Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reall
Ships were lost du
Stop dancing like
Chris! I told you
We've recently dis
Concrete may have
Chapter 1. Our stThat turned dark quickly. Instead
of being a positive, I ended up saying
I'm feeling a little vulnerable because I'm so far away from home.
But what would have been better would
have been to say I'm being inspired.
I believe she had been working really hard
before, she had the stamina and all that
but this has really inspired her.
Now let's look at the following example. I
am planning on having a little look on
Instagram while I travel and I want to
show my son my adventures and my travels.
So first of all, she's feeling inspired
by her son. A good sign.
She just made a mistake.
She said I am planning to.
That's almost the same as, I am going to.
Second of all, she's looking forward to her plans.
Let's take a look at the next example.
I am planning on seeing the Grand Canyon
from the top of a mountain.
I am so excited.
Well, I can't think of what she could
possibly say after that.
I am so excited?
But as I said, maybe she was planning
to show me the Grand Canyon from the top of a mountain.
Because something very exciting is
happening on your side, maybe you're a
basketball player. Maybe you have the chance to be chosen for a
tournament or a final or something.
That's why we go on travels.
But it didn't work out. We had no
chance to see it, but I am so
excited about my new job.
It was a mistake.
Well, even better. I'm excited.
That's because she's working on something
very exciting and it's good for her
because she loves that.
Well, I don't understand what she's excited
about, but if it's something good
for her that should be something good.
I'm excited about my new position.
I'm already so excited.
It was a mistake.
It doesn't sound great to me.
I'm very excited.
OK, for her, we don't know.
It could be good for her,
it could be bad for her.
We don't know. It doesn't
matter, but I am so
excited about my new position.
Now let's look at the third example.
The final thing I have left is the following.
I'm so tired, I am so tired of my
life, I feel so horrible,
I wish I could die.
It's not the question that you
really want to hear,
but at least you're being honest.
So let's take a look.
Maybe she's going to lose her job or
maybe she wants to work less and she feels
she is just way too busy.
It's not the right day for that one.
If you are tired of your life, it
would be better to make a schedule.
It would be great to have a plan,
it would be great to have the focus on what
is important for you.
The last thing is it's all about thinking,
we talked about that in the first video.
But to be honest about the things
that really matter.
She is telling it like it is.
These are the things you want to be
able to say when something is
going on with you.
But now, we are finally getting to the
things that we want to learn from the
beginning of the video.
In the last step, we talked about what
it really matters. But when you really
do matter, you will have the power,
the courage and the strength to take action.
Even if you are tired of your life.
You will say I am strong.
You don't need to convince anyone.
This is one of those things that is
already known, but we are going to
learn a little bit more, we will
discuss a little bit more,
because when it comes to stress
people have so many doubts,
so many different things going on
that they don't even know if they can
make any difference in their situation.
We already know how to do that.
But what would you do if you don't
need to convince yourself first.
How are you going to look at this one?
My husband always tells me,
you're strong.
Good for you.
Is he proud of you?
So yes, we don't have to convince
ourself that we are strong.
What do you want to be?
You need to think about the things
that really matter.
There are a couple of things you need to do.
First of all, the most important is
to know who you are.
What I mean is that there are
certain things you need to know
and certain other things you can easily
learn about yourself.
We talked about that in the previous step.
We saw that, but you have to figure
out who you are first,
because when you know that you are a
very different person in the morning than
you are in the evening, you need to know
what you would like to be in the evening.
If you were a woman that had
children, you'd be different.
I have a daughter. If I had a son,
I would be different.
If you were a man and you had a spouse
and you had kids.
If I am going to tell you who you are,
it's basically to know where you are going,
it's to know who you are already.
You need to know your character and
then you can make it better,
because at the end of the day, it's all
about your own attitude.
It's not about someone saying, how could
you be like that? No.
If you were the one saying how could
you be so strong? The most important thing is,
who you are and you need to figure that
out first, then you can make it better,
because if you are not satisfied with
who you are, you won't be able to
make it better. That's the problem.
It's because you're not satisfied, that
we have a lot of things to blame, a lot of
mistakes. It's not because it is a lot of
mistakes and things to blame and everything
because we are not being satisfied.
We are saying it wrong, but when it
comes to happiness, it's always about
who we are.
We are not saying it is a mistake
when it comes to happiness.
Because we all know that most
of the things that we do, or we don't
know that we can change, we can change
them. If you don't like the
soup, you can ask for a different soup,
but you can't have your dream partner,
your dream job, etc.
If you are a woman and you love
men, you can't change that.
That's something we don't
talk about that much.
It's something we should talk about
more often. We are so used to that
when you are a woman and you are trying
to please the man. If you don't please
the man, if you do something wrong, it's
considered to be a mistake.
You are trying to be someone you are not.
But if you do something wrong, it's a
mistake. But if you are a woman who loves
men, it's your problem.
What is that a mistake?
We can do a lot of things, but
if we don't know who we are,
we can do the things that
we like or we don't
like, but there is no reason to
talk about that.
We are just talking about how to
be a very strong person.
There's no need to mention about how
to be a very strong person.
There's no reason to not
know how to be a very strong person,
if you only know what you don't like.
That's the problem.
You are so used to being unhappy
and it's always about, well,
I don't know, I don't know.
Maybe it's the wrong food,
maybe it's the wrong person,
maybe it's a mistake,
maybe it's the wrong
partner, I don't know.
Maybe I don't know how to ask for
what I really need or want.
The first thing is to know who you are.
I talked about this in the previous video.
We talked about that.
This is one of the most important steps
in our journey.
I don't know if you noticed, but
I said the first two times that
this is a very challenging path.
We have to be very honest