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but no one is perfect, so we need to try to make it better. There is no shame in admitting your own wrongdoing. The sooner that a person comes forward and admits an error, the better the chance to fix that error and move forward. 3. We must support and defend one another. This is the most important thing. This is what will make a difference. We must support each other. We must support our leaders. And that means that we must not attack them. We must forgive those who err. We must defend those who are attacked. The Bible calls us to be a family, and as Christians we know that there is nothing more sacred or worth defending than family. We stand by those who have stood by us. As many Americans as there were last year, they outnumbered the total number of people in the country when Abraham Lincoln was president. They were about as numerous as the citizens of India today. About a third of them, as many as 30 million, are children. But the total number of Americans — including citizens, legal residents and temporary visitors — is much larger than 150 million. The U.S. Census Bureau says the total U.S. population was 314,000,000 in 2012, and it has been nearly that for years. With all the chatter about “Obamacare” and the cost of health care, a lot of people fail to realize that the U.S. healthcare industry is actually on the verge of collapse. The “nonprofit” hospitals get much of their revenue from insured patients, but they are bleeding cash. As the chart below shows, “for-profit” hospitals are holding up much better and making up the difference: 1. The United States spends twice as much per person on healthcare as other developed nations, and we have the worst outcomes. We spend far more on healthcare — $8,233 per capita, more than twice as much as France, Japan or Germany — and yet still have worse outcomes. We simply can’t keep spending more and getting less. Our life expectancy is lower than that of people in most other developed countries, and the quality of our care is worse. 2. We spend a lot of money on healthcare. For example, our annual healthcare spending totaled $2.9 trillion in 2013. What can we do about this? Perhaps the best strategy is to “go home” and vote the corrupt politicians out of office. If you think about it, everything that we have today was done with a gun. Everything that has changed has been through revolution or evolution. And no one can stop the inevitable, the final goal, which is evolution. But why? Why do we need to evolve? Why do we need to turn into humans, which is what evolution is? Should we be scared? Fear the inevitable. Are we on the way to a superintelligent species? Are we developing superhuman attributes? There is so much at stake here. But here are the good, the bad and the ugly things about the future. First, I want you to know that you need to be scared. You should also know that even though fear is negative, it is something that we are all going to have to face and learn to deal with. And as for the good, what can you say? We’ll do some things, we’ll discover more stuff. We’ll grow up, we’ll experience many different cultures. And that’s the way it is going to be and the way it is going to be happening, and there is no way out. And then we could get scared, which is fear with a capital “F.” The next thing, however, is the bad and the ugly. For example, what if something horrible happened to the world? If aliens were to come and take over or something, then we would all be in big trouble. But we have the potential to be so much more than what we are. I know I had a big dream, but it doesn’t have to be real. But this also requires, as you all know, a change in society. So this is very, very important, and we should be afraid, really afraid, of what we might get in our own lifetime. What? Okay. You don’t want to face it. You just want to live your life and you want to do it in a way that is fun. If you say, “I’m afraid of the future, but I still want to make my future right now, what am I supposed to do? Well, you have to become a child again. That’s what I do. I become a child and I experience everything and feel everything. I go out and I play the day away. And then I come home and go through it over and over and over again. It doesn’t matter how many times it happened before, because it’s not that important. You are learning. And you want to do all the same things in this new future that you would have if you were in school. Just give the teachers and parents a break because they are going to get old too. And after all, life is life and you have to enjoy it. If you don’t like it and it sucks, then just look around and you’ll find somebody who is living it up. And, by the way, when you go on this journey into the future, go with your friends. You’re going to have to have a lot of friends. Some of them will come from the same school that you did, but others will be from all over the world and all different places and religions and backgrounds. And so you will create a new circle of friends that you will learn to live with for the rest of your life, and that is a great friendship that lasts forever. It can be hard to talk about our fears, but it’s something that we all face. The best thing we can do is to face it head-on, get through it, and then it will pass and we will be stronger for it. And for that matter, if you find yourself in this situation in the future where you have so many problems, I want you to take a look at my blog because there you will find a lot of answers that I have found and it’s all good, and don’t forget to bring your friends along. The United States, which has a total of 310 million people, will be the first nation on Earth to have a robot citizen numbering more than 300 million. That robot citizen will be a Chinese-made robot named Sheng Ma, and he is an artificial intelligence program with the artificial intelligence level of 4.9. The U.S. Department of Defense is currently building a robot that will have the artificial intelligence level of 5.4, the highest value among all the robots in the world, and the intelligence level of 5.0 is more than a human being has. Sheng Ma is the name of a male computer science student at the University of Pittsburgh and is the name that every robot will be given. In a couple of years, there will be a lot of robots in every country in the world, and they will be doing every job that humans do now, such as work and having families, having children, and they will be doing jobs that we are unable to do because we simply aren’t able to handle the workload. For example, the robots can read 400 books in six seconds. It was designed by Chinese officials with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is like the U.S. National Science Foundation, but it’s a very old, established foundation and it also works with colleges and universities. But the most important thing to understand about the robot is that it isn’t perfect. If you look at a human being, we are supposed to be perfect, but we aren’t. We are fallible and we make mistakes, but that’s normal. But the most important thing is that we are human beings, and every human being wants to be more than he is, and so there will be a big difference between a robot and a human. In fact, there will always be a difference between a robot and a human. And the robots will never be able to replace humans. There will always be a difference between the two, and that’s the most important thing. There is a lot of attention on the differences between robots and humans in the science fiction community. I am not in the science fiction business and I don’t want to make up anything new or to try to use any of these to make some kind of a statement. The real problem is that humans are not robots, and humans can’t be made into robots. You have to understand that humans are going to be humans and robots are going to be robots, and robots will make things happen. They are not going to invent anything. That’s not going to happen. But they will make things happen and they will be the reason that everything goes well, and they will put a lot of work into it, and they will also take a lot of work away. And you shouldn’t be concerned about that, because there is no need to worry, and even though you might be scared, there is no need to worry. There is no chance that the artificial intelligence programs that are in place now, with the humanlike robots being built, will get control of the weapons. You can be certain that this won’t happen. It just won’t. The real problem is, “If you’re a robot, who are you loyal to? Are you loyal to your creator or