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Surveys, questionaires, personality tests, things that they would never say in a formal interview. So you have to be careful of that. Now these are not foolproof. They're not foolproof, right? Because remember we live in a world where we do the job search with email, with text messages, with video clips. So you can go back through all of that. Don't use this as a substitute for an interview. But you might find it helpful. So for example, it's going to make you think about your strengths and weaknesses so you can get them. And I see a lot of people say things like I think my strengths are my problem solving skills and my analytical skills. I don't really know what they're like, right? I don't know, how am I really going to say? These aren't things I can look at in the real world. They're all hypothetical. So what I'd want to say is you got strengths, you got weaknesses. But you don't have to have a job right now. You don't have to have any interviews. You can just be like I don't know what these skills are like. And it would also be a good idea to think about that so that you can go into your interviews and be confident in yourself. Like this is where you can ask your friends. Go to work and ask your friends at work. What do you think I'm good at? What can I improve? Go get involved in things. It would be a great idea. Maybe that's something that you didn't do last time, but if it's something that you like, try and learn how to play the sport. See how you can get better. Maybe that's something new for you, and get good at that. And you can also do it if you're in school and you're trying to get a particular major. I see a lot of people come in here and they don't even know the difference. And they're like I want to be a nurse, but I don't know what the major is for that. You need to find that out. You can look it up. You can ask people. Make sure you're getting as many skills as possible. So this is a good resume that goes into your resume. Your resume is very important as well. I don't know why, if I see a resume like this, I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to want to read it. I'm not going to think that you're a smart person. You don't look like a smart person. Why would I want to hire you? What can you do for me? So make sure that you look presentable. You're going to put it out there and people are going to start seeing it. Okay so those are things that you want to think about. But the biggest thing for me is don't be afraid to take risks. We live in a world where a lot of people aren't willing to risk. They're not willing to go and get a job because that might not work out. Maybe you do really badly. Maybe you don't do so well, or maybe you feel a little bit uncomfortable. People are willing to get a job when they have to. I think it's a smart thing to do. Why would you want to give up? Why would you want to risk? I understand sometimes, you may feel out of place. You may feel a little out of shape. You may feel like you're not fit to do whatever it is, but that's why you got to be a little bit bold. I see a lot of people when they go out for a job, and they've never done it before, it's so scary because they don't know what to do. So when you take these risks, you're going to be a lot happier. You're going to be in a much better place. Take risks. Don't be afraid. I want to hear about your stories. What have you been out there and done? What have you done to make it happen? I want to hear about your stories, I want to see what you've been doing. And maybe I can implement that. And I want to see what you've been doing, how you can do it. I want to give you ideas. I want to see what you've done before. I want to see what kind of mindset you're in. And again, we'll take a lot more calls on this subject if you have questions. If you feel that you're a little bit stuck or you feel that you're a little bit indecisive, then talk to us. We're going to give you the resources that you need. We're going to help you through that. That's what we're here for. I think that will be the best way to get up to speed. And if you don't have a call, feel free to leave your name and I will give you a shout out on the screen. I can't promise that I'll respond to you. But I do have a lot of followers who leave their email on the screen, and I can respond to them and reach out. But if you've got a question and you need some help, feel free to leave your email. Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope it was helpful. I appreciate you spending some time with us today. Thank you for all of your support. We're doing a lot of new content. We're going to be talking about some interesting things, some new topics. I'm hoping that I can see you a lot more in the future. And I look forward to having more discussion with you. Take care of yourself. Thank you so much. All right. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, hit the like button and the subscribe button. Give it a thumbs up, give it a thumbs up. Thank you. I appreciate you watching this video. Good luck, guys. Bye.