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Swoop In For The K
AI and Neural-Net
Scene News: Warez,
Tell a Good Lie, N
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Going Down in Flam
Trial By Fire
The First 27 Days

I'm Not As Dumb As
People are leaving
Double Agent
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Gettin' to Crunch
Criminal Attorney,
Trade-war shortcut
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Ready to Bite the Apple** **Practice** The purpose of practice is to develop skill and knowledge to perform skills. Practice allows the brain to connect to movement through repetition. **Make It HAPPEN** The objective of practice is to perform the skill in ways that increase the chances that it will happen during the game and in the game. **Repeat Practice** The best way to improve the skill is by practicing it until it is automatic. **A Quick Review** Performing a skill well is more than having good technique. There are ten stages of skill, which include a variety of tasks: • _Visualizing_ the object or concept of the game and learning the various components of the skill that need to be mastered. • _Breathing_ and getting the diaphragm to aid in relaxation, relaxation, and release of tension. • _Planning_ the order of priority of tasks, so that you are ready to respond to what happens during the game. • _Placing_ your feet, with the appropriate amount of pressure and a sense of balance. • _Walking_ the feet and legs through each of the steps of the skill. • _Rotating_ the shoulders in the arm swing. • _Swinging_ the arms at the shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. • _Pivoting_ the body as needed. • _Feeling_ the ball and the impact on the body as it is in motion and in position. • _Responding_ to the environment as the ball moves and the ball bounces off of the racket, the court, and any other things in motion. • _Observing_ your progress as you perform the skill. • _Recording_ information about your level of performance and your progress. The skills you have worked on can be used in any sport or recreation activity. This makes it easier to keep your mind active and positive. It is a challenge that can be used for improvement and progress. It is also an opportunity to build your skills and confidence to increase your chances of success. # ## **The Bottom Line** • Sports have a built-in structure to set challenges and rewards and make sport fun for many reasons. • The reward for good performance is more challenging and stimulating activities. • In addition, the feeling of success and accomplishment reinforces progress. • Challenges are set to engage the senses, so we can be more aware of everything that is happening during the sport. • The combination of both challenge and reward is a fun, positive experience. • You learn how to deal with failure because of the challenges and rewards you receive during the sport. **Part III** **A Challenge** **7** **Setting Yourself Up for Success** # **What is the most important part of any sport?** **You.** You must have a positive attitude in order to be successful. It is also a part of taking care of yourself in order to feel and perform better. This chapter will deal with setting yourself up to perform well by using positive thinking and focusing your attention. You'll learn how to use strategies for being in a positive state of mind during competition, as well as performing in ways that will help you achieve better results. This includes using self-talk, taking action steps that lead to better performance, staying in the moment, focusing, getting organized, paying attention to effort, making your goals clearer, using visualization, focusing on the process of performance, and using your emotions. You will also learn what to do to help yourself rebound after a disappointing performance, or how to respond when someone else beats you or is better than you. **What Is Success?** **Success** is a part of each and every sport, as well as other aspects of life. It is when you feel a sense of accomplishment. It can be a win, a time when you are praised for your efforts, an improvement in performance, or the satisfaction you feel for a job well done. Success can be set by the goal for a particular aspect of your performance, such as to play a match or competition at a certain level, to improve your performance, or to meet a new skill. Some things can be measured or timed to see if the performance was successful. Success is also measured by meeting challenges in life and sport, especially when it involves using skills in a way that meets challenges in a positive way. The ability to learn from the experience will help increase the likelihood of succeeding and succeeding more successfully. Success means having the right attitude, energy, enthusiasm, and confidence to tackle challenges with the attitude that you can overcome them, and to use the knowledge and skills you have to succeed. This means staying positive and believing in yourself, and having goals, while at the same time not being so focused on the outcome that you put your goals in the wrong place. This means not obsessing over outcomes, but enjoying the process of achieving the goal. Success is knowing that you have the skills and knowledge to handle the demands placed upon you, but it is also acknowledging that other challenges will arise to test you, as well as yourself, and that you have the skills and desire to meet them. **What Is Successful Performance?** **Successful performance** is when your actions are consistent with your feelings, and your feelings make the actions automatic. When these actions are not automatic, you still have to learn new skills and work hard to develop your strengths. Success is having control of your thoughts and having a positive state of mind while performing. Success also has a component of success at the game level, which will not be explained in this book, except to say that your ability to practice skills successfully is related to the skills that you are trying to improve and master. # **You must begin to practice** **before you can succeed.** —ALBERT EINSTEIN It is important for you to succeed on the court. You need to become consistent with the practices that will prepare you to play better. When you succeed, you should feel successful because you have improved your skills and performance. These feelings will keep you positive. If you have already achieved success, it is important to stay motivated and keep working toward further improvement. This will help your play and your skills develop more positively. If you are just beginning a sport, it is important to get involved in a way that keeps you interested and excited, so you are committed and motivated. If you do not feel positive about the sport, it will not work for you. You will only be disappointed and will quit. It is important to find a way to enjoy a sport you are interested in. If you do not enjoy your sport, you will not continue with it. Be sure that you are motivated and interested in the sport. **Set Yourself Up for Success** **Getting ready to succeed** involves setting yourself up for success. The most important part of doing this is by training yourself to use positive thought patterns as you improve your skills. You need to use positive thoughts and feelings to help you perform. When you have challenges, have the skills to deal with them. This chapter will tell you what to do, so you can make yourself better at the sport. The chapter will also include tips on how to apply these techniques on a daily basis so they become habits of successful behavior. By making these aspects of your behavior a part of your lifestyle, you will increase your chances of succeeding. There are three basic steps to getting ready to succeed: 1. Make sure you get adequate sleep so that you can perform better. 2. Select the right type of clothing, the right shoes, the right music, and anything else that can make you feel ready to perform. 3. Practice positive thoughts and beliefs so you can succeed. **What You Should Do for Success** The first thing you need to do is be consistent with a new behavior pattern that makes a positive change in your success. If you have tried to make a change but it has not worked, you need to select something else to do. **Consistency** To get the full benefit of learning a new pattern of behavior, you have to practice consistently and over time. This means that you need to keep working on the new pattern, which includes making changes in your daily life. You also need to keep it up on a consistent basis so that it becomes a habit. Consistency is a pattern that occurs with all aspects of life, including a sport. The only way you will be able to perform at a high level is to practice at a high level, and to repeat the skills that have been mastered. The same applies to performance. If you want to play better, you need to practice better. The best way to achieve consistency is by making it a habit, so it is automatic. Being consistent with your thoughts and behavior means making them habitual. You will do it because it is a part of your day-to-day life, just as brushing your teeth and getting up in the morning are habits. You do not think about brushing your teeth. It is part of your routine. The same is true for your thoughts and behaviors. To be successful, you will have to adopt a positive, self-affirming outlook to make your skill level better. **The Magic of Success**