." "What are you going to do to get that?" "Pay back an old debt." "My friend..." "he says you and I are alike." "I feel that, too." "And you want revenge, don't you?" "If I said, would you tell me?" "Yes." "You must sleep sometimes." "Yes, I sleep." "I'm alone a lot, but I have work to do." " I can do something for you." " I will let you go..." "You can count on me." "Where did you grow up?" "I had nowhere to go." "You'll die here, or you'll die in battle." "And I cannot go out that way, so don't you say it to me." "I'm sorry." "There was nobody like you where I grew up." "You know what?" "I had nothing." "We're taking you out of here." "How are you feeling?" "You're sure you're okay?" "Yes, I'm fine." "I've got one thing to say to you." "Come on." "That's it." "You know what we're doing right now?" "It's the old S.O.P." "We've been in action before." "It's all about surprise." "They know we are in Stargate, if they can find it... they can destroy us." "So we have to surprise them first." "And they will not be expecting us to come from the ground." "They have no idea that can destroy them from the sky." "This is old, but it's good, so it doesn't matter." "I'm getting you some food, and we can go into your place." "What about the guys in there?" "We're leaving tomorrow." "We can use it..." "and we can bring 'em with us." "No, no, they are not ready yet." "But once you get 'em out of the ground, I can finish the job for us, and then we can all go home." "What if they get back before then?" "Then we'll go to another planet and we'll do it again." "The one thing you can know for sure..." "about these guys is that they are survivors." "They'll be back." "But this is the first time that it's really mattered what happens to them, because now we have the power to let 'em live." "Look out." "You're okay." "You're okay." "I can't believe I did that." "Sorry." "It's over." "So it's all true." "Yeah, yeah." "It's all true." "Everything they say about this country... you know, about all these people, the great leaders that we've had, my father, Lincoln..." "You know what they say he did?" "He made war so that rich people could become richer." "You see all the buildings around you, the streets?" "They're all owned by the same company." "Hey!" "They're all owned by the same company." "Does that make what they do right?" "Is that what America is all about?" "A bunch of fat cats at a board meeting deciding that we don't deserve our planet?" "Today we got to take America back... today." "Today we got to take America back, just today." "You like that, don't you?" "Well, it's ours." "They want us out, we're out." "We've got to fight this." "They've got guns, we've got a right." "That's not right." "I'm afraid." "I'm afraid for the first time since I was 18." "I don't want you to be afraid." "Come on." "You're just one person." "One person can't make a difference." "I do." "I know that we're supposed to be..." "I don't wanna lose you." "You are never going to lose me." "Ever." "The problem is for you." "I'm already here." "What is this?" "When you first got here, you said..." "Oh, God." "I'm sorry." "You're gonna kill me, aren't you?" "And I'm dead... aren't I?" "It's... it's a real one." "Oh, God!" "What are you doing?" "Stay away from me." "Afraid..." "Afraid of what?" "Stay away from me." "It's all right, it's over." "It's over." "Is this real?" "It's gonna happen tomorrow." "What's gonna happen?" "What you saw." "It'll be more intense, they're gonna get more aggressive." "They won't fight fair anymore." "And they're gonna have another one of those things." "Go!" "Go!" "Don't do this to me!" "Not you." "I will not." "I need you..." "I need you!" "The kids!" "Look at the kids!" "My kids!" "My kids!" "It's over." "It's not over." "Oh, God." "You bastard." "All right, fellas." "That's enough." "That's enough." "Come on." "What are you doing?" "Come on." "Come on." "Enough of this crap." "Get out of here!" "You okay?" "I'm not sure." "She is fine." "Get out of my way." "I don't care about her." "She's sick." "Let's go." "Where are you going?" "Where you going?" "I'm going home." "Where are you going?" "Nowhere." "Where am I?" "No place, empty." "No memories." "There's a place you can go." "No." "No!" "This is the place." "Where am I?" "Please, please help me." "Where am I?" "Where am I?" "Where am I?" "Where am I?" "It's gonna be more intense, they're gonna get more aggressive." "They won't fight fair anymore." "I'll bet the biggest piece of fruit the winner gets to keep... if they have one good eye left, just one." "I'll bet the biggest piece of fruit..." "if they have one good eye left, just one." "I think you lost the bet." "You lost the bet." "If they have one good eye left, just one." "If they have one good eye left, just one." "It's a deal." "That was good." "See?" "You have feelings." "You're crazy, but I like you." "You're crazy, but I like you." "All right." "Get out of here." "All right." "Get out of here." "Don't ever come back." "You should've won." "Get out of here!" "I don't need a reason to come back here." "I'll be back tomorrow." "It's in here... in the temple." "I think it is." "In the temple?" "Are you gonna come back?" "And when it's over, I'm gonna take you home." "You are not gonna take him." "They have him now." " I'm going to take you home." " No." "I'm going home." "You're gonna stay here." "You can't leave." "You're gonna stay here... and look after the kids and wait for me to come back." "And when it's over, I'll take you home... and the three of us, we'll go on a little trip." "You can't keep me here against my will." "I will, because I love you, and I'm taking you home." "You can't make me stay here." "You're gonna be my only reason for coming back here." "I don't wanna go home with you." "No one there cares for me." "That's not true." "I won't go!" "Hey, you stay, okay?" "You stay, you stay here, and I'll go." "No!" "Stay here, okay?" "Look at me, look at me!" "Look at me." "I'll go, okay?" "Okay?" "You stay." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I can't." "You will stay with me." "You'll go home with me when I come back." "You'll go home with me when I come back." "This is my home." "You go home now." "No." " No!" "No!" " You go home, and you wait for me." "You'll be back!" "You'll be back, all right?" "You'll be back!" "They're gonna be looking for me." "They'll think you are me." "They're not gonna stop looking for you." "They're gonna kill you, they're gonna kill you." "You don't think they'll kill me, do you?" "Do you?" "Hey." "Hey!" "Do you?" "Stop!" "Stop." "F