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The Great Divide
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Taste the Victory

Kill or Be Killed
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The Chain
Bring the Popcorn
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Running the Camp
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APB is out for a while." "Why?" "She's doing something for me." "She thought you might have some work for her to do." "Oh." "Well, if she needs a job done" "I'd be happy to give her one." "So... what do you need?" "To help stop whatever it is that they're doing to you." "But we didn't find anything." "Maybe you didn't see it." "I need a sample." "A piece of your hair or skin, something I can process and examine." "Why?" "You said you're trying to help me, but how can you help me when you can't even help yourself?" "Look, I know you're in trouble." "You need help." "You need my help, and I need your help to find the people that are doing this to you." "Just trust me." "It'll be okay." "Oh, my god, what are you doing here?" "You shouldn't be in here." "I didn't know where else to go." "Please don't tell the others about this, okay?" "Please." "They'll send me away." "I will never see charlie again." " Lena..." " don't say my name." "You know what they do to people who talk about them." "Lena, you should leave here while you still can." "Why?" "What are you gonna do to me?" "I can't tell you that." "Okay, look." "They're gonna drug you." "They're gonna take you to another facility and tag you like an animal." "And then they'll do experiments on you." "Experiments?" "God, we've been tagging for years." "Not experiments like this, okay?" "Something much worse." "What are you talking about?" "Lena, we are trying to help you." "No, you want to do experiments on me." "You want to take my brain out." "Lena, listen to me." "Just..." "It's too late." "We're here." "They're gonna kill me." "What?" "No, you're a doctor." "They want you." "Please." "No, I'm not a doctor." "This is my friend Charlie." "She has a place in the desert." "They are gonna kill me." "Please... no." "No, wait." "I know someone who can help you." "I know how to help you." "It's okay." "It's okay." "Charlie, wake up." "Charlie?" "Lena." "Lena, wake up." "Hey, how long have I been out?" "I don't know, two or three hours." "Are you hungry?" "How long are we staying here?" "Just till the morning." "What time is it?" "I don't know, a little after 9:00." "Man:" "Lena?" "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." "Do you want to get married?" "What?" "What kind of a stupid question is that?" "I was just asking." "Lena?" "I want to get married." "All right, you know what we're gonna do?" "We're just gonna pretend that you didn't ask me that." "But you know what we should do today?" "We should think about our future together." "Lena, you're scaring me." "I'm sorry." "I don't mean to scare you, but I love you." "Yeah." "Okay, my turn." "I was just thinking, Charlie, you know, after you and I get married, and you save the world, we'll make little mutants, just like our parents, and we'll have little mutant babies." "That's kind of creepy." "No, I was just thinking about how great our kids will be." "Yeah, they'll be great." "And I was thinking about names." "For what?" "For our kids." "Charlie, you okay?" "Charlie, what are you doing?" "Charlie, it's too hot!" " Charlie, stop!" " What are you doing?" " Charlie!" " Charlie, stop!" "Charlie, stop!" "What are you doing?" "Charlie, no!" "Charlie, get out of the water!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "I'm a good swimmer!" "Let go!" "Get off me!" "No!" " Get off me!" " No!" "No!" "Don't hurt my baby!" "Lena, let go of him!" "Let go of my baby!" "Lena, let go of him!" "Lena!" "Lena, let go of him!" "Lena, stop!" "No!" "Lena, stop!" "No!" "No!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Lena." "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Come on, Charlie!" "Come on, Charlie!" "Keep swimming!" "Get him in the boat!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Come on, Charlie!" "Go!" "Get him over here!" "Charlie, come on!" "Give me your hand!" "You're gonna be okay!" "You're gonna be okay, baby!" "You're gonna be okay, Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Come on!" "Breathe!" "Breathe, Charlie, breathe!" "Breathe, Charlie, breathe!" "Man:" "Papa!" "Breathe!" "Come on, Charlie." "Come on!" "We're almost there." "Come on, you can do it, Charlie!" "Swim!" "Come on!" "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Keep swimming!" "You can make it!" "Let's go!" "Charlie!" "Come on!" "Swim!" "Man:" "Keep swimming, Charlie!" "You can make it, Charlie!" "Keep going!" "Charlie, don't stop!" "Charlie!" "Swim!" "Swim!" "Swim!" "Swim!" "You can do it, Charlie!" "You can make it, Charlie!" "You can make it!" "Come on, Charlie." "Swim!" "Charlie." "Charlie!" "Charlie!" "Go!" "Keep going!" "Come on, Charlie, keep going!" "You can do it!" "Yeah!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "You can make it, Charlie!" "You can make it!" "Swim, Charlie, swim!" "Charlie!" "Swim, Charlie, swim!" "You can do it!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "You can make it!" "Charlie, keep swimming!" "Charlie, keep swimming, Charlie!" "Charlie, come on!" "Swim!" "Charlie!" "Swim, Charlie!" "Swim!" "I love you, Charlie." "You did it, Charlie." "You did it." "Oh, god." "Oh, god." "Oh, god." "Oh, god." "Lena:" "So why is the world so quiet?" "Hey." "How's your arm?" "It's all right." "Lenny can heal." "I don't remember you." "I'm from a different time stream." "Are you all right?" "I want you to know that I forgive you." "You don't have anything to forgive me for." "My brother's blood is on your hands." "I hope so." "I deserve it." "My brother was a warrior." "And it's a warrior's duty to die in battle." "That's not how I remember him." "That's how I want him to stay." "It wasn't your fault." "I killed him." "Yes, you did." "And when I got here, the battle had already taken your parents' lives." "But now you're back here, and you are very much alive." "I always wondered what happened to me." "I don't know who I am anymore." "Yes, you do." "How'd you find me?" "You're Lenny feldheim, aren't you?" "There is no Lenny feldheim, not anymore." "No." "It's just another dead soldier." "The same thing happened to him." "Not the same thing." "It's the same thing." "Both your lives have changed." "You've been taken from one life into another and then given a chance to find your own way back." "Now you've been given another chance, too." "To correct the wrong that you've done." "Do you know what I'm talking about?" "I need your help." "What do you remember?" "Why?" "Because I need to understand what's happening to Charlie." "Everything I did wrong." "Lenny, I..." "This isn't