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Apple in the Garden of Eden—an apple The original sin, or the first wrong that is committed, was eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. That is why we are born with original sin, which can be avoided only by a sacrifice of our own free will. However, we are given many advantages by God which prevent him from showing such cruelty and punish us so severely. It is not as simple as some people think. The forbidden fruit contained the knowledge of good and evil. It is the knowledge of good and evil that puts you in a situation where God is the only way out, for it shows us that our minds must not think along with God, but we must stop using the knowledge that God gave us, and we need to use the freedom that he gave us. Man's mistake in eating the apple is shown in a very interesting way in a recent study of the evolution of the skull by Dr. Charles D. Ossenberg. Dr. Ossenberg had photographed the skulls of more than 700 living primates, from the gorilla down to the tiny siamang, in order to find out if there are any changes from one genus to another, and to discover the order of evolution in the skull. He found the first signs of a change in the size of the brain in man, and that we have some of the smallest brains of all the primates. His conclusions were based on his finding of the human skulls of the various hominid types of fossils in South America, including the famous Java man. The human brain grew and atrophied in different areas at the same time. The primitive australoid types had, in all cases, a smaller brain and a more human-like shape than the primitive types, and all except the last specimen, Peking man, had a strong human-like face and brain case. The Peking man, from what remains of the skull, clearly had a smaller brain. Dr. Ossenberg stated that when you look at the skull of any primate, if it has a modern face and brain case, with an angular face, that is an indication of human ancestry. He also found that the later types had the same features as the earlier ones, and what makes it interesting is that Dr. Ossenberg's work indicates a gradual change in the skulls of the hominids, and not a rapid change. He also has a list of characteristics in the skulls which he believes are connected with the "fall." Some of them are the forward position of the ear, which is a sign of walking upright, the flattening of the nose, the reduction in the size of the brain, and the lengthening of the skull. Dr. Ossenberg believes that most of the hominids were bipeds, not primitive apes as Darwin said. He says, "I don't see any hominids in the fossil record which show evidence of bipedalism which would contradict the idea of a change from a more apelike to a more human-like behavior." Fossil evidence now places us in the tree of life as man, while millions of years ago our ancestors were only ape-like. Man is clearly and clearly a creation of God, not an animal nor a primitive hominid. We were not born knowing evil, just as we are not born with knowledge of sin. Man has a free will that he can use wisely or wrongly, and if he uses his free will to choose good he will receive God's reward. We have a choice in everything that we do. Our only salvation lies in our willingness to be saved. Even when we do wrong, God does not look at it as our fault, but is more ready to forgive us if we accept his offer of redemption and show ourselves to be able to live according to God's ways. He is willing to forgive us and accept us back into his family, if we are willing to show our willingness to accept the love of God and the way that he requires us to live. In this way, God gives us a perfect life. We can have a life that is good without getting any better. That is not the way that life is meant to be lived. We can receive the knowledge of good and evil. It is up to us to use the freedom God gave us to choose. But if we choose to use the knowledge that God gave us and follow the knowledge of sin, God may judge us, for even then we choose to separate ourselves from God, and we must be saved from that. God does not want us to suffer for eternity, and he would rather have us come to him and take the action of salvation. Then we may know him as our God and Lord and as our Savior. We can look forward to a life with God, but we must know that we must have his love in order to receive his love. We must accept God's love in order to have it. It is up to us to accept God as our God and accept him and his love into our lives. If we have chosen to do something wrong we must be willing to repent of that action. God is waiting for us, and it is not too late for you to make the decision that will make you a part of God's family. If you don't choose to accept his love and choose to take up his offer of forgiveness for your sins, then the life you live will be full of suffering and misery, and there will be no reason to ever think or pray for God. But you can know that God loves you, and you can rest in the fact that there is nothing evil or wrong with you at all, for you were made in the image of God, and in him there is no darkness. We are in the light, and the light of God is that which saves us. If you can think of that as you go about your life, you will know that God's light is in you, and you will not be blind to everything that is good and right, for you are not really as evil as some people would have you believe. If God's light is in you, you will want to go to him and to live in harmony with him. Then you will not have to suffer or be afraid, and you will be able to experience the joy and peace of being with him. It is not your sin that God judges, but it is your unwillingness to make the sacrifice to accept his love for you. You will have the choice of accepting him or rejecting him, for he is more willing to have you live as a child of God than to leave you to suffer forever for his glory. All the good things that we know and love in this world were created by God, and if we have this world as a gift, God's plan for us is to have as much joy and happiness as we can in this world, but still to know that God is all powerful and in complete control. God is in control of this world, and if we love him, we will want to follow his ways. God wills us to have the best we can possibly have in this world, and we will not be able to do anything wrong. All the good things will be available to us if we can only find the way to God. He has given us all the things we need to live life fully, but not to use them to hurt someone else or to be hurt by them. We must choose to use them as God intended that we should, and we must realize that God can change our lives forever, if we do not accept him as our God and do not choose to accept his ways. God will change our lives if we will let him and love him. Now we must let God take over and give us God's life of love, joy, peace, happiness, and strength. God's way of life will bring peace and happiness to our hearts, minds, and bodies. He is able to give us the strength to live according to God's ways and so bring him love and good in our lives. We will find out that he is the One who is giving us all the things we need to live our lives full and happy in this world, and that he will be able to show us the way to a life of peace and happiness. He is our Savior from the sin and evil of this world. He is the One who