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That turned dark q
That turned dark q
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reall
Ships were lost du
Stop dancing like

But first, you and
Joe's Bar and Gril
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Ships were lost du
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
Chapter 1. Once
That turned dark q
That turned dark quickly. Instead ****** saw through the darkness for once and came up with a brilliant comment. The best thing about the nighttime is at the moment I can't see your stupid face, it's so funny. ******* smirked at the comment which he had thought of himself. Oh that was pretty good if he did say so himself! ******* was stunned and stunned for a very good reason. He was still lost for words, all he managed was *******. ******* and the reason why this made ****** so much lighter was because he had finally found the lightness in ******* that had been there all along. This was truly turning into a fantastic night. ****** had this feeling in his heart, that he was falling in love. ****** suddenly felt a bit awkward about the whole situation and began staring at his feet once again, not able to look ****** in the eyes. ****** was pretty used to being stared at by other people, but with ****** things were turning out very differently. I just feel it's not as easy as you do. The rest of your family has to be there at the same time. For example, your sisters and you must all be at the same time together or else it doesn't count. But in order for me to be with you, it has to be whenever we can, I mean, whenever we have time together. ******** and this was the point where it was getting a bit more difficult for ****** to concentrate. I don't think I need to worry about all of that, I'm sure you will be fine. You know, your sister can't have babies, she's too young. I'm sure we could go out for a few months without running into any problems. ****** had been staring at the ground throughout the entire conversation and when ****** heard the rest of the conversation he looked up to see if ****** was going to make eye contact again but there was nothing and ****** had to let his head fall. It was clear, ****** wasn't going to make eye contact again. ******** and this was when ****** went completely lighthearted. There was no more of that dark and serious side to ****** anymore, ****** felt light. The entire conversation had been all about him. ****** was on the right track because the ****** kept smiling and giggling, there was a small sense of happiness in him once again. He had been happy just to have ****** make eye contact with him and ****** still could not believe ****** had made eye contact with him. ******** and this was when ****** seemed like he was completely unaware of ******'s own happiness and didn't seem to see it at all. As soon as we go out we will be in constant contact. ****** was happy that ****** wasn't just a one night stand that he had been in hopes of becoming. ****** had to accept that ****** had made ****** extremely happy in the short amount of time he had known ****** and it would take a lot more than a few weeks for him to become content with that. ******** and this was when ****** had to have realized what had happened. ****** had just realized that ****** had a feeling of affection towards ****** which caused him to show it to ****** and at that point ****** was very content. It didn't matter that ****** had been so young or that ****** had been such an emotional wreck when he had first heard of the pregnancy but ****** had never felt so happy as a result of finding out ****** wasn't just a one night stand. I have a feeling that by the end of the conversation ****** would be extremely satisfied with how everything had turned out and possibly in the end, ****** might have realized he had feelings of affection towards ****** despite all the darkness that had surrounded him earlier. It's just that ****** wasn't one to share his emotions very often, he thought it was weird and he was unsure of how to express himself. No, it's not that. ****** was just a lot happier than he had ever been. ****** was so happy that he didn't know what to do with himself. ****** was also pretty confident ****** was in love with ****** because ****** wasn't even aware that ****** was staring at the ground the entire time he had been talking to ****** and his face was still showing ****** how much he was happy. It didn't take very long for ****** to get over the initial awkwardness and embarrassment because ****** realized that ****** had finally found the happiness ****** had been looking for for so long. ****** had actually become so happy he had to share it and ****** couldn't have been any happier. ****** had actually become so used to people making fun of him because of his blackened eyes that ****** had never made eye contact with a person in such a long time without having his head hanging. ****** knew it was just something that he had to get used to, but now he wasn't going to let it stop ****** from sharing his happiness with ****** or from not getting over his nervousness. ****** got to the point in which ****** was so happy that he didn't know how to express it but then once again ****** was confused when he heard ****** say that. ****** wanted to show ****** his happiness, but ****** had no idea what he was doing so ****** stopped. ****** had noticed this as well and realized that ****** was scared of telling ****** how he felt towards ****** and in the end ****** felt sorry for ****** because ****** had been so used to being teased for how he felt. It's no big deal at all, I'm happy. ****** was happy because he was finally standing up for himself and had finally gotten the courage to show ****** how happy he was. This was ******'s happy moment and ****** was extremely happy that ****** had finally learned to accept and love himself. ****** was still smiling even when he thought ****** had forgotten about ******'s request. No, it's okay. ****** was okay with keeping his feelings to himself and was happy with how he felt about himself. ****** wanted to know how ****** was, but was too afraid to ask. ****** said he was happy with the way ****** was doing and continued looking at ****** with an expression that was more than just happiness but also a few smiles. I have a feeling that it will be okay. ******** meant something else entirely, ****** hoped that he would give ****** a chance to fix things with his family. ****** couldn't have made ****** any happier. ****** did not understand everything that ****** was saying, but it didn't matter. ****** understood what ****** was trying to tell him. ****** had always thought that he and ****** had feelings for one another and because ****** understood ****** he felt even happier than he had been before. ****** was finally learning how to express himself, how to be himself. ****** finally had someone who understood him completely and after this conversation ****** had finally realized that he was gay. I thought it was really hard to explain, I had to think about it for a while before I figured it out, but I guess that's why you are the writer and I'm not. I just hope that ****** will realize how much ****** loves ****** and ******* because that makes me feel really happy, the fact that ****** accepts me. This was the first time ****** had told ****** he loved him and ****** could feel ****** accepting his feelings all the way. ****** was so happy that ****** hadn't even noticed it but ****** was happy that ****** was finally happy with him. I can't be gay because ******* has to be there at the same time. ******** was completely unaware that ****** had just found out how ****** felt towards him, but ****** was so happy ****** had finally been happy with himself and to show this to ****** was one of ******'s happiest moments. ****** had been really nervous about what he would say to ****** and was relieved that he had only had to explain it to ****** once. ****** was not in the mood to be having so many discussions and he figured ****** should call a temporary end to this conversation, but ****** did not want ****** to and ****** was happy that ****** could help ****** feel happy again. ****** had to take a breath, one of the saddest moments of his life. ****** hated being the person that had broken ******'s heart