Apple in the Garde
This is Where the
It Hit Everyone Pr
Just Go For It
Identify and Credi
Keep It Real
Banana Etiquette
Everyone is hookin

The Twist
For Cod's Sake
Kind Of Like Cream
But it’s your arms
The Princess
Reptile husbandry
It’s a ‘Me’ Game,
This isn’t who I a
The Power of One! For people who like to be heard, The Power of One! is the program for you. Each one hour episode gives you up to one minute for yourself to say anything that comes to your mind and is important to you, like how you feel about certain topics, or how you see your life unfolding. You can use the time to speak out about what’s on your mind, talk about yourself, or speak about an issue that’s important to you. How to Play: Tune in to The Power of One! at 5:00 p.m. each weekday, and find out when the next episode is. Set your recorder to one minute and say whatever is on your mind during that time. It can be your voice or a script, but you have to read something. When you want to play your voice, just hold down the record button until the counter hits a one. Then, make sure the mic volume is turned up really loud. (Turn the microphone back down when you’re done.) And make sure you are facing the camera and have your head in the frame. Recording a Video Have you always wanted to be a YouTube star? Or record a video for YouTube? If you’ve got your own camera, that’s awesome! It’s so much fun to watch other people’s videos, so why not give it a try yourself? Whether you want to create a music video, documentary, or show us your pets, YouTube gives you the opportunity to share your ideas with the world. So if you don’t have a video camera or editing software, there are lots of ways to create an amazing video. If you want to get started right away with your own show, these are some great free websites: VlogLounge is a free and easy way to record, edit, and upload your own videos. YouTube offers a selection of videos created by others that you can watch online or download. You can also start a community forum where you can share your videos, ask questions, and get advice. YouTube video topics: • Making a video • Editing a video • Uploading your videos • Viewing other people’s videos • Finding new YouTube videos to watch How to Create a Video with a Smart Phone If you don’t have a video camera, you can use your smartphone to make a video or podcast. Many cell phone cameras are digital, and it’s easy to get started creating your own video. Make Your Own Video: All you need is your phone and your voice! Set your video recording software or phone to one minute and just start talking. Then, you can share your video on YouTube, Google+ or your blog or website. Create a podcast: If you’ve ever downloaded a podcast, you can record a video podcast yourself. You can even do it from your phone, using these great apps: • Stitcher: Create your own podcast or audio show from your phone. • Audioboo: Use Audioboo to create, edit and share your own audio podcast. • iAnnotate: Use your phone to draw pictures over your recordings and share them with the world. Create Your Own Youtube Channel If you think you can create a better video than anything you can find on YouTube, you can make your own channel. Youtube is a great way to share your videos and give you the opportunity to get even more followers. If you have a blog or website, linking it to your YouTube channel will help build up traffic to your website. How to Do a Virtual Talk Have you ever wanted to speak on a topic that you know a lot about but don’t have the time to get trained to present to an audience? If you know a lot about your topic and your audience is willing to listen, why not do a virtual talk? You can do a virtual talk as a live event or you can record your talk and post it on a video site like YouTube. It’s a great opportunity to let people know about the latest information in your field. Ask A Question: If you need a really quick and easy way to get some attention for your channel or website, you can use this question form. How to Answer Questions About Your Products or Services If you have a website and a blog, you can start answering questions by creating a page on your website or blog for customers to ask questions. Or, you can create a form on your site to answer questions. You could even answer questions in your videos! Here’s a quick test of your knowledge of the topic: 1. Watch the first 20 seconds of this video and write down the answer in your notebook or on your computer. For example: What do you see in these images? 2. Watch the next 20 seconds of this video and answer the question out loud. If you’re recording a video, say the answer out loud so the person listening can hear your answer. Then, tell them to turn to your blog or website to find out more information. Ask your new friend to come back and visit your website to find out more information on the subject, and invite them to leave a comment on your blog. If they ask any more questions, answer them! It’s all part of the conversation and is a great way to build up your followers. Create a Free Blog If you’ve never blogged before, you might be wondering how to start a blog. Most blogs are run by people who are passionate about a topic, so the more fun you can make it, the more likely you are to have success. If you’re a beginner and just want to create something for yourself, start here: There are hundreds of sites to help you create your blog, and you can find a lot of great freebies on these websites: How to Build a Website If you want to be the next YouTube celebrity or post videos on your own website, you need to start with a domain name. Then you can create your own website with a custom design. If you want to create a website, here are some easy steps to get started: 1. Sign up for a domain name. There are so many to choose from! 2. Choose a host provider and sign up for an account. 3. Now, you’re ready to go and create your website! If you’re going to be selling stuff on your website or creating a YouTube channel, read the rest of these tips for more info! How to Build a Youtube Channel If you’re on YouTube, this is a great place to start to get a bigger audience and more exposure. You can build up subscribers and viewers by posting new videos and comments to your videos regularly. First, decide what kind of videos you want to create and what type of topics you want to cover. Then find out how many views your videos are getting. You can search for similar videos to help you get an idea. Once you have an idea, start by recording your video, then uploading it to YouTube. Follow the steps below to post a new video to your channel: 1. Create a Google+ account 2. Turn your YouTube account into a Google+ profile 3. Go to your YouTube account and start a new video 4. Click on the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner of your video and click on “add a new YouTube card” 5. Click on the “add YouTube card” link at the top of the page 6. Type in your Youtube channel name. 7. Complete the form with your Google+ account details and description. 8. Wait a few minutes for the video to be added to your YouTube channel! How to Tweet For Free If you want to get started on Twitter, you’ll need to sign up for an account and choose a username. Then you can start sending out tweets! Keep in mind, you need to choose a name for your account that’s catchy. There are many things you can do with your tweets, including advertising your own business or posting updates about things you’re working on in your life, like a book or story you’re writing. Here’s how to create your account and make your first tweet: 1. Sign up for a Twitter account. The first thing you want to do is choose a username that’s catchy and easy to remember, like “@Tina_Leather”. 2. Now that you have a username, you can sign up for your account. 3. You can even choose a photo that will be on your profile as well. Click the “Profile” tab at the top of the page. 4. You can choose a cover image and a header picture that will display on all your posts. 5. Now, go to the menu bar and click on “edit profile”, then go to the “Basic Information” page.