I'm Not Crazy, I'm
Long Hard Days
Stuck in the Middl
She Obviously is P
About to Have a Ru
Kill or Be Killed
One way vacations
Boys vs. Girls
Pick a Castaway...

The secret dark ar
Never enough time
Lie, Cheat and Ste
There's Gonna Be T
Me and My Snake
The Killing Fields
Lets order takeout
Caterpillar to a B
A Chicken's a Litt
Sustainability, Offgrid, and Survival for the next fifty years. Answering your biggest question: Will there be enough energy to last us? The answer is yes. The future has no limits, no boundaries, no barriers. It is a boundless ocean of free and abundant energy. It is not the energy that is limited, it is the way of its use and misuse, from our current point of view that makes it finite. The future is limitless. The only real limitation is our own minds, which have been formed by our experiences, beliefs, and the society and environment in which we live. The way we apply and use our energy determines our future. How we use and apply it will shape the future we create for our children and children’s children. For most of history we have used our energy with destructive consequences to ourselves, our planet, and each other. We have lived in fear. The new age of energy is one of abundance. The power is within us to change our lives, our families and societies, and the world. It is up to us to decide how we use the energy to create a bright future that fulfills the human desire to live in harmony and balance with each other and our environment. To find out more about this, watch and listen to the video “Electricity-The New Energy”. “Energy is life! It doesn’t take a big miracle to bring us electricity. It does take a big belief.” -Lester Brown “An electric car is a very important tool for fighting oil addiction and global warming.” -Al Gore “Clean energy does not mean doing away with fossil fuels.” -Al Gore “We will not solve the climate crisis if the only thing we believe in is more consumption.” -Naomi Klein Let me ask you another question. Are you a future savvy person? If you don’t know how energy will affect you and your family, how can you create an effective action plan to achieve your objectives, dreams, and visions for your family’s future? All past generations could have learned more from their ancestors and future generations could learn from us, but we don’t listen, now do we? We learn about our mistakes and forget our mistakes, instead of learning from them. Our future depends on our wisdom, and we must apply this wisdom to help our future generation survive the upcoming energy, economic, and environmental challenges of the 21st century. Our future depends on our actions. We must act NOW! NOW is not later. NOW is now. NOW is the time to turn over a new leaf, put on the old clothes, and go to work! If you are ready to help your child and children’s children create a bright and vibrant future, then now is the time. Our energy future is depending on the actions we take now, to create a bright future for ourselves, our families, and generations to come. How can you start now? Go to www.thenewenergyrevolution.com and look for the 5 Action Steps, that will help you get started. If you know someone who wants to start a journey of discovery, they can start by going to: http://www.stayingonthepath.com/ and create an account. Now it’s up to you! Now it’s time to take action! NOW IS NOT LATER! If you want to participate in this blog go to: http://www.theglobalbrain.com/2013/08/29/2022-the-age-of-consciousness-the-most-powerful-mind-to-conquer-the-world-and-shape-the-future-of-humanity/ Share this: Like this: “It’s interesting when you think about it. We spend most of our lives worrying about things that have no tangible effect on our lives. We are worried about if we will find the job of our dreams. What if we don’t? Are we happy with our love lives? What if we don’t find a good relationship? Do we look good in the new suit that we have just bought? Are we having fun or is everything boring? Do we really like the friends that we have or do we just need to get rid of them? When we start looking at life from this perspective it will change everything for us. We’ll be so happy with the direction we are taking that we won’t give up. It’s really not about what we achieve in life it is about what we experience and there is only one way to make sure that we experience it. That is to live every day as if it is our last. Every day we need to do what makes us happy, help others, live our dreams, and take a little time out to smell the roses. Why wait until you are old to decide to be happy. Start now. Life is only a moment and with a little bit of self-love and some hard work it can be the best moment you have ever had.” Like this: “A man who reads nothing at all is ill-educated. A man who learns nothing reads nothing, which is more stupid than ignorance.” – George Bernard Shaw “For me to become a teacher means I will have to think about life and death, and I don’t want to do that.” – John Steinbeck The most important skill that we can develop is the skill of self-love. We all are born with a basic instinct for self-preservation and self-love, but how do we raise our children and children’s children to develop the love that they need to not only survive in this world, but to thrive. If we teach our children about money, they will get the necessary skills to make a living, they will also learn that there are other things in life that they can be passionate about as well. They will learn that money is not the only thing that has value. We need to raise our children to be self-reliant and teach them that self-reliance doesn’t mean that we all should live in the same neighborhood or that we all need to live the same lifestyle. They need to know that living is simple and it is up to us to shape our own future. They need to know that money is not their main value and that they have their own talents and abilities, which they should develop and use for their own benefit, not for someone else’s profit or gain. In the future there will be no more jobs. All jobs will be replaced by automation and robots, and in order for the humans to have a livelihood and live a happy life, they will have to take responsibility for their lives. If they want to have a sustainable future they will need to self-regulate and they will have to be responsible for their own lives. If they are not able to do that, if they are not up to the task, they will not be able to live in the current economic system, nor will they be able to enjoy the fruits of the world they live in. I see self-love as a new basic right. It is the new basic right of humanity, and it is up to us as adults and older generations to help our children to develop their self-love by teaching them everything that we know that they need to succeed in this life. The world needs more self-love and self-responsibility. Like this: Last year’s “Race for the Cure” in San Francisco raised over $7 million for Breast Cancer Research. “Money is not a solution to everything, but it is a solution to a lot of things.” – Mark Twain I can hear the question that is on your mind. You may say that you are tired of hearing about “the cure for breast cancer” and that you are tired of donating to organizations that do not benefit the people that they should benefit, and you would like to raise the question: what else is there to do? We all have something that we can do to create change in this world, but we have to first understand why we want to create change and what we want to achieve with our actions. Is it true that there is no cure for breast cancer? Or is it just the way our bodies perceive the information that we have been told? Is it true that there are different diseases and all that need to be treated? Is it true that all diseases have