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Word of the Day, Daily Verse and Poem, Graphics, Quotes, Scripture and many more. Share your favorite ideas with friends and family members or post a comment and let us know your favorite. We are so glad you stopped by and hope you come back to visit us again. Thanks for sharing your great ideas with us! Friday, September 10, 2010 Humble pie is a hot dish. No one really likes it, but it’s tasty. A person’s value must come from what God thinks about him. Humble pie is an expression of humility. God values him regardless of what others say. What others say is important. Don’t take it personally. God is the one who makes the final decision. He is the judge, not the world. You can’t please everyone. God doesn’t please everybody. As the Apostle Paul said, “I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man at war. No, the things I do I will do willingly, that I may win Christ and be found in him.” God is the final judge. He is a loving God, even though he could punish us, he chooses to bless us. Jesus died for us so we could have life. God blesses us by forgiving our sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus. He is our savior, not our servant. He is in charge. He created us and placed us here for his pleasure and for the good of the world. All we have to do is accept what he gives us and use it as God intended. Let him be our focus. The world will always be trying to distract us from him. Be content with your calling and accept the Lord’s grace. We are nothing without it. Take life easy, look at the big picture, look at God and follow his will. Do not let your self worth be influenced by the world. Do not let the opinions of others hold you back. We are so glad you stopped by and hope you come back to visit us again. Thanks for sharing your great ideas with us! Friday, September 3, 2010 If God is who he says he is and if he has control over everything, then he is in charge of what happens in life. He could make us sad, or make us happy, no matter what happens to us, he decides. We are on his timetable not the devil’s. God has the final say on everything. The devil only has power over a few things in our lives. The Bible teaches us how to deal with things and how to put them into perspective. We will suffer things that are not our fault. Our joy and happiness depend on our attitude. Our attitudes will determine the attitude we will have during those hard times. We will not always have the joy and happiness we desire. That is life. We will experience both good and bad things. God loves us so much he gives us his Holy Spirit to protect us from the devil, but he can only do so much. There are other evil spirits that enter into us that only God can help us with. Be careful what you think, it will come true. Our thoughts determine how we live. Every thought we think has an effect on us. It will affect us whether we like it or not. What we think will become action in life. The devil has many ways to tempt us with his evil thoughts. These thoughts often come from the world around us and the evil in it. The devil uses us and our environment to tempt us and entice us away from God’s will for our lives. We must be careful not to compromise or succumb to temptation. God’s will for our lives will be the best thing we can do and we need to remain on his path. Keep God as your top priority and watch what happens in life. It is all under God’s control. Our lives are on his timetable. It is his will that we receive, so we should expect him to keep his promises. In the Bible it is said, “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7 We are so glad you stopped by and hope you come back to visit us again. Thanks for sharing your great ideas with us! Friday, August 27, 2010 A lot of times people just sit around waiting for good things to happen to them. Others feel sorry for themselves because things are not going their way. The devil uses this attitude to get us to fail to live for the Lord. God will not leave us in despair. When we think he has abandoned us and forgotten us, he has not. When we look at him we will find what we are looking for. We need to pray for God to come and help us. When we go before the Lord in prayer we find the strength to overcome. He is our help and strength, not our enemy. If you don’t want bad things to happen, then give thanks and be full of joy when they don’t. The devil is very smart and knows if we don’t do this, he will come along to deceive us, which is what he will try to do. If we take charge of what happens to us, we can control what happens to us. What we think about is what we think about. How we react and think about things determines how we see life. This is not true for everybody, but it is true for the majority of people. Our beliefs will determine our actions. It takes a lot of self control to put what happens into perspective. We must choose our reaction to things, don’t let the devil make our decisions for us. The devil also looks for things to get us down and wants to destroy our confidence. We don’t have to worry about the devil’s thoughts. God tells us not to be afraid of the devil, but to be afraid of him and stay away from him. We are more likely to be afraid of what others say or think than we are of the devil. Many people never have anything to fear, but God says we will be tested by trials. Trials will come to see how faithful we are. God will give us the courage and strength we need to overcome these temptations. Take life easy. God will take care of you and lead you into all truth. God will help you become aware of your weaknesses and weaknesses in others. Ask him for help when you need it and he will give it to you. He is our source for life, not Satan. He is our strength, not the devil. We need him to teach us how to cope with life’s trials. He will never abandon us, he is the only way we can have eternal life. We are so glad you stopped by and hope you come back to visit us again. Thanks for sharing your great ideas with us! Friday, August 20, 2010 We live in a fallen world, a world that goes against God. But God wants to help us live in a fallen world. He comes to us through Jesus, to forgive our sins and wash us clean. He makes us new creatures. He brings us into his kingdom and teaches us how to live his way. When we accept him as our lord, he forgives us and gives us a new life. God’s thoughts determine what we do and how we think. We need to keep God as our main priority and live according to his will for our lives. Jesus said we are not to worry about tomorrow. He came to set us free from our worries. He will take care of us. He loves us and will never leave us. He is our source of life. We only need to ask him for anything. This is one of the most important things we can do. If we ask God for help, we will receive it. Our relationship with God is most important. If we need to read his word and meditate on it, do it. Do not let our lives pass us by, be aware of the times you are in. Make your life purposeful. God has put things in your life for you to do, so fulfill them, the devil tries to keep us from doing them. If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior, you will not be able to have a good life in this world. If you do not submit your life to Jesus you will not have a good life, you will just be a part of the world around you. We have so much in our lives we do not understand. God has so much to teach us and more than that, he wants to give us his love and happiness. We are more than conquerors through him. Jesus is the way to get to know God. He is the way we know what God thinks. We need to spend time with Jesus and ask him to teach us and help us have a good life in this world. He will guide us through every situation. He is our strength and help. Don’t be afraid of life, it can be good, if we know God. We are so glad you stopped by and hope you come back to visit us again. Thanks for sharing your great ideas with us! Friday, August 13, 2010 Humility means a willingness to accept what is being done. It means not thinking yourself important or having an over inflated ego. It is the