About to Have a Ru
Kill or Be Killed
One way vacations
Boys vs. Girls
Pick a Castaway...
The Circle of Life
The Generation Gap
Neanderthal Man
Quick on the Draw

Stuck in the Middl
Long Hard Days
I'm Not Crazy, I'm
Sustainability, Of
The secret dark ar
Never enough time
Lie, Cheat and Ste
There's Gonna Be T
Me and My Snake
The Killing Fields
She Obviously is Post-Op! Sooo… I’m currently making a couple of these: …this is my very first one…and it was an absolute disaster. It was so so so ugly and I don’t know what I was thinking when I made this. The other two I made turned out okay, but I had to throw them away. Ugh! I’m going to try again, but not any time soon. My sister is going to have a couple going soon and I can’t wait to see what she makes. I have a few plans for this next week. There’s a craft fair next Saturday, so I’m going to make lots of these little guys! I will only sell them at that fair, but then I will be giving the first one I make away at a very special party I’m planning for next week. Stay tuned for that…I’m so excited! I will also be working on my jewelry…I have one pair of earrings left to make, and after that, I think I’ll just wing it from there. Once the jewelry making is done, that’s it. I have a pretty large backlog that I’ll be working on, but after that, it’s “done” with. As for my nails, I plan to make these from leftovers in a week or two. My plan this week is to get this place put together! A friend of mine gave me a lovely little black dress that I want to wear for a special outing this weekend, so I have to get everything clean and put away! This week will consist of putting away everything that’s out and make sure my living room is ready for the guest. And I’ll be getting my friend’s dress ready for this party she’s throwing…it’s a very special occasion! I have more on my mind than I know what to do with! Well, after some thinking about it…I think we’ll be doing these two: …at this rate, we should have enough to get us through the rest of the month…but there’s still a month after this one too! I plan to keep on going until I have them all and hopefully, someone will be as into it as I am. And let’s not forget about the other things that I’ll be doing…there will also be a huge list of “free-play-time” for the littles! I’m sure I’ll be needing more time for them soon, too…just because. As for other updates…no. Sorry. That was my fault. Sorry for taking your attention away from me. I can’t believe it. It’s a new year. It seems like we just turned 2009 and 2010 isn’t even in the same ballpark as 2009 yet! How did that happen so quickly? The last time I checked, 2010 was still 2008, and I had every intention of saying “2008” in 2013. This year…was….a rough year. I don’t think I really got over my break up until I started college in the fall of 2010, and I suppose by that point, I felt I really needed to be on my own and away from the scene. I have always struggled with relationships and breakups…I’ve never felt that they were anything to take lightly. I’m not the type that likes to get all mushy over someone and make a huge deal out of the fact that they’re going out with someone else. I’m the type that likes to sit on the sidelines and be happy for the people that are in love with each other. It’s just how I was raised. I was always taught not to get to attached, and to make sure that I had a safe, stable environment to live in. But a lot of my fears were put to rest when I got to meet the man who was going to become my husband. He was so great at everything…and I found myself drawn to him and fell in love with him almost instantly. So while, I like to let go and not get so attached, it’s hard when someone is so perfect and so kind and so intelligent…you know? Anyways…back on topic. I’m going to try to be better this year, make better decisions, and do better. Here’s to a better me. And let’s not forget about that resolution. So…I said I wouldn’t do a “New Years Resolution”. I decided to compromise. So to do this…I’m going to make a rule that applies to my lifestyle in general. If it is something that I want to do and something that will make me better, then it applies. And that also makes it pretty easy! Here is the deal: 1. If you put off doing something because you don’t want to do it, or because you think it will be too hard, just do it right away! There is no excuse not to do it! You will have to do things you don’t want to do eventually…why not just get it over with? 2. The world needs me. 3. Do something nice for someone else every day. You don’t need to do anything big, or make a big deal out of it, or even anything extra that’s not your normal. If it’s something that you would like to do but you don’t know how, or you don’t have the time, just do it anyway. I don’t need anyone doing anything for me, and I’d much rather be doing something for someone else. That’s how it works in my book. 3. Don’t give up on things. If you don’t think you can get over something, just keep on trying. I know it’s easier said than done, and it takes a lot of effort, but if you can stick with it, it will be worth it. There are a few things I want to get over in the new year…I’ll be working on it. And for those that have to deal with a bad thing right now, this is for you: don’t give up! Sometimes there are only answers within us…we just have to be open enough to listen to the whispers. 4. Be a good example. I’ve been trying really hard to stop being so judgemental of others and start accepting people for who they are…but that’s easier said than done. I know I’ve done things I should not have done before, but I want to start doing it now. I want to live the way I would like to live. I know there’s a lot of stuff to be done, but it will be so much better to live as a “normal” person than it will to live in fear and hate and being afraid to take chances and do things…so I’ll have to be a good example. I’m going to start doing what I preach, and I hope you all join me! Well, it’s a new year, and I feel like it’s a good one. I’m going to make it the best one ever! And I really don’t care if this is all over the place and doesn’t make any sense, or if it’s too long or too short…I just needed to put it all out there. I’m really not used to doing this sort of thing, but I had a lot of fun writing about my rules and the things I want to do…but please don’t hold me accountable! Here we go! First…I want to take care of my physical needs. This includes the gym and being in shape. I need to start eating better as well. My sister will be starting a diet on Monday, so this is what I’m going to start. I had a really good friend of mine ask me to do some sort of meal plan…but that will come later in the year. I’m going to do this for 21 days. Second…I would like to become more involved in my local community. I don’t know how much I can actually do with it,