This is Where the
It Hit Everyone Pr
Just Go For It
Identify and Credi
Keep It Real
Banana Etiquette
Everyone is hookin
We Hate Our TribeApple in the Garden of Eden, the
Arabesque, the
The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights
The Arch: A Memoir of Madness, by Jean-Paul Sartre
Architecture and Fate
Architecture of the Sacred and Profane
Are You a Bromide?
Are You a Bromide? I Am the Spirit of a Man That's Made His Escape and I Have Just Begun to Doubt If Oblivion Is Eternal or If My Children Have a Few More Minutes of Life
Are You a Bromide? I Think So and I Fear I Am
The Arenas, The (Rudolf Brodetsky)
Ars Poetica
The Arts: Grades of Discrimination and the Value of Our Cultural Heritage (The)
Arzamas, The (Stranitzky)
Ash, Mary Kay
Ashbery, John
Astrey, John
Astrophil and Stella (Spenser)
Atalanta in Calydon (Thomson)
The Attar of the Desert (Najmuddin)
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
Australia of the White Man
Austrian School
Autobiography (Tolstoy)
Autoportrait: My Face (Sacher-Masoch)
The Awakening, The (Chopin)
Aziz, Hala
Babel, Isaac
Baedeker Guide to Rome
Bailly, Edmond de la
Ballet of Angels, The (Brancusi)
Ball's Bluff, Battle of
Balzac, Honoré de
Bamberg: Its Art and Its History, by Johann Jacob Christmann
The Band of Outsiders (Sacher-Masoch)
Barbette, Joseph
Barbusse, Henri
Bardot, Brigitte
Baring, Anne (Mrs. Humphry Ward)
Barnum, P. T.
Barrès, Maurice
Baruch, Bernard M.
Barthes, Roland
Barzun, Henri-Martin
Bashkir, Anna Sergeyevna
Bashkir, Faddei Israilovitch
Basmannyi L'uchitel' (The Little Theologian) (Pushkin)
Baum, L. Frank
Beardsley, Aubrey
Beauty Sleep
Beauty and the Beast (Grimm)
Bedbug, The (Maugham)
Bee, The (Dostoevsky)
Bel Ami (D'Urbino)
Bel Air (D'Urbino)
Belknap, Herbert
Belknap, Morris
Bely, Andrei
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Ben Jonson's Eternal Gallant
Bennett, Arnold
Bennett, Daphne
Bergstrom, Fred O.
Berkeley, Busby
Berkeley, George
Bernard, Émile
Bernstein, David E.
Bernstein, Leonard
Berzin, Alexander W.
Besant, Annie
Bible: The Authorized Version
"The Big Bad Wolf" (fairy tale)
The Birds (Audubon)
Black Beauty (Sterne)
Blackwood, Algernon (pseud. of William Blackwood)
Blackwood's Magazine, The (Blackwood)
Blanc, Melanges de
Blanche d'Antioch
Blanche d'Antioch (Sacher-Masoch)
Blanche de la Force (Sacher-Masoch)
Blake, William
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
Blesh, Rudi
Bloom, Harold
Blue Danube, The (Sacher-Masoch)
Blue Mountain Lake (Storm)
Bohemian Girl (Sacher-Masoch)
Boileau-Narcejac, Nicolas
Bolse, Frederick A.
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Book of Etiquette, The (D'Urbino)
Borodin, Alexander Nikolayevich
Boswell's Life of Johnson
Botho, Lidé
Bourdin, Pierre Louis
Bowles, Samuel
Boyce, George
Bozart, Franz
Bradstreet, Anne
Braid, James
Braille, Louis
Brautigan, Richard
Brenan, Gerald
Brinnin, John Malcolm
Brontë, Charlotte
Brontë, Emily
Brooke, Rupert
Brown, Charles Brockden
Brown, John
Browne, Roscoe
Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder
Bruno, Giordano
Brunswick, Prince of (Leopold of Tuscany)
Brutus, Marcus Junius
Bryher (Annie Winifred Ellerman)
Büchner, Georg
Buffalo Bill (H. R. Houdini)
Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasievich
Bull, Ole A.
Burke, Bill
Burns, William
Burr, Aaron
Burr, Raymond
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Bury the Dead (H. R. Houdini)
Bush, Abigail
Butler, Susan G.
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
Cain, James M.
Calderon, Antonio
Callas, Maria
Cambridge (Massachusetts) Hancock House
Cambridge Hancock House
Camille (Beardsley)
Campbell, Thomas
Capgras Delusion (Theory of Fugue) (de Clérambault)
Cardozo, Raymond Francis
Carter, Angela
Carter, Elliott (Alabama)
Carter, Jimmy
Cartwright, Frederick A. ("Fred") H. (fictional character)
Caruso, Enrico
Cary, Henry Francis
Cassatt, Mary ("Mme. M.")
Catherine the Great (witch)
Cavalcanti, Alberto
Cendrars, Blaise
Cézanne, Paul
Chabrier, Emmanuel
Chaliapin, Feodor Pavlovich
Chanel, Coco
Channing, William Ellery
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Charles I of England
Charles II of England
Charles V of Spain
Charles VII of France
Charles X of France
Chase, Ilka Rose
Chatterton, Thomas
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
Chevalier d'Harmenthal, René du (fictional character)
Childhood (Burgess)
Children of Their City (Dostoyevsky)
Chinese Water Rhyme
Chopin, Frederic
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens)
Christmas Ghosts (M. R. James)
Chung, Connie
Cinderella (Perrault)
Cinna (Euripides)
Civil War, American
Clairmont, James T. (fictional character)
Clark, Edward T.
Clark, Kenneth M. (fictional character)
Classical literature
Clemenceau, Georges Benjamin ("Georges")
Clement XIV, Pope
Clements, Keith R. (fictional character)
Clément-Grandcourt, Antoinette de la
Clemons, Daniel Paul
Clement XIV, Pope (pseud.) (Swift)
Clément-Grandcourt, Louis Michel de la (Houdini)
Cobham, Violet (Violette)
Cocteau, Jean
Cohan, George M.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
College and University Classics (Kittredge)
Columbus, Christopher
Conason, Alice
Conas, Daniel Louis Marie (pseud.) (Sacher-Masoch)
Concert for the Dead (Sacher-Masoch)
Conrad, Joseph
Constant, Benjamin (de Kostrowitzky)
Cooper, James Fenimore
Copeland, Peter A. (fictional character)
Copernicus, Nicolaus (Copernicus de Kujawy)
Copley, John S.
Copland, Aaron
Copperfield, David
Corelli, Marie Theresa
Cornelius the Centurion (Sacher