Walking on Thin Ic
was practicing a j
she had heard nois
Too Little, Too La
It's Merge Time
Sweepstakes and Ga
What are you wonde
Parting Is Such Sw
Word of the Day, D

I'm the Kingpin
Fear Keeps You Sha
Fun, Liesure, Phot
Truth Kamikaze
Will There Be a Fe
Personalized and C
Eating and Sleepin
Tonight, We Make O
Most of the time
but no one is perf
So let's begin this tutorial! What we want to do is we're gonna use the same method we used to create it. I want to begin by selecting right click on my background. And hit "New." And so what I want to do is create a texture. And to do that, I'm going to go up here to the toolbar, and I'm going to select "image." So I'm going to load my PNG. And the easiest way to do that is just to select file, and drag your image file. So I'm gonna load my image. And if we scroll down, we can see the different options. Now, before I get started, what I want to do is we're gonna create our image set. And you want to do that, so that way we can save the PNG. And you don't want to do that, because you want to go ahead and make your animations. So to do that, what we want to do is we're gonna click "Open." And now we have this option, "New Texture." And if we go ahead and save this image set. Now that's saved. Let's go ahead and create our sprite sheet. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a new sprite sheet with a frame count of one. And you'll notice this number here, this is the sheet size. You can also just use the number right here. But I recommend using this if you want to export to something like a video format. Okay, so let's make a sprite sheet with a sheet size of 1280 by 720. Click "OK." Now I'm going to start animating the sprite sheet. And I'm going to load in the number plate for our bike. So I've got this image here on the left. And I want to just animate it around that image. And so this is how I want it. It's starting at left edge. You can see the texture's getting bigger. And then it's going down here, and it's gonna come to the right edge. And so now that I have it positioned here, I'm gonna select the image, but I'm going to right click, and I'm going to "Paste in Front." So we now have the same image in front. And I'm gonna rotate it a little bit. So I'm gonna select "Rotate." And I'm gonna go ahead and rotate it a little bit. I'll go ahead and right click, and I'm going to "Paste in Front." Okay, so that's what we did in order to get the texture to move like that. We're gonna do the exact same thing, except we're gonna move it from left edge to right edge. So if we right click, we're gonna go up here to "Copy," and this is "Paste In Front." And now I'm going to go up here, and I'm gonna select "Transform." And I'm gonna go ahead and rotate this around the y axis. So if we scroll down to the last two settings. So we want to select "Pivot," and just change this from "none." So it's gonna be over our bike. And then we'll go ahead and just "transform." And then we'll hit "OK," and we'll go back up to the top right. And it's going to animate. We're gonna go ahead and just animate it again the same way. So if we go to our playhead. Now, what I want to do is we're gonna just make one minor change to this animation. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to select this. I'm going to scroll down to "Opacity." And what we're gonna do is we're gonna increase this value. So let's go ahead and increase it to two. And then it's gonna blend in, and the plate's not gonna be there. And I'm just gonna apply it like that. And now what we can do is we can add some animation to this. And to do that, we're just going to select "Time," and then we're going to drag this. And now what I want to do is I want to have it be a little longer. So I'm gonna increase it to 100. And then the image is gonna go from left to right. And now if I drag this to the right, it's gonna get smaller. And I can decrease the speed here, if I want to. I don't want it to move quite so fast. And I'm just going to right click, and I'm gonna "Undo." So now, if I right click, and we go up to "Image," we're going to click "Rename." And we're going to rename this "Speed Texture." Now I'm gonna rename this "Image 1." And if we scroll down, and we go to our playhead, you can see that's basically how the animation looks. Now, what I want to do is we're gonna have one more set. So we're gonna create another sprite sheet, but we're gonna create it with a frame count of 10. So I'm gonna go ahead and save that. And then we're going to do the same thing, but we're going to just create another texture. And so, again, we're just gonna repeat what we just did to create another. So we're going to make the same image, save it, and apply the same animation to it, except we're gonna offset it. So here is one. And we're gonna have the next one. And I want to align this so it kind of starts here. So I'm going to "Time," and then I'm going to add another row, so the time is gonna go down, and it's gonna go back up. And now, if I go over here, and I look at the layers in "Layers." I'm gonna create this. And I'm gonna make the width and the height, but I'm going to scale it down a little bit because I want it to be a little bit smaller. And so we're gonna go ahead and do that, and then I'm gonna click "Scale." And you can see that's working. And now I want to select "Time," and I'm going to rotate it around the y axis, so we can see the texture. Okay, so that's the texture. Now what we're gonna do is what we just created, which is the main texture. We're going to save that as well. So let's go ahead and do that. And now we're going to have a sprite sheet that looks like this. But now what we're gonna do is we're gonna duplicate this, and we're gonna invert it. So let's go ahead and duplicate it. And let's go ahead and invert it. So I'm gonna right click, and I'm gonna "Duplicate," and I'm gonna name this. So now, we have a second layer here. And this one I want to invert. So it's going to change to this. So I'm going to "Time," and I'm gonna create an animation where I will have the texture. So I'll go here, and I'm going to add another row. I'm going to make it from left to right. So it's going to be on one, and then two, and then three, and then four, and then five, and then six, and then seven, and then eight. And I want it to have a delay between the six and the seven. So let's just click here and then let's just drag this over a little bit. And I'm gonna copy the animation. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and offset this animation so it goes up, and then it'll come down, and then it'll come back up. So I'm gonna right click here, and I'm going to "Duplicate." And I'm going to duplicate that. And now I want to invert that. So this one's going to change to the same thing as that one here. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna copy this and invert it, and then offset this. So I'm gonna select "Time," and I'm going to add the animation. Now this animation has a delay. And it goes to 1. And the animation has a duration of 100. So now, I'm going to add a frame.