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Kill or Be Killed: A Memoir of Hunting and the Hunter's Game_ , "How to Kill a Wild Boar." The essay was a series of "rules of thumb" for the efficient, humane, and, more important, "rewarding" killing of a boar, whether with bow and arrow or spear. In the end, it was about "the most satisfying and exciting way to shoot a wild boar." Although the account is brief, its tone is serious, and its sentiments are emphatic. _Now, before we get down to business, remember the following tips:_ _1. Boars do not growl as cats do._ _2. They do not make the usual high-pitched squeal before they charge, as you have heard._ _3. Boars are dangerous—and very strong. You can be hurt seriously by one of these beasts._ _4. Always wear something—like a leather apron—with which to protect yourself._ _5. A hunter should be the most perfect type of athlete. He should be strong, fast, and as skilled as a boxer or a wrestler. He should know what he is doing when he starts a boar hunt._ _6. If you do the proper thing on foot, and a boar comes on to you, you can kill it. A single shot into the neck or heart is all that is required. Even then, you must be prepared to finish the boar off if you can't find a bullet or something else to do it with._ _7. If you use a boar spear, you must do the boar all the favor you can. That means you must aim for the neck or the heart, just as if you were using a rifle._ _8. If your spear merely glances off the boar's hide, your hunting days will be over! Never make the mistake of hitting a boar in the eye with a spear—it will do nothing but turn you around and run you down._ _9. If you have to, carry a bow or crossbow to kill boars._ _10. If you miss with your first shot and the boar is coming on, turn and run—don't try to shoot it again._ _11. A boar is a dangerous beast. Boars are dangerous. That is the whole point. They do not give warnings—they go after people on their own initiative._ _12. They do not make squeals before they charge, as cats do. Boars charge at a high run. They are built that way. They charge from any cover they can see that may help them in their aim to bite you in the stomach. Boars are powerful beasts. Do not think they are not dangerous._ _13. A well-aimed arrow from a bow can knock a boar down. If he falls he will be at your mercy. But if he charges, he will trample you to death. This is how boars go._ _14. Boars will charge from the moment they see you. They will rush in among you, and your job is to get out of the way of these monsters._ _15. If you are being charged, do not wait for them to rush you. The moment they start to charge, hit the ground, and start running!_ _16. If you start running when they are charging, they will run into each other and drop dead as easily as if a bullet had hit them._ _17. Boars cannot charge as fast as a man can run._ _18. Do not get angry with a boar, even if you have shot it._ _19. Always shoot to kill—once._ _20. Never follow up on a wounded animal. They will turn around and charge you._ _21. The best place to shoot a boar from is from a kneeling position._ _22. Don't think that a boar will not charge at a person who is not standing. It will do so in order to see what the person is doing._ _23. If a boar charges you, lie down flat—otherwise it will trample you or gore you. Do not try to shoot it unless you are very close._ _24. If you have failed to kill with a single shot, shoot again with your second barrel._ _25. If you shoot at a charging boar with the second barrel, the first bullet can be the death shot for the charging boar. It will make him angry and confused, and he may come to a stop._ _26. If you have failed to kill by both barrels, there is no alternative but to finish the animal off with a long knife—or knife and spear, or an axe._ _27. If you see a boar and it doesn't see you, aim at its chest. If it turns away from you, make an end of it with your knife._ _28. Be careful about boar poison! Some varieties will not allow you to eat boar meat if you have the poison on your hands—and when you are near a charging boar, your hands will always be near the end of your gun._ _29. Once the boar has gone down, put an arrow in his flank to make sure he doesn't come to life again._ _30. If you miss in a first shot, turn and run. Don't try a second shot. If you miss, your chances of taking a second shot are slight. You cannot aim for boar-meat after that shot, and I doubt whether you could aim again before the boar, in a state of wariness, begins to circle around for a second attack._ _31. Do not kill a boar to make a trophy of him. Boars have no value as trophies._ _32. Boars are not as dangerous as bears or lions, although they are much more savage than dogs._ _33. Do not waste time on a dead boar. Look for other hunters. I hate to lose my meat!_ _34. If you see a herd of pigs, then a big boar must be nearby. Look for the boar first. Look for the pigs after._ _35. A boar is dangerous to man._ _36. In shooting, one should always try to kill._ _37. Shoot at something before you shoot at an enemy._ _38. Shoot for a head-shot._ _39. Make sure the boar is the real thing. Look it over in all directions._ _40. Never stalk a boar, as you might stalk a deer or other animal._ _41. Know when to stop shooting the boar. A boar, if wounded, is a dangerous beast._ _42. Aim for the throat, a heart shot, or a lung shot, not a chest shot._ _43. Aim at the spot between the shoulder blades._ _44. Never shoot at a boar's shoulder. It is the last thing the boar will expect._ _45. If a boar is within twenty paces of you, and you cannot kill it with a shot, never try to hit it with your crossbow._ _46. A long spear is often better than a crossbow. If it hits, you will more likely kill the beast._ _47. Never take your eyes off a charging boar. Do not, under any circumstances, try to kill a boar by throwing your spear, unless you are very close. I do not like the idea of hitting a boar with an arrow._ _48. Never try to shoot a boar with an arrow at point-blank range, unless you can get very close to the beast._ _49. Do not shoot when the boar is in deep cover. Wait until you see his head or shoulders._ _50. Never shoot at a boar unless you are prepared to finish it off with a knife or spear, or an axe._ _51. The only good bear is a dead bear._ _52. Do not shoot a bear unless you are absolutely sure of killing._ _53. A bear is not a beast to be taken lightly._ _54. Always approach a bear carefully._ _55. Before you draw your knife, look the bear in the eyes. Watch for its eyes, as this is often the best time to get a clean hit. If you look at the bear while it is roaring, then you will hardly be able to see it. You can hear and see better when the animal is quiet. Be especially careful when you are on the approach to the animal._ _56. Be especially careful if you are on your way to a bear when you see one of its cubs._ _57. There is nothing better than a bear cub for dinner._ _58. Keep your blade sharp._ _59. Always remember a boar's best defense against arrows and spears and knives is the charge. Always get a good, close shot on a charging boar. That's the secret of hunting. And that's why you need a good long-range bow or crossbow._ _60. A wounded bear will always charge, but