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This tip is all about feeling what the truth is. You can find it by listening carefully to what someone says, and when they pause to breathe in and out. If they sigh, it means that they are feeling pain, and they are releasing that pain. If they say a word and then stop talking, this means that they are speaking their truth. If they go quiet and the conversation stops after that, this means that they are feeling embarrassed or self-conscious about what they said. They want to hide their truth so that you won’t think badly of them. If you get used to it and understand that you are reading their cues, you won’t think any less of them, and you’ll know exactly where they stand. You can also do this when they are arguing. Ask them why they feel the way they feel. Listen for clues that allow you to interpret the situation for yourself. Let them know that you’ve heard what they are saying, and that you will find a way to help them. (Don’t say, “I can’t imagine why you are feeling this way” – they won’t feel safe.) In essence, feeling what the truth is is all about reading body language. It’s all about reading the cues of emotions. You can do this if you learn to focus on listening to your partner. Pay attention to all their subtle cues and pick up on things like when they pause to take a breath. It may sound silly, but just imagine that their breath marks the beginning of their thought process, just as you would breath through a difficult part of the journey on a hike. It’s easy to feel your partner’s body language, it just takes practice. If you get into a pattern of doing this every day, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can read what they are feeling and what they are thinking. This allows you to understand where they are coming from and how they are feeling, and you’ll be able to avoid a lot of negative reactions from them. If you want to learn how to hear what is actually being said instead of what you think they are saying, it’s something you should start working on right away. Share this entry Black Black2018-03-29 23:13:042018-03-28 20:48:47How to learn how to feel what the truth is when you are dating or married Related If you’ve ever seen any of my books, you know that I really enjoy a good dating or relationship book. They’re the books that make me feel inspired and hopeful about relationships. I have over 30 of them on my shelves, and I don’t plan to get rid of them anytime soon. In fact, I’ve bought several that I still need to read. One in particular that I wish I had read more than once is this one by Harville Hendrix. I first read this book, When Someone You Love Is Depressed, when my son had been diagnosed with depression. I knew my son’s pain and how hard it was for him to find the right words to express his emotions. This book became a wonderful tool for helping us to find the right words. I was amazed at how many times he’d say something and we’d ask him if he really meant it. We’d ask him how he meant it, so that we knew what he meant, and why he might be sad. Sometimes it was a little too literal, but that was okay too. As time went on, I had to read this book again when my friend lost her husband suddenly to suicide. In the midst of trying to help a friend, I realized that no matter how much someone tries to hide their sadness, you will always know that they are sad. This book was about all the things people do to avoid emotions. It’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. People try to hide their feelings, but it’s impossible. You’ll know when they are sad or angry or upset, and so it makes it even harder to figure out what to do next. I don’t know about you, but I can’t stay in denial forever. So there are only two ways to deal with it: Ignore it or bury it. Cry about it or fight about it. Most of us choose the latter. We try so hard to hide our feelings that we let everything get worse. We yell at the kids, or we fight with our spouse, or we keep our feelings to ourselves and then wonder why we’re always alone and why we’re never satisfied with anything. If you’re trying to hide your emotions, you will also be doing the same thing for your children. So many people struggle with this because they don’t know what else to do. They’re so tired of fighting and yelling and being angry that they want someone else to be angry with. They want someone else to deal with it for them. They can’t even understand why you’d choose to be angry when you already know how it feels. They think you just want someone to pay attention to you so that you can make yourself feel better. Yes, this book has really changed my way of thinking about a lot of things, but there are two big things that this book taught me. First, I learned that I can’t hide my feelings from my kids forever. If I don’t like something they are doing, I need to have the courage to talk to them about it. When they are ready to listen and work on it, they will. But when they aren’t listening, all I can do is hide my feelings until they do. That works for a little while. After all, I can keep them from doing something I don’t like. But then what happens when they’ve already gotten into the habit of hiding their feelings and are doing something that I don’t think they’re ready to handle? The second thing I learned was that it’s okay to be angry about things that have happened in your life. You’re allowed to feel angry. You’re allowed to deal with it and express it in a healthy way, and then move on with your life. But that’s something that no one will do for you. It’s something that only you can do for you. And it’s something that will make you stronger in the long run. This book also shows you that there are lots of different ways to deal with things. There is a lot more than just being angry and trying to make yourself feel better by making others feel worse. There are other ways to help yourself. The other point of this book is to show that your loved one may feel just as helpless and miserable as you do. When they turn to you, tell them to ask for help. Tell them you’re there if they need you. The answer to any unhealthy anger, sadness, or resentment you have inside is going to come from inside yourself. You can tell yourself that someone else could help you, or you can figure out how to change yourself so that your loved ones won’t have to fight your battles for you. By the way, I also love this book for helping me to help my kids understand why they feel what they feel. And what’s more, I love it for helping them to find ways to get to where they want to go in life. You’ll love it too. Feel free to join the conversation and comment on your experience with this book. Have you read it? If so, what was the most helpful thing you took away from it? I’d love to hear from you! If you’ve read this post, you know that I love all things relationship and dating. It’s one of the main things that makes me want to help people. That’s why I’m so excited that I get to give away a copy of this awesome book: I’ve never been able to talk about this book without sobbing. It’s a book that has helped me think about relationships in a completely different way. This book is a collection of all the things you need to learn to be successful with your relationships. It covers the big things that are hard to talk about and makes it easier to connect and communicate with each other. We all know that feeling when someone asks us something, and we start feeling anxious and scared. We get so nervous that we aren’t able to think clearly, and we start feeling even more nervous. We get even more nervous and we can feel