We're Finally Play
Villains Have More
Travel Agent Fare
Investing, Stocks,
The Jocks vs. the
Like a neon dream,
I Was Put on the P
The Dead Can Still
We're Finally Play
Baby with a Machin

MS Scarlett Feaver
Perilous Scramble
The Importance of
Pay-Day and Same-D
Like Selling Your
Now’s the Time to
All Hell Breaks Lo
The Dragon Slayer
The Hidden Immunit
What's the Beef?
Fight for Your Life or Eat Me.' " He's wearing a purple cloak, "like a character from 'Game of Thrones' ," she says. She laughs and jokes, "Why did you cut your hair? That's not your style." He rolls his eyes and says, "I know." "This Is It" ends, and the crowd goes nuts. They know they're coming back -- they just don't know when. Crowd members start going through each contestant's performance and critiquing them. "Eminem," they call out. "That was amazing." Someone else praises Eminem and says, "Good job." But someone else says, "It was better at your old show." Eminem gets in trouble for doing the same moves he did in his old show. (He says they've been performing that same routine for the past five years, and he can't do anything different.) When Will's name comes up, the crowd doesn't seem as into it. "Dude, his performance was terrible," someone says. "Why are you still going?" another person asks. "He was better at the old show." "He had all the hits, but this was better," someone else says. "This isn't like 'Idol' or anything." Someone in the front says, "It's like I want to punch him in the face." "That was painful," another person says. "We're not buying what you're selling." Onstage, Will is getting it. "What's the matter, what's going on?" he says to the camera. "How could you be so negative toward me?" He starts to read off a long list of insults: "You suck, you suck, you suck. And your performance was terrible." The crowd booed. "The same energy you have in Vegas you need to have in the studio, with me." In the end, they get a yes from 50. That's when they bring Jimmy and Megan onstage. It's a fun moment. After the episode ends, the judges are outraged. "What's wrong with you people?" Jimmy asks them. "You guys are so mean to us," Megan tells them. "He just killed it!" Jimmy adds. "What did we do?" judges Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey ask in a follow-up interview on "Ellen." "That was mean to him." The next day, Carey said she's surprised by the public reaction. "I wish we could go back and do it again and say, 'Can you believe they thought that? It was so mean.' But that is just what they felt like," she tells "GMA." "I didn't realize what we were doing." "I thought it was so mean to him," Minaj says. "I think that it would have been better if we had all been kind to him," Carey says. Will says he thinks the insults are normal, and he's not bothered. "Sometimes you're told you're going to be an expert at something, and they just don't believe it," he says. "You're told when you're five years old, and people are like, 'Hey, guess what, when you grow up, you're going to become a really famous singer.' And when you grow up, you can't do it." Now, he admits he did feel bad after "Ellen." "It was really hard for me to sleep at night, because you see the things that you say and how people see it," he says. "If I were able to take it back, I wouldn't say it to anyone." On Wednesday's show, the judges are still talking about it. "One thing that you've been struggling with, it looks like it's something that's hard for you to come to grips with -- is that you're not good at this?" Nicki asks Will. "Every day I'm trying to prove myself," he says. "I'm just going to keep taking shots." "Do you want to keep going?" Mariah asks. "I'm going to keep working on what I do," he says. And if that's what he does, he could go far. He has a great voice and lots of personality, and that gets noticed in the world of "The Voice." "What matters most is he's a real singer and a real artist," says Mariah. After the show, he has a message for the haters. "I love you guys. Thank you for this opportunity," he says. "I promise you will love what you see and hear when you see the final results, because I'm going to make sure you have something to be proud of." He's just trying to be true to himself. And make the fans proud. Tune in Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to see who makes it to the finale. If you want a sneak peek of "The Voice," you can watch Wednesday night's episode online.